
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

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  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

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  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

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  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

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  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

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Going to the game in the Garden tonight. First time there, I wonder how hostile it will be since we both suck.

Hopefully Kobe does work and we can get a W :pimp:
I'll say my comment on it before we get the boo hooing.

He barely missed a game before the back injury.. That takes some form of pain threshold.

It's not a sprained ankle, it's a torn labrum.

He injures it worse he's done for the season..

He basically is saying "I know the pain. It's my body. I'll play when my shoulder feels good, and get a doctor's opinion."

Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
@mcten Dwight on Kobe pressing him to play: "That's his opinion, that's it. He's not a doctor, I'm not a doctor. That's his opinion."

710 has a doctor they bring on all the time to discuss the injuries and whatnot. He's said repeatedly that the injury will not get any better until the off-season and will probably need corrective surgery to fix. He's said that it's a pain thing and it's up to the player to adjust and play through it.

IMO if Dwight gave 2 ***** about the organization he would be going out there to try and save face and at least contend to get into the playoffs.

If all this is a ploy so he can get healthy and be more attractive in free-agency next year I swear I'm going to crucify him every chance I get.
Kurt Rambis said that he can play with the injury if he alters his game so that he's doing layups instead of dunks. That's where the risk comes in.

Kobe understands the urgency. Dwight doesn't. That's the difference between the two. If Gasol didn't go down in what was a freak injury based on how it happened, he wouldn't be pressing Dwight to play. Its clear that the two don't like each other. Their career goals are different and its been more apparent this season. Dwight is pulling a Jeremy Lin and protecting himself for FA.
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People say that locker room has problems to me everyone is pretty cool to each other the only person they might not like is Dwight. :rolleyes
Kurt Rambis said that he can play with the injury if he alters his game so that he's doing layups instead of dunks. That's where the risk comes in.

Kobe understands the urgency. Dwight doesn't. That's the difference between the two. If Gasol didn't go down in what was a freak injury based on how it happened, he wouldn't be pressing Dwight to play. Its clear that the two don't like each other. Their career goals are different and its been more apparent this season. Dwight is pulling a Jeremy Lin and protecting himself for FA.

What about Howard and Bryant?

"I've been through much worse," Kobe says. "Shaq and I honestly didn't like each other. At least Dwight and I do like each other."
Kurt Rambis said that he can play with the injury if he alters his game so that he's doing layups instead of dunks. That's where the risk comes in.

Kobe understands the urgency. Dwight doesn't. That's the difference between the two. If Gasol didn't go down in what was a freak injury based on how it happened, he wouldn't be pressing Dwight to play. Its clear that the two don't like each other. Their career goals are different and its been more apparent this season. Dwight is pulling a Jeremy Lin and protecting himself for FA.
What about Howard and Bryant?

"I've been through much worse," Kobe says. "Shaq and I honestly didn't like each other. At least Dwight and I do like each other."
Dwight's psyche is fragile. Why wouldn't he play up their relationship? Shaq was a grown *** man who at the end of the day understood that they were there to win. He's said that. Dwight is a big *** kid.
Maybe by altering the way Dwight gets his touches could also help save his shoulder. Dwight won't like it, but every time he gets passed the ball in the post
they're gonna swing down on him. He brings the ball low and far from his body. Until he's better maybe just use him for his defense and put backs and stop dropping the ball into him.
Okay so ya'll want him to play with a injury that can basically sidetrack him for the season.... Along with a back injury that's hampered him all season.... so ya'll could do what call him a bum and ineffective even though he's still giving up 17, 12 & 2 on a BAD season?

I admit Dwight a lil immature but F what you say ALL players put themselves before the team, I love kobe but you can't force a man to play through an injury that's he's tried to play through twice already and can permanately damage him if he keeps hurting himself
Okay so ya'll want him to play with a injury that can basically sidetrack him for the season.... Along with a back injury that's hampered him all season.... so ya'll could do what call him a bum and ineffective even though he's still giving up 17, 12 & 2 on a BAD season?

I admit Dwight a lil immature but F what you say ALL players put themselves before the team, I love kobe but you can't force a man to play through an injury that's he's tried to play through twice already and can permanately damage him if he keeps hurting himself
Reporter: Have you talked to Kobe about it, just your situation?

Dwight Howard: "What situation?"

