
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
rockets fan hoping the jazz make the playoffs so that the lakers don't...just want dwight as unhappy as humanly possible in LA so that we can make a run at him this summer! gooooooooooooo jazz! :D
rockets fan hoping the jazz make the playoffs so that the lakers don't...just want dwight as unhappy as humanly possible in LA so that we can make a run at him this summer! gooooooooooooo jazz! :D
Dwight wanting to go to Utah.......Utah......
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Ska ban puglife from this thread.
I mean wth every day every time the lakers play and lose its just him comint in here talking ****.

Seriously whats going on?
The dude meant Houston not the Jazz.

Very good possibility it can happen, honestly that team would be a much better fit for Dwight, no one can deny that.

Then him and Hakeem could spend every god damn day together because the dude is still a vegetable in the post.
The dude meant Houston not the Jazz.

Very good possibility it can happen, honestly that team would be a much better fit for Dwight, no one can deny that.

Then him and Hakeem could spend every god damn day together because the dude is still a vegetable in the post.

Very Good.... :lol:

No it's not...
Dudes still holding on to hope :rofl: we are not making the playoffs and Dwight is leaving if he really wants to win a chip why would he stay we're only gonna be worst next season ...season after that we will be rebuilding
Dudes still holding on to hope :rofl:

Hope?? It's logic.

He's even said that playing with Kobe is making him the player that he needs to be. He loves the franchise, loves the city, loves the front office.

“It’s going to make me a better man and a better player from watching Kobe,” Howard said.

“Besides just the expectations,” he said. “In games, I mess up and there’s somebody in the crowd saying something and I’m ready to snap at ‘em. That’s not what we’re supposed to do.

“But you look at a guy like Kobe and he doesn’t care about nothing but going out there and playing hard. That’s a lesson a lot of us have to learn — especially young guys.”

“I told him [Bryant]: ‘I’m afraid to miss. When I get out there, I don’t want to miss, and I end up missing.’ And he was like: ‘You know what? Shoot 1,000 jumpshots a day. You’re going to miss a lot of those shots. But that’s OK. Because you’re teaching yourself it’s OK to miss.’

“Now I see it. He gets out there and he might miss a couple 3s, but then he’ll make nine in a row. You see that and it just kind of gives you more inspiration.”

But yeah he's going to go to Houston... Which gives him no better chance to win a title, to play with a guy who needs the ball just as much as Kobe does... Loses big money, loses career prestige, and plays on a team that has always had trouble luring big name free agents.
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The only leverage the Lakers have is the money, that's it. That will only be it.

All that " Dwight loves the franchise, he loves playing with Kobe, loves the front office ". What the hell are you talking you about? Prestige? You think Dwight cares about being a Laker? This dude wanted to be a Net and a Mav before he wanted to become a Laker.

All of sudden Dwight's fallen in love with the idea of being a Laker after this terrible season? When he's averaging career lows in points? When he's playing with Kobe Bryant?

Essential man, you don't have an ounce of objectivity in this Dwight situation. You're talking like the fan you are. I'll reiterate - there is no reason why Deight would want to stay in LA besides the money. The money is a huge factor and bargaining chip so that gives him incentive to stay - but without the money, there is so reason why Dwight would want to stay.

*Houston btw "can't attract free agents" like you said - what other free agent stars would they need? Dwight and James Harden would be good enough. They have a young run and gun team, add a couple of veterans and some more 3 point shooters. Done. They wouldn't need other stars. All this star nonsense is a joke. You don't need 3 superstars like Miami, ask the Mavs. Ask the Lakers from 2010. Harden and Dwight mixed in with the right players would be good enough.
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The money is all the leverage the Lakers need to be honest. Aside from that, there's financial opportunities outside of basketball available in a market like LA that can't be had in Houston.

With that said, if I were the Lakers and he wants to leave then let him leave but don't agree to no 10cents on the dollar sign and trade deal where the lakers only get a 2nd round pick or some crappy player in return. He has an opportunity to leave and so be it but if he wants to leave then he shouldn't be rewarded for leaving by getting a max deal only the lakers can offer somewhere else. Play hardball with him and don't agree to a sign and trade deal unless the rockets are giving up James harden in the deal.

