
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Ill be interested to see who they go after to fill the spot as HC now
Devin Ebanks got arrested suspicion of DUI

Just snatch his rotation minutes from him... Seriously.
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Mike D'Antoni and Nash would be cool.
And Kobe has said before he likes D'Antoni, he was his favorite player when he was a kid in italy when D'Antoni won MVP on the Italian league back in the day.
 Shaw shoulda been given the job over Brown. Now he prolly wont want it due to the fact they passed on him. Bet he is laughing right now once he heard the news about Mike Brown getting axed
Brian Shaw deserves this job.
So wait, was Devin Ebanks getting arrested for a DUI the good news or was Brown being fired it?????

Brian Shaw should be the candidate if they can get him out of Indy. Should of been it before Brown was hired.
With Shaw already locked up and if we cant get Phil I'm going to say Kurt Rambis.

I know he sucked in Minny but he was under Phil, knows the triangle, was responsible for the Lakers help D when we won.
You guys are kidding yourselves if you think Pringles is going to make this team click on all cylinders. The personnel isn't there at all for him to coach to his strengths. I hope to God LA isn't dumb enough to hire Mike Brown, then Pringles. Smh.
If Brian Shaw or Phil Jackson coach, Steve Nash will be in the same position he was in when he played that game and a half, not being used to his max capabilities. If D'Antoni coaches, Steve Nash will be able to perform, but we won't get defense like when Mike Brown coached. Either way, Mike Brown isn't the coach
Phil is option #1 but Im actually coming around to the idea of D'Antoni. Cant believe Im saying that.

Brian wouldve been better last year but I dont know if he's ready to be thrown into a situation like this.
his rotations alone tell you alot of how bad of a coach he is. He has no idea how to use what he has to work with.

The lineups were so bad and unimaginative, he never developed a proper bench line up during the preseason. He's installing the starting five in the last minutes of a blowout game (one of the five who just came off of back surgery). The offense stalls, the defense is terrible...dude is just a horrible coach! Lebron earned him that 18 million.
If he's up to it, the Lakers really need to beg (on their knees) for Phil to return. The only coach that could maximize all the players. I don't think Nash would be under utilized especially since he can knock down a 3...
Damn that was quick :wow:

Brian Shaw shoulda got the job anyway. I think 5 games is to soon to fire a coach in the NBA. If they didnt really believe in him it shoulda happened in the offseason, but its over and done now.

We"ll see what happens...
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Nate McMillian? Thoughts?

McMillian = Mike Brown. I know they are 2 completely different coaches, but McMillian is on that good but not great level. When the Lakers struggle he'll get blamed too.

I think the Lakers need a coach who demands respect. Sloan, Phil, and maybe D'Antoni. (Or Coach K)

If they want to go with a "young" coach, they need someone who fans won't turn on. Brian Shaw or Derek Fisher.
Phil would not be the right move IMO. Team needs someone who's commitment to them will be consistent and won't leave due to health issues or what have you. Phil is a short term fix to a long term problem
Watching ESPN right and Stephen A. Smith is saying management is going to ask the players who they want brought in.

He predicts it's got to be Phil Jackson.
The original source of the call for Brown to be fired wasn't his coaching last season, everyone was fine with it... It was this offseason when the first rumbles of player discontent started

per Alex Kennedy

While the three-game losing streak increased the amount of frustration in the locker room, it first surfaced several months ago. After the Lakers acquired Howard and Nash, several veteran free agents wanted to sign for the minimum so that they could compete for a championship in Los Angeles. However, Brown made it clear that he wasn’t going to expand his rotation regardless of who signed. This scared away the free agents and kept the Lakers from further bolstering their roster, which frustrated many players.

I believe CP referenced it a few pages back, here's the source of it
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