"Demarco Murray was having an affair with my wife" - Ex-teammate, Brennan Clay

So once the girl hits a golden age number she's good? :lol:

Yall need to read what you type out loud before hitting reply
Nah, a chick in her 30's will likely have learned from experience and not be in her "making mistakes" phase like a late teen/22 year old with a kid would be......

I'm speaking on experience.... so enlighten me with yours.

Exhibit A, like I said don't matter if a woman had kids during a marriage or not yall think its damaged goods
what... who is talking about a married woman building a family being damaged goods.?

are you talking about knocked up twice and divorced before 22 years old..... that's a red flag then.
Someone said unless the woman had those kids in wedlock then she is a bust down. Now it's if she had those kids during a marriage but is now divorced she's silll a bust down. Which goes back to my original statement, if a woman has kids men think she's damaged good it doesn't matter if she had those kids during a marriage or not.

"Kids out of wedlock" doesn't mean anything.
I'm convinced you live an alternative lifestyle and I say that with all due respect. 

your post are just 
 ...it's the only explanation. 
Not really Im just saying my girl has my kid we not married and she's not a bust down .. that's all
I never said a chick was in this scenario either. This lady has TWO kids.....I said if she had 'em outta wedlock then that's a red flag.

You said "well what if she was married" and I said then that's cool but why did she get married again.....no matter how you look at this particular chick she is a walking red flag. This simp got played because he put her on a pedestal. 
insecure about what?

You wont take her srs because she has kids at a early age, what if she doesnt want you to play step dad & just wants a good dude in her life, her "bad decisions" wont make you do that, she has to be in her 30s right?
Nobody is calling these women bad, they're saying due to what they know of their sexual history they're hos.

Now whether hos are bad or not is subjective imo.
1. Men "these days" are alot more lenient with having baby mommas and dating chicks with kids than anytime in the past ... so why even add "these days"?

2. I never said a chick is a **** but she may be unworthy to ME... I can have certain standards and I judge women on my standards in reference to whether I would date/wife... You and clay can wife whoever.

3. 2 kids by 20/21 = pregnant in highschool = poor decision making skills = red flag...
exactly chick basically had 2 kids before she had a high school diploma... and folks sitting up here saying a chick who gotta get someone to babysit their TWO kids in order to go to prom is the same as a grown woman who was married and had a committed relationship with a husband....lol

Are ppl really saying chicks who have a build a bear family by graduation is the same as a grown women having kids with a husband and things didnt work out
You wont take her srs because she has kids at a early age, what if she doesnt want you to play step dad & just wants a good dude in her life, her "bad decisions" wont make you do that, she has to be in her 30s right?
I'm insecure because I won't take her serious?

Do you even know how much time and energy a kid takes? let alone two of them?

and she has time to date... and she's not worried about the guy she's starting a relationship with having a relationship towards her kids?

That's just more red flags
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1. Men "these days" are alot more lenient with having baby mommas and dating chicks with kids than anytime in the past ... so why even add "these days"?

2. I never said a chick is a **** but she may be unworthy to ME... I can have certain standards and I judge women on my standards in reference to whether I would date/wife... You and clay can wife whoever.

3. 2 kids by 20/21 = pregnant in highschool = poor decision making skills = red flag...

Once again i'm not speaking on your personal flags/judgements i'm talking about the overall attitude in general of many men nowadays looking to put down woman at all cost. I could understand dudes despising chicks who are out here tryna **** ball players for a come up, **** them they ain't part of this.

I'm talking more on the overall attitude i've been seeing in general from men which want to shame woman for damn near everything. She got a tight dress on she's a how, she takes to many pics she's a ***, she talked to more than two ****** in the same country she a ***.

It's getting to a point where some of these men are damn near hating women, that's a real *****made attitude IMO, once again i'm not speaking directly about your preferences i'm just trying to advance the convo.
I'm insecure because I won't take her serious?

Do you even know how much time and energy a kid takes? let alone two of them?

and she has time to date... and she's not worried about the guy she's starting a relationship with having a relationship towards her kids?

That's just more red flags
exactly... dudes just trying to make any scenario to justify caping and saving ohs....

I dont care how you try to word it spin it... a chick who damn near has a family before graduating high school has made poor decisions... and wasnt in any form of a long term committed relationship period. 
hell no...not playing step dad to two kids. One kid is one thing but two? hell no....I got better ways to spend my time. Now if we're in our 30's and her kids are damn near grown then yea but I'm not raising two preschool aged kids that's not mines. 

idk man i aint fittna wife up a chick or be serious with one that has 2 kids by 22. **** that. And if he has dam near grown kids in her 30s then theres a lot to consider. ***** was proly a *** bigtime call me insecure but **** that.

Nobody is calling these women bad, they're saying due to what they know of their sexual history they're hos.

Now whether hos are bad or not is subjective imo.

Its hard to read this thread. Dudes posting a lot o non sense and thread is moving to fast.

But yeah this ***** is a ***.
Once again i'm not speaking on your personal flags/judgements i'm talking about the overall attitude in general of many men nowadays looking to put down woman at all cost. I could understand dudes despising chicks who are out here tryna **** ball players for a come up, **** them they ain't part of this.

