"Demarco Murray was having an affair with my wife" - Ex-teammate, Brennan Clay

Exhibit A, like I said don't matter if a woman had kids during a marriage or not yall think its damaged goods
what... who is talking about a married woman building a family being damaged goods.?

are you talking about knocked up twice and divorced before 22 years old..... that's a red flag then.
woman with poor decisions making skills = red flag

that's it.... nothing more...nothing less

You wife em.... we'd one night em....
id say the same thing if a dude had a history of crime and by the age of 22 been served time...locked up twice going on a third strike... I mean i wouldnt say dude is the worse person ever... But it wouldnt be redic if someone question their character and choices decisions that man made in his life.
Lol what?

You born yesterday son?

Most asinine logic ever bro.

So every man whose wife ever cheated on him should of known better because hes obviously marrying a jumpoff?

Okay bro, strong logic fail.

Tons of good girls go bad bruh. I dont know enough about ol girl to make that judgement call and neither do you.
but this isnt every women...this is this particular women and all the signs was there... So are you saying every women who ever cheated doesnt choose to sleep with someone and are a victim?

You basically absolving any blame on her... or him for marrying this type of chick...and in a round about way saying demarco somehow took advantage of her... aka he did something wrong...

He slept with a woman who chose to give it up to him... he didnt rape etc... the women. SO i fail to see how she had no say so and the onus is all on him. 

He doesnt owe dude anything... He aint his family ok he went to school with dude ok and. Aint like they were brothers first cousins or nothing. If anything he should be grateful that if they were friends that a friend brought to light what kinda women she truly is.

You making it sound as if she was some good wholesome women and marco somehow connived and did something unethical immoral to force her to step out her marriage... if it wasnt him it wouldve been someone else.

The only constant is her.... she is the one who wanted to cheat, wanted to be unfaithful, and was gonna cheat regardless. SO point the finger at the person who caused all this... marco is just a victim of circumstance... he didnt initiate any of this... again unless you no he drugged raped her or blackmailed her of some sort to force her to stepout on her marriage.
You clearly didn't read and understand that by the amount of times you said "bad person" so I won't waste my time. But the fact you think that could be considered an ideal shows we're from different worlds, good luck to her anyone else with that frame of mind.

No once again like in many other post you didn't read nor comprehend a thing said in hear. One i stated constantly in my post that i'm not referring to the woman involved in the Murray situation, i was talking about any 22 yr old woman who has two children by one man & has the ability to take care of them.

Secondly, you straight up said any woman who's in that situation is a bad person, so now your ignorance was put in bold letters & you want to backtrack, dudes constantly talk out their *** on here, and wanna conclude when their stupidity is questioned.
You clearly didn't read and understand that by the amount of times you said "bad person" so I won't waste my time. But the fact you think that could be considered an ideal shows we're from different worlds, good luck to her anyone else with that frame of mind.

No once again like in many other post you didn't read nor comprehend a thing said in hear. One i stated constantly in my post that i'm not referring to the woman involved in the Murray situation, i was talking about any 22 yr old woman who has two children by one man & has the ability to take care of them.

Secondly, you straight up said any woman who's in that situation is a bad person, so now your ignorance was put in bold letters & you want to backtrack, dudes constantly talk out their *** on here, and wanna conclude when their stupidity is questioned.

Gibberish aside, show me this.
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Once again i ask if the woman has two children with the same man. Who the **** are you to question a womans decision making if she has all the capabilities of taking care of the child. Whose to say a woman at 22 (Once again not this cheating gold diggin joint) didn't plan to start their family from young.
I mean... this is the difference in types of women I've dated vs. you dated...

No need to get upset b, I have a different standard than you and clay.
Exhibit A, like I said don't matter if a woman had kids during a marriage or not yall think its damaged goods :lol:
what... who is talking about a married woman building a family being damaged goods.?
are you talking about knocked up twice and divorced before 22 years old..... that's a red flag then.
Someone said unless the woman had those kids in wedlock then she is a bust down. Now it's if she had those kids during a marriage but is now divorced she's silll a bust down. Which goes back to my original statement, if a woman has kids men think she's damaged good it doesn't matter if she had those kids during a marriage or not.

"Kids out of wedlock" doesn't mean anything.
id say the same thing if a dude had a history of crime and by the age of 22 been served time...locked up twice going on a third strike... I mean i wouldnt say dude is the worse person ever... But it wouldnt be redic if someone question their character and choices decisions that man made in his life.

Yes because Having Children & being locked up for crimes showcases the same lack of decision making skills :smh:
Someone said unless the woman had those kids in wedlock then she is a bust down. Now it's if she had those kids during a marriage but is now divorced she's silll a bust down. Which goes back to my original statement, if a woman has kids men think she's damaged good it doesn't matter if she had those kids during a marriage or not.

"Kids out of wedlock" doesn't mean anything.
If a chick has kids in late teens/early 20's and is single... guys will see her as damaged goods..

A chick with a kid in her 30's can be a prospect.... but the young ones with kids are flagged
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Gibberish aside, show me this.

[B]But are you seriously going to act like having two kids out of wedlock that young doesn't reflect poorly on your decision making? doesn't make you a bad person[/B]

- This was just stated by you... what the **** are you talkin about homie
Exhibit A, like I said don't matter if a woman had kids during a marriage or not yall think its damaged goods
what... who is talking about a married woman building a family being damaged goods.?
are you talking about knocked up twice and divorced before 22 years old..... that's a red flag then.
Someone said unless the woman had those kids in wedlock then she is a bust down. Now it's if she had those kids during a marriage but is now divorced she's silll a bust down. Which goes back to my original statement, if a woman has kids men think she's damaged good it doesn't matter if she had those kids during a marriage or not.

