
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Look.....If they're going to fire him... Do it now..

Longer you wait tougher it will be for the new coach.

Mitch & Jim really need to think about it. If they are not sure whether or not Brown finishes this season, just do it now as opposed to waiting 30 more games.
As for the bench:

One thing that we did wrong this offseason.... Was too much priority on Dwight.. Of course I'm not complaining about getting Dwight or Nash..

But we spend a 4 week span where we signed no one.. Not because they didn't want to spend. But because they didn't want to fill a roster spot because when we get Howard.

Everyone could have told you that you would trade away multiple players, and take back 3-4 players in trade...

We should have signed 1 guy at the time for the bench, rather than wait when most guys were signed up already.
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DAMN Kobe looked heated! I agree with essential, if they fire Brown they have to do it NOW. I really think he has no idea what he is doing and it looks like the guys don't respect the dude. He has got to go

Kobe with the death stare. :rofl:
Hopefully Kobe was giving the death stare to Mike Brown. It would be curtains for MB...hopefully....
Only way I will respect Mike Brown is if he does one of these to Pau or any of the players. This dude walks around all smiling because hes the coach of the Lakers thinking he automatically gets respect.

I can confirm that was Mike Brown. When the time out was called you could see the camera pan out and it gave you an idea of where everyone was or walking to.

Can also confirm that Brown was wearing that color of suit... tough to tell from most of the vids I've seen, but this one shows it pretty well on the replay of Foye's shot:

(it's the Foye/Corbin chest bump from the NBA Season thread, but you can clearly see Brown's suit color in the replay)
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Wow if that was really Mike Brown in that video...then I'm going to jump ship to TFMB. I need confirmation or proof that was him...Some kind of evidence...
That look on Kobe's face seriously gave me goosebumps, thats a WHOLE LOT OF RESENTMENT AND DISRESPECT in those eyes. More than I could of ever imagine existed so early into the season... :lol: :smh:
and More than Enough for me to say the coach has to go...if in fact it was him.
Wow is all I can say. That literally just flipped the entire script in my mind...



I'm 120% positive that it's Mike Brown.......
You guys are going to have to realize, this dude Brown has NO IDEA what he's doing as a head coach out there.

Even in a blowout game he somehow managed to find himself some heat by putting back the starters.

Honestly, you take the pre-season to realize what your bench rotation should be, not during the season. It's understandable if lets say Duhon has a breakout game as bench scrub and you bump him up to the normal rotation, but this dude has MORRIS out there as a regular rotation!
You guys are going to have to realize, this dude Brown has NO IDEA what he's doing as a head coach out there.
Even in a blowout game he somehow managed to find himself some heat by putting back the starters.
Honestly, you take the pre-season to realize what your bench rotation should be, not during the season. It's understandable if lets say Duhon has a breakout game as bench scrub and you bump him up to the normal rotation, but this dude has MORRIS out there as a regular rotation!

psh he didnt even have a bench rotation in the playoffs!
You can tell by the players body language that they do not like the offense of Mike Brown

I think Jodie Meek said something about Mike Brown and got benched in the past 2 games

Mike Brown has to go
Only way I will respect Mike Brown is if he does one of these to Pau or any of the players. This dude walks around all smiling because hes the coach of the Lakers thinking he automatically gets respect.
:smh: The playoff run that broke Gasol, he hasn't been the same player since.
I really don't feel comfortable with any of the coaches mentioned in here. Hopefully a miracle happens and Phil Jackson swoops in and saves the Lakers once again.
Don't know how much longer I can stay aboard the ship Ska... This is looking real bad...

Mike Brown is looking like a big idiot right now. :smh:
Don't know how much longer I can stay aboard the ship Ska... This is looking real bad...
Mike Brown is looking like a big idiot right now. :smh:

its so hard. i really don't want to complain, but there has been absolutely no progress from where we were at in the preseason. i will go as far as to say we REGRESSED from last year. i dont even know how thats possible :smh:

im trying to remain positive, but man. im wearing thin. :\
he has Morris in the rotation. Thats enough to get fired on its own.

Why did we keep this guy oppose to Goudelock, DJO, or CDR?

Then again..this is our coach...

Since I had a paper pushed back a week.. I decided I'd post some rambling drivel. :rofl:

A typical rotation is 9-11 players.
We have 6 capable rotation players
Nash, Kobe, Meeks, Pau, Howard, Hill

Let’s save the posts about Meeks not getting Playing Time. I’m with you. So no need to bring up the complaint, we agree.

So we need 3-4 more players (Jamison is excluded until he gets his head out of his ***. Same with Metta.)
Leaves us with a hole at Backup PG, Starting SF, Backup SF, Backup PF

One of the problems with Jamison is the way we structured the rotation, and as many have suggest always keeping Pau or Howard out there, you can’t play him at the 4 where he needs to be. But the minutes are not there at the 4. For example Dwight & Pau will play 25 minutes together. Hill should get about 17 minutes per game. 10 with Howard. 7 with Pau. That is 25 + 25 + 10 +10 + 7 + 7 = 84 minutes of 96 minutes at the 4 & 5. And if Hill has to play with Pau or Howard that means he’s playing the PF position. 25 + 10 + 7 = 42 minutes.. That means there is only 6 minutes at PF for Jamison. The complaints about Jamison not at the 4 is very difficult based on our personnel and the way it works right now.

