Detroit Police shoot 7 year old girl in the neck.

It just pisses me off how these pigs always feel the need to go hard when its one of us. I doubt something like this would happen in a meth lab in the suburbs. You sign up for this job dont take yo *****ness out on innocent people. You a scary quick to shoot your shadow type of snake go be a insurance salesman.

Give these idiots some kind of non fatal weapons enough to stun or something so when these dumb *%@+# feel like having "accidents" they wont kill civilians.

I dont know what i'd do if she was my daughter, niece, sister. People get murder/manslaughter charges for accidents all the time. This pig shouldn't be treated any different.

R.I.P Aiyana
not sure if the suspect was actually in the vicinity when they shot, but i can't believe the things some of these cops get away with
. there has to be some kind of strategy used for when kids could potentially be in the area. R.I.P. to 7-year old girl...
people seriously think the cops intended to kill a 7 year old girl that day? how is it not an accident?

somebody should be charged with manslaughter at the least
Things just getting wilder and wilder...and no one is going to jail for this one either.
Her father, 25-year-old Charles Jones, told The Detroit News he had just gone to bed early Sunday after covering his daughter with her favorite blanket when he heard a flash grenade followed by a gunshot. When he rushed into the living room, he said, police forced him to lie on the ground, with his face in his daughter's blood.

"I'll never be the same. That's my only daughter,"

That is just so wrong.

At first police said the gun went off during an "altercation" with the girls grandmother then later said maybe it was not an altercation and the officer could have simply "bumped into" the elderly woman causing the gun to go off but now the lawyer for the family has a copy of the tape as he says...

Fieger says he viewed video Monday morning that he says shows officers on the porch of the home. He says the video shows the use of a flash grenade while a gun was fired from the porch at the same time. He says the video proves there was no scuffle between the grandmother and police officers.

Firing into a house from the porch...serioulsy.
Originally Posted by Manglor

Her father, 25-year-old Charles Jones, told The Detroit News he had just gone to bed early Sunday after covering his daughter with her favorite blanket when he heard a flash grenade followed by a gunshot. When he rushed into the living room, he said, police forced him to lie on the ground, with his face in his daughter's blood.

"I'll never be the same. That's my only daughter,"

That is just so wrong.

At first police said the gun went off during an "altercation" with the girls grandmother then later said maybe it was not an altercation and the officer could have simply "bumped into" the elderly woman causing the gun to go off but now the lawyer for the family has a copy of the tape as he says...

Fieger says he viewed video Monday morning that he says shows officers on the porch of the home. He says the video shows the use of a flash grenade while a gun was fired from the porch at the same time. He says the video proves there was no scuffle between the grandmother and police officers.

Firing into a house from the porch...serioulsy.
 That part especially has me heated.
more info:

Fieger: Video challenges police account in fatal shooting

The Detroit News

Southfield -- Attorney Geoffrey Fieger said today he viewed a videotape that contradicts police accounts of the fatal shooting of a girl by Detroit police.

Representing the family of Aiyana Jones, 7, Fieger said the video shows the girl was shot while officers were still outside her home.

Police originally said the shooting occurred while an officer and the girl's grandmother were wrestling over the weapon, then said it might have occurred while the two collided during the raid.

"That's a complete and utter falsehood," Fieger said during a press conference at his Southfield office.

Fieger said he will file lawsuits in federal and state court on Tuesday.

He said the video doesn't show the shooting, but that he could hear the shot being fired "milliseconds" after police tossed a flash grenade into the home.

He wouldn't say how he got the video or where it was currently located.

Aiyana Jones was sleeping on a couch when she was struck in the neck/head area during the police raid at about 12:40 a.m. Sunday at a two-story duplex in the 4000 block of Lillibridge on the city's east side.

Police had initiated a no-knock warrant on Aiyana Jones' dwelling because they were looking for a man suspected in the fatal shooting of Jerean Blake, 16, on Friday outside a liquor store at Mack and St. Jean. Police say they got their man but have not said if he was arrested in the raid on the downstairs or upstairs apartment.

Both the Detroit police and the Michigan State Police are now investigating Sunday's shooting.
So is the aunts bf guilty or not? Because IF he is, its ultimately his fault. How you commit a murder and go hide with your family in a house with kids. SMH.
Originally Posted by awwsome

To serve and protect huh?
R.I.P. to the young lady, despicable.