"Kids out of wedlock" doesn't mean anything.
I'm convinced you live an alternative lifestyle and I say that with all due respect. 

your post are just 
 ...it's the only explanation. 
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So once the girl hits a golden age number she's good? :lol:

Yall need to read what you type out loud before hitting reply
So some of yall wouldnt be bothered bein commited to a chick thats in her early 20s with 2 kids????? Da ****?!
Just for opinions

What's a better look

Getting married after a year because the chick got pregnant and you don't want kids out of wedlock or being in a relationship for 5 years, chick get pregnant, no marriage?
Gibberish aside, show me this.

[B]But are you seriously going to act like having two kids out of wedlock that young doesn't reflect poorly on your decision making? doesn't make you a bad person[/B]

- This was just stated by you... what the **** are you talkin about homie

***** are you ******ed? it literally says "doesn't make you a bad person". What the **** is wrong with you?
Someone said unless the woman had those kids in wedlock then she is a bust down. Now it's if she had those kids during a marriage but is now divorced she's silll a bust down. Which goes back to my original statement, if a woman has kids men think she's damaged good it doesn't matter if she had those kids during a marriage or not.

"Kids out of wedlock" doesn't mean anything.
i mean ppl are saying what if she was in a long term relationship...lol she is 22 she was/has been married for what 2 yrs now.... Im assuming before marriage her and clay dated sometime.... so lets say she was 18/19 with her second kid... When was this time frame to which she was in some serious long term relationship with her baby daddy?

Im sorry i dont count going to jr prom... sharing candy on the school bus and im each other... getting your parents to drop you off at the mall to meet your lil boyfriend as some serious adult... long term committed relationship.

So iuno what other ppl are saying but getting knocked up twice basically during high school... etc... by some dude you kick it with in homeroom and in the halls of school...is a lot different then being a adult, married living together etc... sharing a life together. 
Exhibit A, like I said don't matter if a woman had kids during a marriage or not yall think its damaged goods :lol:
what... who is talking about a married woman building a family being damaged goods.?

are you talking about knocked up twice and divorced before 22 years old..... that's a red flag then.
Someone said unless the woman had those kids in wedlock then she is a bust down. Now it's if she had those kids during a marriage but is now divorced she's silll a bust down. Which goes back to my original statement, if a woman has kids men think she's damaged good it doesn't matter if she had those kids during a marriage or not.

"Kids out of wedlock" doesn't mean anything.
I'm convinced you live an alternative lifestyle and I say that with all due respect. 

your post are just :lol:  ...it's the only explanation. 
Not really Im just saying my girl has my kid we not married and she's not a bust down .. that's all
So once the girl hits a golden age number she's good?

Yall need to read what you type out loud before hitting reply
Nah, a chick in her 30's will likely have learned from experience and not be in her "making mistakes" phase like a late teen/22 year old with a kid would be......

I'm speaking on experience.... so enlighten me with yours.
I mean... this is the difference in types of women I've dated vs. you dated...

No need to get upset b, I have a different standard than you and clay.

This ain't got anything to do with you or any women i've dated. It has everything to do with trying to figure out why "men" these days are so eager to try and project EVERY woman as a ***** or unworthy for minuscule things. It's a mindset of more separation and division that just doesn't have to be there.
So some of yall wouldnt be bothered bein commited to a chick thats in her early 20s with 2 kids????? Da ****?!
hell no...not playing step dad to two kids. One kid is one thing but two? hell no....I got better ways to spend my time. Now if we're in our 30's and her kids are damn near grown then yea but I'm not raising two preschool aged kids that's not mines. 
Just for opinions

What's a better look

Getting married after a year because the chick got pregnant and you don't want kids out of wedlock or being in a relationship for 5 years, chick get pregnant, no marriage?
she isnt hasnt lived long enough to have been in some long term 5+ yr relationship.... she is 22 on her third relationship... to which the last one was what a two yr marriage...

So I would say a girl married with two kids for one yr...is a better look then a chick who if you wanna call it dating.... being with a guy since like the 6/7th grade or so... and in that time frame getting knocked up twice.

Id agree with your premise if she was like 32 or 42.... but at 22 how can you be on a 3rd relationship after being married 2 or so yrs... and then before that had some 5+ yr serious dating relationship?
This ain't got anything to do with you or any women i've dated. It has everything to do with trying to figure out why "men" these days are so eager to try and project EVERY woman as a ***** or unworthy for minuscule things. It's a mindset of more separation and division that just doesn't have to be there.
1. Men "these days" are alot more lenient with having baby mommas and dating chicks with kids than anytime in the past ... so why even add "these days"?

2. I never said a chick is a **** but she may be unworthy to ME... I can have certain standards and I judge women on my standards in reference to whether I would date/wife... You and clay can wife whoever.

3. 2 kids by 20/21 = pregnant in highschool = poor decision making skills = red flag...
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So some of yall wouldnt be bothered bein commited to a chick thats in her early 20s with 2 kids????? Da ****?!

I personally wouldn't because my lifestyle isn't conductive to that situation, but i'm not going to sit here and call a woman a *** or unwifable because of her being in that situation.
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