
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
So Dwight complain about fga but how many free throws did he miss when he got the ball? smh

Team don't need to play defense anymore, they just have to foul him. smh
I should have worded it better, Blaming him for everything is beyond stupid.

Him taking the same amount of shots he's taken for 15 years, and doing it at a higher clip than usual while everyone else deals with injuries and in and out of the lineup and such, he's the least of our worries. The least.

Or as Allen put, one notch above Jamison's life.
I can dig it. We have a laundry list of problems, no doubt.

And I certainly don't intend to say that Kobe's tyle of play is contributing more to our demise than 'Just above Jamison's existence'. You know how I do: I just get all riled up when I see dudes passionately avoid pointing the finger 'that way'. There's really no reason it should bother me, but it does. :lol:

I mean, if he switched his style up, committed to shooting 20 and under FGA a game, focused on passing more on on breaks... and we still had 2 mental midgets in our front court (oh wait, one is coming off the bench now), a coach who is just as clueless in the opposite way as our last one, a system PG that isn't working out, and a bunch of no names who haven't even had their roles defined, and a young owner who is severely mishandling being handed the keys to dad's Ferrari... but Kobe played more like Rip Hamilton, we'd still suck a big bag of balls. :lol:

And I'm not on board w/ you guys thinking Dwight is staying. I think that's just wishful thinking on your end. I don't think he so much minds 3 teams in 3 years. When he was in Orlando doing the whole "Here for life... get me out of here... I love it here... Lakers look nice" dance, I remember asking you guys "Ummm, you really want this in LA?"
I dinstinctly remember pointing out the coaching comments, the locker room rumors, and telling you guys "Man, let him go ruin some other franchise."

Well... "Here weeeee gooooo." That's going to start now, the closer we get to the trade deadline, and then the closer we get to the end of the season (if he's still here after the deadline).
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I'll give you Houston (that may be a possible destination in Free Agency) but the Rockets would have nothing appealing to offer the Lakers in a trade. They wouldn't trade Harden so the Lakers wouldn't make that move.

As for Cleveland and Sonics - No. Dwight would surely not go there. They'd also have to get rid of Boogie or Irving for Dwight so what would be the point? Come on. You can come up with a better scenario then that.

The Brooklyn scenario would be the most likely and feasible option for both teams and Dwight Howard's interest. Lakers won't do it tho. Just out of curiosity, how would Laker fans feel about that move? Wou;d ya'll rather risk it with Dwight in FA?

Wait all those young dudes CLE drafted since LeBron and the picks they have and they gotta give up Irv? No... And w/ Verajo health they have the young pieces/draft picks to make a move

Same with Seattle, picks alone would benefit the lakers b/c this season is a done deal.

Brooklyn would be stupid to trade for Dwight w/ Lopez healthy and playing All Star ball and the TEAM WINNING.

As far as Houston as I stated earlier a 3rd team would be involved and it'll prolly be Memphis. They may be looking to beef up there bench and clear cap b/c Wayne Ellington is fitting into the system better than Rudy. I watched the Pacers/Grizz game and Rudy had TWO PLAYS called for him down the stretch one being the last sec shot attempt. Everything else is P&R with Conley and High/Low post w/ the bigs.

The Dwight thing just didn't work out. Cool, but to chill and let him walk and be left with just Pau, Kobe, and Nash next yr, no picks, no incoming athletes on the wings Phil or nobody else can save this team bruh... Be smart, make a trade and get Younger and Deeper on the perimeter.
Would a four team trade with Lakers nets Memphis and wolves work?
I have no idea about numbers or anything but how about something where we trade dwight keep gasol and get klove and gay back?
Hope we deal someone while Kobe live tweets :lol:

You think they'd cut to the studio for "breaking news" during Kobe's 81 point game/live tweets?
Jarrod Rudolph's report is basically this: Billy King screwed up in the offseason, realized he could have had Dwight had he not given Brook a bonehead deal. Wants Dwight. Went to the ESPN Trade Machine... Said how about the Timberwolves? And thinks the Wolves want Brook Lopez for Kevin Love, and we want Kevin Love for Dwight Howard.

Kevin Love for Dwight is not even a lateral move. It's the worse kind of move. It's a move that serves no purpose. Even when we try to trade Pau, it's to actually serve a purpose. Whether to return a Starting PF, or fill out the roles we actually need filled.

And why trade Dwight for Kev? Does no one remember Kevin saying I'm tired of losing, I don't want to lose, if we don't make it to the playoffs I want out of Minnesota.. Does everyone forget the ticking time bomb opt out he has before the 2014 season?

Does anyone remember the player that the Wolves have been trying to get to pair with Rubio? Because I sure remember the player that they want.

Trading Love for Howard is absolute nonsense.

We'd be better off just waiting.

So retooling with Pau at the 5, Love at the 4, Earl on the wing with Kobe and Nash is that bad? Worse than what we have now AND later if D12 dips?

Jarrod Ruddolph is Dwight's mouthpiece who just said on the radio that if D'Antoni is the coach after this summer Dwight will leave.

Thats not the only reason, not just about D'Antoni. He said Howard wants to win and if the Lakers don't look like they're in a position to do so, Dwight will be forced to consider options.

He also said (essential listen up) the money wouldn't matter. Dwight is confident enough to make that money off the court and confident enough to get another max deal 3-4 years from now.

Where's the one place he can make up for lost money? - New York (Brooklyn). Dwight's trolling. This is who he is, he's fragile.
Unfortunately for Dwight, the Nets can't take part in sign-and-trades as they are a luxury tax paying team.
Dwight is not going to like that article. :smh:

Thing is it is right on the money, I was not happy when the lakers got him. To sum it up he has always been a grown child and now he is in a place where championships are the only reason you are here it really shows...
It's over for us, guys. We've dug a huge hole and everything is just not going our way. :smh: There's no one else to point fingers at now, the whole franchise is to blame. Players don't play, coaches can't coach, the management can't manage and so forth. :frown:
They should trade Dwight. 

I cant believe you guys are saying that if we can get Love for Dwight (assuming Dwight is leaving this offseason anyways) that you guys wouldnt make that trade.  Before injuring his hand, Love was playing lights out.  As far as Love wanting to play for a winning team - Lakers WILL win if he comes here and we make some changes etc.
So retooling with Pau at the 5, Love at the 4, Earl on the wing with Kobe and Nash is that bad? Worse than what we have now AND later if D12 dips?

exactly. i dont get it either.  Love was having an MVP type season. hes young and would love to play in LA.  We need to start thinking baout our team post Kobe and Love would be a great start.  In 2014 sign a nice wing player to compliment Love and we are back on track.
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