Reporter: In terms of your injury and all that?

DH: "Have I talked to Kobe?"

Reporter: Yes, just as far as outlining, like, telling him your perspective?

DH: "Of what?"

Reporter: Of you wanting to take the long view?

DH: "Why do I have to explain that to Kobe?"

Reporter: Well, because he’s a teammate …

DH: "He’s a doctor?"

Reporter: No, but he’s a teammate.

DH: "OK. So I should explain that to all my teammates then, right?"

Reporter: I’m not insinuating that. I’m just asking, have you talked to him?

DH: "I’m asking you …"

Reporter: I don’t know if you’ve talked to him.

DH: "I’m asking you, I’m supposed to tell all my teammates?"

Reporter: No, I’m just asking if you talked to him.

DH: "Just Kobe. Just Kobe."

Reporter: Considering the comments he made yesterday …

DH: "I don’t know what he said."

Reporter No. 2: He says we don’t have time for Dwight’s shoulder to heal. We need urgency. We need him back on the floor. This is the Lakers. It’s either a championship or a complete failure.

DH: "OK."

Reporter No. 2: What do you say to that?

DH: "That’s his opinion."
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Man Dwight is seriously a b****.
Excuse my language, but all he cares about is his free agency and his money.

Why does he even pretend to care about touches? Oh yeah that's right, it's because he wants better stats to help him with his free agency.

He doesn't want touches to win. He wants touches to help his negotiating in the offseason.

As much as we give Pau a hard time, at least when he cries and moans about touches its because he genuinely wants to win and he believes playing inside-out will help the team.

Dwight just cares about free agency. It's all he's ever cared about in his whole entire career.

He wants the feeling of being wanted. He wants the feeling of being in chased. Dude is SO INSECURE that he looks forward to free agency so he can boost his confidence as teams are lining up to offer him contracts. He cares so much about being liked and being wanted, and doesn't care enough about winning basketball games and winning championships.

It's incredible guys.
Just incredible.

And I thought it couldn't get worse when Drew went in YOLO mode...both dudes are just idiots.

Give me Brooke Lopez man. DEAD SERIOUS. I'd rather have Brooke Lopez at the C. He's ballin out there on both ends of the floor, 48 minutes a game. He can shoot free throws. He stays quiet in the media. He does his job. He would embrace Kobe's win now attitude instead of rebelling.

Please, Do It Mitch.
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D12 def is not coming back to this madness of Lakerland.

I hate D12 as much as the next man but what he has been through this season as being a Laker is a lot to deal with.

I wouldn't want to come back to this team either honestly. Kobe talks about injuries like he lives in the paint. Its a whole diff ball game down there
People (media & fans) put D12 in horrible positions. I can see why he reacts the way he does....he still a sucka tho

Kobe got everybody vision blurry with this whole warrior "play with your leg cut off" mentality.
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am i the only one who thought kobe was referring to the team as a whole? and not singling dwight out?

like he wanted his team to step it up. that there's no time to wait for dwight and pau to come back, and they need to up their games?

i feel as if the media really tries to put these two against each other, but i cant help but think that dwight is acting immature and sensitive in that interview pmatic posted :\
Obviously he cares about his career. He's in a contract year, of course he's aiming to get a big deal as any athlete would in the same situation. You act as if he's sabotaging his team, but he's looking out for his career and knows his own body. He's dealing with a back injury that hasn't even come close to healing yet. He's a guy who gets hacked repeatedly by huge guys. Not everyone plays through injury like Kobe. Kobe is one of a kind when it comes to stuff like that.

Nash himself was out for a long time with a leg injury and you didn't hear Dwight say "everyone has to play through pain". So Nash should keep his trap shut.

Dwight's a clown for sure but to say "he doesn't want touches to win" is pretty ignorant and illogical. How do you even explain such a statement? 

Some of you guys are funny 

Dwight hates his coach who has no clue how to use post players? Check. Dwight calls out Laker fans who constantly compare him to Shaq/Kareem etc.? Check. Dwight sayd he doesn't have a relationship with Buss? Check. Dwight averaging a career low in everything because he gets limited touches? Check. Kobe constantly instigating stuff with Dwight? Check. Oh yeah, this guy is definitely coming back next year.

I say good riddance anyway. He's as mentally fragile as Lamar Odom.
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