"Demarco Murray was having an affair with my wife" - Ex-teammate, Brennan Clay

So if a chick had a kid from a marriage that just lets you know it wasn't a one night stand? Umm ok
um how are you gonna be in a long term marriage with kids and it be a one time thing hit it and quit it.... Do you realize what you just asked said.... 

Or are you saying ppl meet someone have sex with them one time and marry them all in one night on the reg lol.....

ppl meet a girl and sleep with them same day all the time... ppl meet ppl and just off/on have sex with them... not to many ppl treat marriage/wife in the same manner as having a cutbuddy.... or a booty call.
That "kids out of wedlock" yappin is nonsense, clearly if she had kids during a marriage yall would still be calling her a thot/bustdown/golddigger/lifetime child support seeker

Having multiple kids at 22 is a bad look period let's leave the marriage out of it.

That's all
Nah, i think a chick who is 22 and married with 2 kids is alot different than 22 single with 2 kids....

married and divorced puts her on the same plane as 22 and single with 2 kids...
That "kids out of wedlock" yappin is nonsense, clearly if she had kids during a marriage yall would still be calling her a thot/bustdown/golddigger/lifetime child support seeker

Having multiple kids at 22 is a bad look period let's leave the marriage out of it.

That's all
NT extreme 
You not just supposed to stay in a loveless relationship just because you have kids together.

That **** does more damage than splitting apart IMO.
You are supposed to have the social skills and relationship intelligence to filter who you let *** in your vagina.

A lapse in that judgement can cause lifelong changes..... so your decision making skills are on front street when you can't/don't want to/didn't plan to maintain a relationship with your baby daddy....

Same thing goes for dudes with baby mommas...

This is true, but you really gonna pretend like dudes be fronting/lying to get the box?

Females do the same, pretending to be into the somethings just to keep a dude around.

Some people have to build there decision making skills, thats only gonna happen through mistakes bro.
Let's just call it what it is. If you're a 22 y/o female with 2 kids, married or not you know your way around a cawk
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That "kids out of wedlock" yappin is nonsense, clearly if she had kids during a marriage yall would still be calling her a thot/bustdown/golddigger/lifetime child support seeker

Having multiple kids at 22 is a bad look period let's leave the marriage out of it.

That's all
thats an oxymoron cause your saying dudes would be saying she jumping from dude to dude if she was married and with one dude.... Ppl are saying she is like this because she had no type of committed relationship that can be proven... then add to the fact that she has jumped from dude to dude to dude at least three times... in such a short time span... that more then likely she was like this with her baby daddy...

Being single and dating playing the field... and happen to get pregnant is nowhere near the same as being in a committed relationship with ONE guy and yall having kids.. I just dont see how ppl can say dating around getting knocked up is the same as being married and having kids with your husband
Yall gotta remember half of NT is still in HS and think 30 is geriatric....
**** that

I'm outing dude and hurting him anyway I can. **** HIS marriage. **** his endorsements. **** his couch. **** everything.

And if he's down to see me in the hands, I'll do my best to put him out for the year and **** with his season too.

Dudes take that "take it like a man" steez a little too far.

Yeah marriage is another level man. I ain't mad at the man for going in (even though this was 2010). You can't just build a life with someone then go "oh welp, on to the next".
She cheated in 2010? You got cheated on in 2010? You got outed by a dude in 2010?
Oh naw I'm just assuming this happened back when they were at OK.
Nah man this is happening right now
This is true, but you really gonna pretend like dudes be fronting/lying to get the box?

Females do the same, pretending to be into the somethings just to keep a dude around.

Some people have to build there decision making skills, thats only gonna happen through mistakes bro.
mistakes like TWO children...?

mistakes like banging her husband's homie....?

You keep coming with that Clay mindset..
Nah, i think a chick who is 22 and married with 2 kids is alot different than 22 single with 2 kids....

married and divorced puts her on the same plane as 22 and single with 2 kids...
Then it would also change the dynamic of what kind of person she is... now if she wasnt working etc... what not and married with two kids that can be somewhat justified with being a housewife....

kinda hard to make that claim if you aint married... and aint working etc... to which i seen heard nothing about her working supporting these kids... so unless folks saying she was playing housewife even tho not being married... that right there would be a HUGE red flag on some she just had these kids for a payday.

Like if i met a chick no job kids... and just got divorced ok i can see this as ok she was a housewife.... husband made enough and wanted her to stay home with kids...

Thats different then a single chick with kids... aint married aint working... I cant see that as oh well she was a housewife... I see that as well this chick just had kids and living off baby daddy checks, etc...

I cant buy a chick being a stay at home mom who aint married and living off other dudes checks... I can understand a married chick who is a stay at home mom who husband fiscally supported this decision
Man I love women, and I don't ride that NT misogynist train. But are you seriously going to act like having two kids out of wedlock that young doesn't reflect poorly on your decision making? doesn't make you a bad person, doesn't make a ***, but i'm sure there were better alternate routes. Source, my younger sister and someone I used to mess with both have two kids around that age. Genuinely good people, just gets caught up in wrong place, wrong time a lot due to their decision making, and boy are they going through it. Just saying, along with tapering off the misogyny, NT needs to learn objectivity as well.

Objectivity.... Once again THIS woman we are discussing made bad decisions she did wrong.

However if we are talking about any random woman, how are u a bad person or showing bad decision making by having two children. If she has the means to take care of them, and can be a good mother too the kids WTF cares if she's married or not. How does that make them a bad person :smh:, this the **** i'm talkin about, then you have the nerve to preach objectivity. Just because you don't agree with the idea of having children young or don't believe people can handle it doesn't mean everyone shares those ideals.
This is true, but you really gonna pretend like dudes be fronting/lying to get the box?