The only way to change this is to run an offense where Jamison & Hill play together.. OR you have to group two players together.. In my opinion Jamison/Howard.. Hill/Pau works best. Howard cancels out Jamison's horrid defense, and Jamison will have more room to work without Pau clogging it all up. Hill’s job is to crash the boards with Pau’s weakness…Same idea of movement for Pau with Hill as opposed to with Jamison. The groups do 12 minutes together. And you run 5 minutes of Hill & Jamison in the 2nd Quarter.

So we’ve got SG, PF & C all straightened out.

Our rotation is still 3 short. Backup PG, Starting SF & Backup SF

Nash will probably be out another week or 2. So for now it’s pretty much moot, unless we sign Delonte then you would be able to run something differently, but that isn't happening currently. The heads will roll mentality that seems very apt right now, means we should sign Delonte to tell every, play because I can find someone who will.

Ebanks has the equivalent of a no trade clause, as does Morris. They have to sign off on any trade, if they don’t want to go somewhere they can veto it. We didn't give it to them, it was automatic with the New CBA. For the way the contract was structured by extending him only 1 year.
The question is what do we fill. How. Do we try to light it up perfectly with our 2014 Dreams. Or trade away a lot of guys for a 1 year thing.
This is Metta’s last year with the Lakers, everyone knows it, my personal opinion is to go out now and get someone who can legitimately start this year and next. So I choose the SF position over Backup PG, just because there’s a much bigger hole here.

My honest opinion is to try to financially maneuver into getting Trevor Ariza (post 2341 talks about how to do it and the math of why the Wizards will trade Ariza this season.. Would involve signing Delonte, but to be honest. If we get Trevor and haven’t traded any of our top 7 rotation player, go out and sign anyone at PG.)

Now we have Artest, Ariza & Ebanks at SF. Perfectly fine the way it is. 20-20 split with Ebanks getting 8 mpg. Also amnestying Metta means that we are going to have Ariza play out his contract year as our starting SF next year. (By the way getting Ariza won’t happen for a couple months).. Short termsmeans that Metta gets 26 minutes. Ebanks gets 16 minutes. Jamison gets 6 (I know he sucks at the 3, I just can’t convince myself that either should get any more minutes than I just gave them)

Which leaves us with 1 hole. Backup PG. Sure Morris has his moments of “Hey. Not Bad.” But he has many “Oh Dear Jesus” Moments.
Nash is going to have to play 30 minutes a game. I wanted him to be at 25, but until we can make moves next offseason (where we’d have to fill 3 holes) we have no serious backup.
The smartest answer is to go out and get Delonte West at league minimum, and play him 20 minutes per game so Nash can be at the middle of the range we want, and backup PG is fixed. But that’s not going to happen. The market for PGs who are still left sucks.. Derek Fisher, I don’t want, unless he was like the 2nd Backup at a handful of minutes per game.. So unless we get Delonte, we’re going to have a hole to sure up SF, which in my opinion is more important to do now because Metta is 100% likely to be amnestied next offseason.
And without Metta we’d have an even bigger hole going into next season at SF with only Ebanks to fill it. This way if we have Ariza, we increase him to starter minutes and look for a couple veterans at SF & PF. Then use our mini-MLE on backup PG. Mitch & Jimmy already know it’s going to be another $90mil - $105mil payroll season. We’d be much lower, if the NBA wasn’t trying to punish the Lakers with the CBA and have all $ above the max number for a player of the current CBA exempt from luxury tax.
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Jim Buss confident in Mike Brown
Updated: November 8, 2012, 2:37 AM ET
By Ramona Shelburne |
After watching the Los Angeles Lakers drop to 1-4 on the season with a 95-86 loss to the Utah Jazz on Wednesday night, Lakers executive vice president Jim Buss was not a happy man.

Something is not yet right with his star-studded team, and as a competitive guy, Buss is looking for ways to fix it sooner rather than later.

"You don't start 0-3 for the first time since we've owned the franchise without being on top of it," Buss told "No matter what, you have to be aware. That doesn't mean change is coming. That just means you have to be aware."

More on the Lakers

For more news, notes and analysis of the Lakers, check out the Lakers Report blog from the Kamenetzky Brothers. Blog

But while fans and pundits have placed the blame for the Lakers' early struggles on coach Mike Brown, Buss said he's still very confident in his coach.

"I have no problems with Mike Brown at all," Buss said. "He just works too hard and he's too knowledgeable for this to be happening.

"So either the system is flawed or something's going on. Or, like the Triangle, it's very hard to pick up and understand. I'm not a basketball mind like he is or the players are, and the players are fine with it, so I just have to be patient."

Buss said he has been gauging player reaction to the Lakers' new Princeton offense and Brown's coaching by reading their public comments and talking to them directly. On Tuesday afternoon, he went down from his office to the court during practice to take their temperature, and he said he found things to be rather calm.

"Kobe (Bryant) and I have a relationship where he can just look at me and say, 'Everything's cool,'" Buss said. "So yesterday during practice, I gave Kobe a quick glance, and everything was cool."

Still, in Buss' own words, "this team was built to win now." So just how patient can he be?

"You have to give it time to understand (what's going on)," Buss said. "I don't know if there's an actual game total that would make me impatient. I know if we're 1-15, I don't think that would be very good. I'm sure that would be a panic button. But at this time, I'm fine with what's going on. It's a learning process for the players. As long as everybody is on the same page, I think we're fine."

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