Dude be quiet with that mess. One mistake doesn't mean all officiers are bad. rip to the girl
Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

So is the aunts bf guilty or not? Because IF he is, its ultimately his fault. How you commit a murder and go hide with your family in a house with kids. SMH.

this is true. making his family's house hot. i wonder if the family knew what he'd done because if so then they should be living w/ guilt as well for housing a wanted murderer.
terrible situation any way you look at it. Cop should def be charged w/ involuntary manslaughter at the very least.
RIP to the little girl.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

This broke my heart when I heard the news today....and it gets worse...
[h1]Aiyana Jones (Update): Police Raid that Killed Child Was "Flawed," Says Lawyer; Filming for TV Got Officers "Excited"[/h1]
Posted by Caroline Black Leave Comment

Aiyana Jones (Family Photo)

DETROIT (CBS/AP)  A lawyer for the family of 7-year-old Aiyana Jones, who was shot and killed during a police raid at their Detroit home Sunday morning, believes the police operation was flawed and heavily influenced by camera crews who were filming the raid for A&E's crime show "The First 48," according to a published report.

Aiyana was fatally shot early Sunday morning during a raid targeting a homicide suspect, when police say an officer's gun discharged and struck the sleeping girl in the neck.

Detroit police spokesman John Roach confirms that the raid and attempted arrest of a homicide suspect at the two-unit house was being videotaped for an episode of the reality crime-show "The First 48." Roach said investigators are going through the footage to determine what happened, reports The Detroit News.

The Assistant Chief of the Detroit Police Ralph Godbee would notcomment on newspaper reports that neighbors told police there werechildren in the house and showed them toys in the front yard beforethey threw a flash grenade through the window of the house.

Apparently, the 34-year-old murder suspect the Detroit police were searching for shares the home with Charles Jones, Aiyana's father. However, according to Oak Park attorney Karri Mitchell,"There was nothing but innocent people in the home where they put this flash grenade."

Even though a no-knock search warrant allowed police to search both apartments, Mitchell told The Detroit News the police "were excited; they were on TV...They didn't have to throw a grenade through the front window when they knew there were children in there."

"We're not indicating the officer's actions were intentional," Mitchell told The Detroit News. "We know it was an accident, but the method that they used in executing the search warrant was flawed. The family understands that the officer is not a monster. He didn't intentionally shoot a 7-year-old girl."

The suspect was in a different unit of a multi-family home, so thats no excuse. They shouldn't have been been in that apartment.

And the pigs were most likely going that hard because they were taping a first 48 episode.

Truly disgusting.

That's why she got killed? TV %%$@?
Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by awwsome

To serve and protect huh?
R.I.P. to the young lady, despicable.

Dude be quiet with that mess. One mistake doesn't mean all officiers are bad. rip to the girl

One mistake?
Even more disgusting that this was being filmed for some tv show - putting civilians on tv as if they're sideshow freaks and catapulting the already inflated egos of these incompetent "police officers" as if they're some special brand of soldier rather than the reckless and corrupt cowboys they really are.
Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by awwsome

To serve and protect huh?
R.I.P. to the young lady, despicable.

Dude be quiet with that mess. One mistake doesn't mean all officiers are bad. rip to the girl

One mistake?
Sure Detroit police has it's faults but there's no reason to stereotype the other hard working cops that actually do their job honorably. Stuff like this probably makes cop not care how they act, etc. Who you gonna call when someone breaks into your house and you have nothing to protect yourself? I'm glad we have cops and best of all their service is free...cough.
The police force in general, is too negligent...

They use their authoritative powers, with out any control
Damn and those dudes tried to cover it up too? Where's the accountability? I hope they get an even more severe punishment for trying to absolve themselves of any wrongdoing.
I'm glad we have cops and best of all their service is free...cough.


You are a smart guy so i think you know we all pay for that out of our own pockets bro.

Everyone knows not all cops are bad but i think it's ignorant to assume that bad cops are a rare thing.

Hell i don't even think it's uncommon these days. Anyone who cares to can see footage of cops beating people without cause and even planting drugs/guns on innocent people and laughing about it while they do it. Think about how much of that stuff doesn't get filmed. Or happens to people with no creditbility at all whose complaints go unheard just because of who they are. Sure you gun down an innocent 7 year old and it's on the news but what about when you gun down someone who isn't innocent but isn't violent or armed either? No one really cares then do they? That doesn't make it any less wrong tho.

I've personally known 8 cops in my life. When i say known i don't mean had an encounter with, i mean actually knew them as people like old school friends or they date girls i know or marry friends or relatives. 3 of them are really cool guys who actually want to help people and care about the community and their own neighborhoods and treat everyone with respect whether they get treated the same way themselves or not. Another 3 of them just see it as a job and could really care less about people or justice and just want a paycheck at the end of the week. The last two are pure bastards that hate themselves and everyone else and use their job as an excuse to have power over people and abuse everyone they can get away with abusing and brag about it constantly. Dozens of people file complaints against them and nothing ever comes of it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if i heard they murdered people.
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