Females do the same, pretending to be into the somethings just to keep a dude around.

Some people have to build there decision making skills, thats only gonna happen through mistakes bro.
mistakes like TWO children...?

mistakes like banging her husband's homie....?

You keep coming with that Clay mindset..

I aint talking about this chick smashing the homie, im talking about women in children in general.

You have a kid, its all good, have another one ish gets tough, things get said and done they slpit and the chick is a **** for that.

What if the first husband beat her or was a serial cheater? She supposed to say eff it and just stay around?
2 kids when your married is looked at as a bad thing now?

:smh: :smh:

no matter how old you are... If you are married and you have children... aint mad at ya..

hell, even if you aint married... are you just in a solidly committed relationship w/ someone and you have a kid... still dont see what's wrong w/ that.
Objectivity.... Once again THIS woman we are discussing made bad decisions she did wrong.

However if we are talking about any random woman, how are u a bad person or showing bad decision making by having two children. If she has the means to take care of them, and can be a good mother too the kids WTF cares if she's married or not. How does that make them a bad person
, this the **** i'm talkin about, then you have the nerve to preach objectivity. Just because you don't agree with the idea of having children young or don't believe people can handle it doesn't mean everyone shares those ideals.
like dude before said.... it reflects poorly on your decision making skills....that's it...

some people call women with poor decision making skills jumps....

a woman with poor decision making skills is a sad/dangerous thing... so we tend to not want to pursue relations with them (kids or not)

the kids are just an indicator...

she could very well be a great person... even after cheating on her husband she can bounce back and find a successful relationship living happily ever after...

but it will be a relationship with a guy like you... not us
2 kids when your married is looked at as a bad thing now?


no matter how old you are... If you are married and you have children... aint mad at ya..

hell, even if you aint married... are you just in a solidly committed relationship w/ someone and you have a kid... still dont see what's wrong w/ that.
id agree but she is 22 yrs old and for fact we know she has been with 3 different men in relationships.... so really what time has she had to be in a solid committed relationship... ? I mean are we counting jr highschool days lol... 7/8/9th grade... chick is basically 3 or so yrs removed from high school... chick isnt/hasnt even been around long enough to have had all these long term substaining relationships.
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Man I love women, and I don't ride that NT misogynist train. But are you seriously going to act like having two kids out of wedlock that young doesn't reflect poorly on your decision making? doesn't make you a bad person, doesn't make a ***, but i'm sure there were better alternate routes. Source, my younger sister and someone I used to mess with both have two kids around that age. Genuinely good people, just gets caught up in wrong place, wrong time a lot due to their decision making, and boy are they going through it. Just saying, along with tapering off the misogyny, NT needs to learn objectivity as well.

Objectivity.... Once again THIS woman we are discussing made bad decisions she did wrong.

However if we are talking about any random woman, how are u a bad person or showing bad decision making by having two children. If she has the means to take care of them, and can be a good mother too the kids WTF cares if she's married or not. How does that make them a bad person :smh:, this the **** i'm talkin about, then you have the nerve to preach objectivity. Just because you don't agree with the idea of having children young or don't believe people can handle it doesn't mean everyone shares those ideals.

You clearly didn't read and understand that by the amount of times you said "bad person" so I won't waste my time. But the fact you think that could be considered an ideal shows we're from different worlds, good luck to her anyone else with that frame of mind.
I aint talking about this chick smashing the homie, im talking about women in children in general.

You have a kid, its all good, have another one ish gets tough, things get said and done they slpit and the chick is a **** for that.

What if the first husband beat her or was a serial cheater? She supposed to say eff it and just stay around?
woman with poor decisions making skills = red flag

that's it.... nothing more...nothing less

You wife em.... we'd one night em....
id agree but she is 22 yrs old and for fact we know she has been with 3 different men in relationships.... so really what time has she had to be in a solid committed relationship... ? I mean are we counting jr highschool days lol... 7/8/9th grade... chick is basically 3 or so yrs removed from high school... chick isnt/hasnt even been around long enough to have had all these long term substaining relationships.
This.  It's the idea and notion that her 'behavior' has led to her current situation.  So what did you expect?  She's not innocent as some of you all are saying and as someone said, playing step tad and carrying the 'load' is better reserved for some individuals.
like dude before said.... it reflects poorly on your decision making skills....that's it...

some people call women with poor decision making skills jumps....

a woman with poor decision making skills is a sad/dangerous thing... so we tend to not want to pursue relations with them (kids or not)

the kids are just an indicator...

she could very well be a great person... even after cheating on her husband she can bounce back and find a successful relationship living happily ever after...

but it will be a relationship with a guy like you... not us

Once again i ask if the woman has two children with the same man. Who the **** are you to question a womans decision making if she has all the capabilities of taking care of the child. Whose to say a woman at 22 (Once again not this cheating gold diggin joint) didn't plan to start their family from young.
That's a nice sidepiece.

I don't really care that it was somebody's wife. She made the choice so she clearly don't give a ****.

Gotta say, I recognize his name and know he plays football but other than the pics I don't give a **** about this situation. This type of **** happens all the time. Nothing particularly unique about it. I will say the Spurs thing with Parker does come to mind though :lol:

However, I am enjoying the emotional and want to play dumb NTers coming out the woodwork for this :lol: 5.3/8 thread, would read again.
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