With that said regarding this current team. I know they would never do it but I wish the lakers would just shut down Kobe, Dwight and Nash for the rest of the season so that they (assuming Dwight resigns) are well rested and come into training camp healthy. Its no point in putting more mileage on those guys just to get washed in the first round. In a league where more then half the teams make the playoffs every year I hate to say this as a laker fan but they don't deserve to make the playoffs.

Take the L money wise on Antoni, bring someone in that can make adjustments and plan to his players strengths and go from there. If the Lakers head coaching job is open, quality candidates will be available.


1. He wanted to go to a big market (LA or NY)... He never once wanted to go to the Mavs ahead of LA. You've had former teammates and guys who worked with Dwight who said he wanted LA. And spare me that Houston is a major market... It's not when it comes to NBA or commercialization surrounding the NBA..

2. If he "hates" playing with Kobe... He's going to love playing with Harden? A guy who has the ball as much as Kobe.. Will shoot as much as Kobe (Harden's FGAs are less, but his FTA are more somewhat evens it out... Also Kobe's assist % is better.. And let me add in that Harden does his best work in the P&R.... I'm sure Dwight will love that (sarcasm))

3. He wants to win titles... And as much as I like Dwight... A Harden/Dwight combo isn't winning a title.... Dwight is a 2a option on offense... You need a guy who is a really good number two option, that shares that second option with him.... It's FACTS.

4. I'm sure he wants to go to a place that can't attract big names... So he can wait 4-5 years for them to get it just right.... If they get it right with the Carlos Delfino's of the NBA... Again, if you want to win it all with Dwight you do need that third star... He knows it, I know it, you know it.. Hell everybody knows that..

5. There is a realization with Dwight that he needs Kobe.. And Kobe knows he needs Dwight. At this stage in their careers... You can hear it when Dwight talks about Kobe, and vice versa.

6. He is immensely concerned about his image... He knows his best shot at being seen as the guy he wants to be seen as comes in LA..

7. Money off the court makes it more than just a measly $20mil in salary..

He has every right to leave.. That's what Free Agency is... But let's not act like it's a foregone conclusion, and let's not act like Houston is much more attractive to Dwight Howard than LA.

But I guess objectivity doesn't concern logic..... Logic can throw itself right out of the window because you made up in your mind that you are "more objective."
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Essential you're the only one in here that's been acting like its a foregone conclusion. You always say "no chance Dwight is leaving" "Dwight's going nowhere".

The people that say Dwight "may not" resign with LA (like myself) have never made those types of guarantees. I still think its 50/50, because of the money. You just strut around in upstate NY like there is no chance Dwight will go, while people in Los Angeles actually see what's going on.

Come on bro. Would it really surprise anyone if Dwight doesn't re-sign? Besides you.
You've been saying the entire year that he won't....

It's called reading... That's how one would look up these things... But I'm sure your geographic location... determines your "In the Know" in these kinds of situations.. Because my god, I can't get ESPN 710, and all the same articles written about the Lakers that anyone in LA does..... I wish they would invent something on the computer that allows this....
I still think Dwight stays because of the money but let's not act like winning doesn't equal more money. Look at how much Lebron's advertisements have gone up in a year. He's on TV 24/7. Winning a championship in Flint, Michigan >>>Fighting for the 8th seed against the Jazz in the greatest city on the West Coast

I know you don't think he can win with Harden Essential (and you're probably right) but what if he thinks that? And what if he is right. I know you're banking on Russy, Love or Lebron but outside of Bron none of those look that much of a better option then Harden + a million 3 point shooters (Dwight's dream). I mean we won't really know nothing until the playoffs cause if yall get to the WCF and get bounced I'm sure that would increase his spirits and make signing in LA almost 100%. But with Dwight of all free agents nothing is 100% til you see his signature.
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