
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Highlights of last night's game

I don't understand why you guys are going hard on Pau...
Dantoni took him out the game and the pelicans came all the way back...

I agree with him 100%

There's no reason why Jamison should be on the floor and pau on the bench at the end of the game

Y'all hating but he had 7 7 7 in like 19 minutes

Pretty much.
Fell asleep last night on the game, glad to see we pulled out the W.

Well it's make or break time on this Grammy Road trip. We dug ourselves a huge hole, but a chance at the playoffs is still within grasp. We must go at minimum 5-2 to realistically have any chance to do anything. Hopefully Mamba Johnson can continue this mindset and is able to adjust if/when teams start backing off of him saying you get yours and we'll stop the other guys, cause you know it's coming.

And Paussy better shut up his damn whining. His numbers are up in less minutes, he's having a bigger impact on the game and we're winning :rolleyes
I'm so tired of Pau and his passive aggressive ways.

Dude is acting like a little kid, get off the bench and cheer for your teammates.

He's as good as gone this offseason, but we need him to play 100% for the rest of the year.
I've never once heard Manu Ginobli complain about coming off the bench, just shut up and do your work on the court.
I understand that as a competitor you don't wanna be on the bench in the 4th.
It must suck, i understand that.

But at the same time, the other guys on that bench don't wanna be on the bench either.
Don't you think after a whole life of stardom in high school and college those cats wanna be playing too?
But they're being good teammates. They are being professional. They are cheering whoevers on the court on.
They are acting like a TEAM.

Look at Alex Smith, no matter how fake it is (because we know hes just as upset as Pau inside...if not more)...he's still happy for his teammates. He was still celebrating after the NFC game. He's out there helping Kaep as much as he can.

Be a teammate Pau. Cheer. Stop looking so gloom. Its not the end of the world.
Right now your role is helping us win. Realize that things are GOOD right now. If you care about winning you should see that.

We all know deep down Kobe would rather score 40 and win than 12 and win...but his DESIRE TO WIN allows him to do whatever it takes to help his team win at this point. That means shoot A LOT LESS. THis guys a natural born SCORER, and he's shooting less for the team.
Do you realize how hard it must be for Kobe to not shoot as much as he wants? not hard when he's winning!

So if we're winning stop complaining Pau. :smh:
Someone already bring up how every starter last night was -/+ for the night and the bench players were -/+? Crazy.
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Why does everyone continue to think that teams are going to say ok play off and barely contest one of the best scorers of all time. The problem with Kobe shooting a lot was the fact that he was taking difficult and contested jumpers. So instead he's finding the open man. Now if you back off and give him space he's going to score very easily and most importantly efficiently. i keep hearing dudes saying just back off of him like he's Metta or somethin :lol:

and if it wasnt for dwights Being injury riddled this season i would trade Pau in a heartbeat. but unless we get a good PF & a backup center we cant really make a move IMO.

Only realistic trade that makes sense in my eyes
We all know deep down Kobe would rather score 40 and win than 12 and win...but his DESIRE TO WIN allows him to do whatever it takes to help his team win at this point. That means shoot A LOT LESS. THis guys a natural born SCORER, and he's shooting less for the team.
Do you realize how hard it must be for Kobe to not shoot as much as he wants? not hard when he's winning!

So if we're winning stop complaining Pau.
Excellent point. Absolutely agree.
pau isnt alex smith...pau isnt jamal crawford, jr smith, or anybody hes been compared to in here...

pau is the man that came in and immediately took us to 3 finals as the #2 option...he was always a star..

why should he wanna ride the pine the whole 4th?? its not his mo.. 

hes better than that..hes better than clark..much better than jamison...
I'm going to reach and give Mike some credit.

Maybe, MAYBE, he knows Dwight won't have legs in the second of a back to back. Sooooo, he sits Pau last night and he gets heavy minutes tonight.


We'll see how Dwight looks.
pau isnt alex smith...pau isnt jamal crawford, jr smith, or anybody hes been compared to in here...

pau is the man that came in and immediately took us to 3 finals as the #2 option...he was always a star..

why should he wanna ride the pine the whole 4th?? its not his mo.. 

hes better than that..hes better than clark..much better than jamison...

Bro I know he isn't Alex Smith. I didn't mean to do a DIRECT comparison.
Football and Basketball is apples and oranges. Totally different sport, totally different situations.

All I was comparing was Smith's ability to cheer his teammates even when benched, to Pau's inability to show any happiness for his team when he's on the bench.

Smith was a #1 Pick...#1 PICK!!...and he took them to the NFC championship game last year. And he was 6-2-1 when he got benched.
You don't think its even KINDA okay to compare their situations even though its apples and oranges?
All im saying is they are both in a tough situation, individually.

