
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I'll say this. Pau proved why he's the best post player on the team (maybe even the league) today. He needs the ball fed to him.

Hate to see Pau get some of the blame for this season and get possibly get traded.
On basketball reference.. They do an expected W-L based on PPG OPPG Offensive Rating, Defensive Rating, Pace

Says we should be 22-17 (not counting today's game)..

Saw that and said.. Seems about right.

This team has something wrong with it. And it goes all the way around..
**** outta here...

If we are to start fresh, we might as well hope Kobe leaves too..

Just utter nonsense.
lol.  you're right. they should bring everyone back. we are def one player away from a championship LOL. This team just flat out SUCKS. No small trade (like getting Dante Cunningham or signing Delonte West) is gonna save us. Sorry but making the playoffs is not enough for the Lakers.

morris, duhon, jamison, meeks, ebanks, MWP, blake all need to go.
**** outta here...

If we are to start fresh, we might as well hope Kobe leaves too..

Just utter nonsense.

lol.  you're right. they should bring everyone back. we are def one player away from a championship LOL. This team just flat out SUCKS. No small trade (like getting Dante Cunningham or signing Delonte West) is gonna save us. Sorry but making the playoffs is not enough for the Lakers.

morris, duhon, jamison, meeks, ebanks, MWP, blake all need to go.

Why bother even discussing it with you.
First time watching the Lakers in person, totally disappointed :smh: Not even gonna rant, its not worth it.
Just wanted to share this clip I got pre game.

Hopefully they get that W against the Bulls tomorrow. But..... :smh:
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I'm scared for Essential's life if Dwight signs elsewhere. Completely convinced he's coming back to this mess.

At this point, I am just going to appreciate Kobe while I can. *shrug*

You shouldn't be..

No other opportunity elsewhere.. On and off court.

And if miraculously he does sign elsewhere..... So be it.
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You shouldn't be..

No other opportunity elsewhere.. On and off court.

And if miraculously he does sign elsewhere..... So be it.

You're really convinced. After what happen last year you really are convinced. I admire it. Scary. But I admire.

I really think our understanding of the "Dwightmare" is half accurate, and the media (ESPN) portraying it the way they wanted to.

But what we know/ are told, and what happen are probably all in contention with each other.

For example.. I think he always wanted out.
I think the Nets were his #1 choice.. I don't for one second think the Lakers were on his "no trade" list. Nor do I think that convo with Kobe went down.
I don't think Dwight got SVG fired. I think when they let him go, it was basically make a move for the sake of making one, and you could just pin it on Dwight
I think the opting in was strange. But there has to be a back story to it. Whether the Magic promised him a change, or asked him not to leave so they could get something back for him

Pretty much every thing else was stuff someone wanted to create traffic were saying, and then just ran with it. Truth or lie, didn't matter.
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I was very impressed with Pau today. He had some really nice moves in the past, looked a lot like 2008 Pau, minus a few mistakes of course. Seeing him run the PnR with Kobe definitely brought back some good memories :pimp:.

The more I watch Dwight, the more I start to wonder if he's as good as people say he is. I mean, his defensive presence is important, but after watching Pau this morning, I feel so much more confident with the ball in his hands than Dwight's.

Also, no more slip screens. I mean, what's the point? Whenever Dwight sets a slip screen, he either gets stripped or Nash isn't able to pass the ball to him. But when Dwight sets a REAL screen, Nash is wide open for a mid-range jumper, which he makes consistently.
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I hope they get it together...Got a feeling D Howard leaving at the end of the season..

A false feeling.
What's make you think a guy who's looking to win a championship is going to stay on this sinking ship?

As much as we suck right now, it won't be forever because winning is in our DNA. We never suck for too long, and seeing how close Kobe is to retiring, it will soon be Dwight's team to lead.

Then you got all of the extra perks, which are nice for a young start athlete. Opportunities are abound in Los Angeles, not to mention the amazing weather, beautiful women, and "Hollywood" lifestyle.
What's make you think a guy who's looking to win a championship is going to stay on this sinking ship?
im saying though.. essential thinks its a lock that hes staying..
why even stay when you cant even make the playoffs, and you got ex-lakers bashing him for petty stuff like he shouldnt be smiling on the court.
why put up with that bs.
lol so Pau has his good post performance of the year and now he is the best post player in the league...what about the last 4 months? :stoneface:
lol so Pau has his good post performance of the year and now he is the best post player in the league...what about the last 4 months? :stoneface:

Do you watch bro?

They don't post Pau up. Pau rarely gets the ball on the post, most of the time he gets the ball it's for an out of range mid-range jump shot or the high post. How can you score and make post moves when you don't get the ball?

If the Lakers want to be better on offense they need to feed him the ball more than they feed Howard. Not to mention Pau is a great passer when hes down low, he can spread the floor.

D'Antoni has no idea how to run this team on offense. Defense is a whole other issue.
I hope they get it together...Got a feeling D Howard leaving at the end of the season..

A false feeling.
What's make you think a guy who's looking to win a championship is going to stay on this sinking ship?

No other team offers that... And money.

Also he gets a full reset in 2014 where it's his team on the most storied franchise. They'll have $30mil in cap... And with an Owner who is not afraid to spend money
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What's make you think a guy who's looking to win a championship is going to stay on this sinking ship?

A sinking ship is a franchise locked into horrible deals for years and years with clueless front offices's that won't do what it takes to win.

LA has EVERYTHING set up for Dwight 18 months from now, and possibly sooner if they break off Pau this year. They have an entire cap to use for 2014 and beyond, and one of thee most attractive markets in the NBA. On top of that, they can pay Dwight more than any other team.

So to recap, he gets more money staying.
He gets a team built around him.
He lives in a great market for whatever he wants.

So while this season surely suck for him, and next year might suck as well, he stills has everything mapped out for him in terms of how it could look for his future. Keep in mind also, Shaq didn't win until his FOURTH season in LA. Kareem waited for like 6 years. LA will absolutely be mentioning that to him as a reminder.

But hey, if he rather play for less money, in a worse market, and still not be guaranteed a title, then by all means he should bail. Cuz that would smart, on his part. :lol:
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