I'm talking more on the overall attitude i've been seeing in general from men which want to shame woman for damn near everything. She got a tight dress on she's a how, she takes to many pics she's a ***, she talked to more than two ****** in the same country she a ***.

It's getting to a point where some of these men are damn near hating women, that's a real *****made attitude IMO, once again i'm not speaking directly about your preferences i'm just trying to advance the convo.

Those be the dudes that think they got a "good girl" too :lol:
Idk when all these Ns gonna realize, these thotties are for everyone breh.....**** just looking for the next comeup always..Smash, Dash & stack ur bread up/find your true purpose, women usually send good cats off track

Also wanna send a shoutout to all my "Herbivore" Ns out in japan, them dudes are really bout that F B**es get money life....it'll catch on in the U.S. once every dude has been fleeced to the point where they actually switch up their thinking. Gotta straight ignore these money grubbers & just get what you want from em (yambs)
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Once again i'm not speaking on your personal flags/judgements i'm talking about the overall attitude in general of many men nowadays looking to put down woman at all cost. I could understand dudes despising chicks who are out here tryna **** ball players for a come up, **** them they ain't part of this.

I'm talking more on the overall attitude i've been seeing in general from men which want to shame woman for damn near everything. She got a tight dress on she's a how, she takes to many pics she's a ***, she talked to more than two ****** in the same country she a ***.

It's getting to a point where some of these men are damn near hating women, that's a real *****made attitude IMO, once again i'm not speaking directly about your preferences i'm just trying to advance the convo.
You are trying to bring in other elements to this conversation...

stop saying "these days" "nowadays".... this is one of the most liberal times for women in human history... dudes is wifing strippers and former escorts like nothing.... You should be happy with the actual progress these liberated women have made.
Them single mothers at 30+ = a godsend.....


So if they have kids when they're in their 20s = red flag

But if they somehow survive to live onto their 30s = godsend? (30 plus single mothers do come off it with the quickness doe)

Nobody is calling these women bad, they're saying due to what they know of their sexual history they're hos.

Now whether hos are bad or not is subjective imo.

Theres "good" os?

How that work?
1. Men "these days" are alot more lenient with having baby mommas and dating chicks with kids than anytime in the past ... so why even add "these days"?

2. I never said a chick is a **** but she may be unworthy to ME... I can have certain standards and I judge women on my standards in reference to whether I would date/wife... You and clay can wife whoever.

3. 2 kids by 20/21 = pregnant in highschool = poor decision making skills = red flag...
Once again i'm not speaking on your personal flags/judgements i'm talking about the overall attitude in general of many men nowadays looking to put down woman at all cost. I could understand dudes despising chicks who are out here tryna **** ball players for a come up, **** them they ain't part of this.

I'm talking more on the overall attitude i've been seeing in general from men which want to shame woman for damn near everything. She got a tight dress on she's a how, she takes to many pics she's a ***, she talked to more than two ****** in the same country she a ***.

It's getting to a point where some of these men are damn near hating women, that's a real *****made attitude IMO, once again i'm not speaking directly about your preferences i'm just trying to advance the convo.
bruh you so off topic......you're bringing in **** that was never discussed in this thread. 
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Those be the dudes that think they got a "good girl" too
Bruh.... you try to convince me that dating a chick who had two kids by 20 years old is ok...

when you can't do that, you try to diss my dating preferences by insinuating im not dating a "good girl"....

c'mon b.... its rediculous
Any young woman who has TWO kids outta wedlock a bust down. I wouldn't recommend any guy to marry a 22 year old chick with two kids from another dude

If I had a family member that did the same she would be called a bust down too...I don't discriminate
Ehhhhhhhhhh... She was with another dude for YEARS. The guy didn't marry her but still. And she's been with Brennan since at least 2012, cuz he was talking about her being there for him during a tough season.

How is she a bust down, when as far as you know she's slept with three people.

You can call her a "bust down" for cheating, definitely,
but not for having two children out of wedlock. That's not fair. Plenty of unwed mothers out here man. NT can't be casting judgment like the Catholic church.
So if they have kids when they're in their 20s = red flag

But if they somehow survive to live onto their 30s = godsend? (30 plus single mothers do come off it with the quickness doe)
Teen pregnancy = ho?
maybe not but two kids as a teen.... no way i associate that with a person who makes wise choices... nor doing what is in the best interest for herself or the kids... Like what kinda substantial life can you provide TWO kids and basically bring two in highschool...? How is this not a sign of poor judgement and making poor decisions? Hell she at 22 isnt providing and taking care of herself... but yet it was wise and she could do it as a teen lol im come on really.

Im flabbergasted dudes are saying it isnt a red flag or poor judgement to have 2 kids in highschool moved on been married and headed for another relationship by your 21st bday.
Ehhhhhhhhhh... She was with another dude for YEARS. The guy didn't marry her but still. And she's been with Brennan since at least 2012, cuz he was talking about her being there for him during a tough season.
22 - 2 years married = 20....

2 kids = 1.5 year gestation and another 6 months rest period in between at the minumum....

So the oldest she was when she first got pregnant had to be 18.....

c'mon b.... she had a highschool relationship bruh... that don't even count
I'd say their both red flags but the older chick is most likely done with her ***-ing phase (not 100% either) and just wants a guy thats actually gonna treat her right...but cmon what N really wants to be captain save a thot?
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