I know Pau's value, without him there would be no 3 straight Finals Trips.
Im just saying if your team needs you on the bench and its working, then play with a chip on your shoulder and suck it up for the team.
Lamar did the same thing for us when he was in his prime a few years ago. 6th Man of the year, helped us out a lot off the bench in our last championship run. You gotta realize you're not who you used to be anymore.
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Why does everyone continue to think that teams are going to say ok play off and barely contest one of the best scorers of all time. The problem with Kobe shooting a lot was the fact that he was taking difficult and contested jumpers. So instead he's finding the open man. Now if you back off and give him space he's going to score very easily and most importantly efficiently. i keep hearing dudes saying just back off of him like he's Metta or somethin
That's what I'm loving about this. Like I've said, one of my favorite players of all time is Jason Kidd, but let's be honest, you can sag off him plenty. Another favorite of mine is Rondo, and the same holds true for him.

Teams better not sag off Kobe.
 He's one of the most skilled scorers in league history. You give him space and he'll bust you himself. But then you play him tight... and he's passing? What the hell are you supposed to do?

Take an L, that's what.
pau isnt alex smith...pau isnt jamal crawford, jr smith, or anybody hes been compared to in here...

pau is the man that came in and immediately took us to 3 finals as the #2 option...he was always a star..

why should he wanna ride the pine the whole 4th?? its not his mo.. 

hes better than that..hes better than clark..much better than jamison...

If Pau could be consistent I would agree with you but this is not the same guy that helped us get to 3 straight finals. Dude has been so up and down the past 2 years.
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Why does everyone continue to think that teams are going to say ok play off and barely contest one of the best scorers of all time. The problem with Kobe shooting a lot was the fact that he was taking difficult and contested jumpers. So instead he's finding the open man. Now if you back off and give him space he's going to score very easily and most importantly efficiently. i keep hearing dudes saying just back off of him like he's Metta or somethin :lol:
That's what I'm loving about this. Like I've said, one of my favorite players of all time is Jason Kidd, but let's be honest, you can sag off him plenty. Another favorite of mine is Rondo, and the same holds true for him.

Teams better not sag off Kobe. :lol:  He's one of the most skilled scorers in league history. You give him space and he'll bust you himself. But then you play him tight... and he's passing? What the hell are you supposed to do?

Take an L, that's what. :smokin

Pick your Poison :nthat:
Sure, Pau has the POTENTIAL to be a beast.


AND Earl Clark emerges.

Whoever's hungry is going to be fed.

He wasn't getting it done + Earl was hungry = Earl starts

Now he hits the bench and drops 7, 7, & 7 in 19. Alright, cool. And we won.

So long term, he's not a bench guy? I hear you, Pau, but for right now, someone else was hungrier than you. That's your fault for even giving them the opportunity to think they are more needed in the SLU than you are.

In all this back and forth me and CP have had the last few weeks about Kobe in this thread and the 'Overrated' thread, one of the things I've consistently given Kobe credit for is STAYING ON TOP BY WORKING HIS TAIL OFF. The reason no one else has been our starting 2 guard since like forever... is because you are NOT outworking that dude.

But to outwork Pau? Piece of cake right now. Just get after it, like Earl has done.

You made your bed. Stop Pau-ting. (get it? You say 'pouting'... but it's got 'Pau' in it... because his name...
 ... ...
Lakers barely escaped that trap game last night.
Lucky Anderson had a bad shooting night. Cuz dude got some looks.
The law of averages will come into effect tonight.

Laker fans euphoric right now with a 3 game streak.
Suns will end that tonight easily out in PHX.
Suns 113
Lakers 100
Pau has found his groove. He is moving the ball and mostly playing in the right spots to be productive. It has nothing to really do with him coming off the bench; the only difference the move might have made is helped Pau establish a rhythm in the post when he subs in for Dwight, leading to him being already engaged in the game when Dwight subs back in.
Lakers barely escaped that trap game last night.
Lucky Anderson had a bad shooting night. Cuz dude got some looks.
The law of averages will come into effect tonight.

Laker fans euphoric right now with a 3 game streak.
Suns will end that tonight easily out in PHX.
Suns 113
Lakers 100

Really?They won bcuz Anderson had a bad shooting night? Kick rocks... 1st of all, dont start talkin out the side of your neck.

2nd, I dont think u really believe your statements, maybe youre just trying to ruffle some feathers in here, Idk, but not a good look.

3rd, With all the dishing Kobe did and not shooting as much, imagine if he DID decide to start ABUSING ole Austin Rivers last nite. Would have been even worse for the pelicans.

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