
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Having sex with a teammates mom and then mysteriously having your minutes cut when you're the 3rd or 4th best option in a playoff series was not normal.

He can hoop but everything lately points to him not being worth the trouble.
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Having sex with a teammates mom and then mysteriously having your minutes cut when you're the 3rd or 4th best option in a playoff series was not normal.
He can hoop but everything lately points to him not being worth the trouble.

No one has proven he had sex with Lebron's mom.. Stop the third grade nonsense..

Game 4 he shot 0-7.. I would have taken him out too..

Game 5 they were losing big toward the end of the second.. And it got worse as the game went on. Put him in, take him out.. Whatever... Maybe instead of going to his bench.. Brown was trying to use his starters to bring them back in a game they needed. Which is perfectly normal

Game 6 who knows

Or maybe MB felt better with Mo Williams and Parker... Maybe Delonte just wasn't looking normal in his play..

But yeah let's be Third Graders and say he had sex with someone's mom

And he wasn't 3 or 4th. He may have been 6th or 7th in all honesty.
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LeBron is a given. Varejao, great defender but nothing more than a pick and roller on O. Mo and Jamison crapped in their warm ups. Shaq was running on fumes.
LeBron is a given. Varejao, great defender but nothing more than a pick and roller on O. Mo and Jamison crapped in their warm ups. Shaq was running on fumes.

The question wasn't best player, it was option.. Those 2 things are not the same..

And in terms of who was the option those players were ahead of Delonte.
He was playing 30 minutes until the supposed incident. Something happened, regardless. Go ahead put the nut job in LA. I'm was just pointing out that the guy has some serious baggage for a team that already employs one lunatic,
See, this is what the NBA gets for trying to shove the Lakers down everyone's throats. Three nationally televised games and three losses. Gotta love it. Like I said when LA first got Kobe willing to fall back and let someone else take lead? NOPE. Dudes thought I was hatin, but I was dead serious. LA can't win with this current roster and the Dirty Snake being the ball dominant player that he's accustomed to being.

*leaves thread with Kobe smug face on*

See, this is what the NBA gets for trying to shove the Lakers down everyone's throats. Three nationally televised games and three losses. Gotta love it. Like I said when LA first got Kobe willing to fall back and let someone else take lead? NOPE. Dudes thought I was hatin, but I was dead serious. LA can't win with this current roster and the Dirty Snake being the ball dominant player that he's accustomed to being.
*leaves thread with Kobe smug face on*
Outside of his turnovers, he is the least of the Lakers' problems.
Yeah I mean I've never been afraid to blame Kobe when he deserves it, but I don't see how he's at fault for the team being 0-3. :lol:

If it wasn't for him and Dwight I'm pretty sure our losses would of been by at least 30 points.
Again, you dudes immediately think I'm hatin. But if you all think Kobe should be putting up the type of numbers he's putting up and not focusing more on spreading the ball around..... You got Dwight, Pau, Ron, and a solid shooter in Blake on the floor with you and you're still pulling up for shots 5 feet behind the 3pt line? Come on..... I understand Snake has the MDK mentality. But if he had more LeBron Magic in him, even if it's just for this season, then LA would really be a problem.

But as it stands, his Murder Death Kill mentality won't work with the roster set up as it currently is.

Again, not tryna hate. Just talking bball.
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Not gonna lie, I haven't watched them in totality. But I've watched enough to stand by my statements.
Again, you dudes immediately think I'm hatin. But if you all think Kobe should be putting up the type of numbers he's putting up and not focusing more on spreading the ball around..... You got Dwight, Pau, Ron, and a solid shooter in Blake on the floor with you and you're still pulling up for shots 5 feet behind the 3pt line? Come on..... I understand Snake has the MDK mentality. But if he had more LeBron Magic in him, even if it's just for this season, then LA would really be a problem.
But as it stands, his Murder Death Kill mentality won't work with the roster set up as it currently is.
Again, not tryna hate. Just talking bball.

You're dumb man

Kobe is not the problem why LA is 0-3.

Kobe shot 60% over the last 3 game.

It's Mike Brown system that got everyone confuse on offense and they made about 20 turn overs a game.
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Look, if you want to criticize Kobe for his turnovers or/and defensive focus, then fine go ahead. But to criticize him for his mindset and shot selection is asinine. The man's true shooting percentage is at 71% for goodness' sake. He's taken an egregious shot here and there, but nothing that I see that warrants the criticism that you are placing upon him. For what it's worth, according to's stats database the Lakers are a full 15 points worse per 100 possessions when he's on the bench than on the court on offense. So I don't think he should be getting the brunt of your criticism.

And this is coming from a guy that becomes less and less a Kobe fan as the years go by.
In the first 2 games Kobe played well within the offense by scoring on cuts to the basket and such. In the last game Kobe pressed a little because Nash was down and Dwight got in foul trouble early. The issue right now is not Kobe, it's the team. I think the team may be a bit too old and unathletic to defend opposing teams which consequently puts a lot of pressure on the offense, not to mention the additional pressure from being favorites. Hopefully they figure something out soon :smh:
Only watched the 1st half last game and I may have missed it but hill only played 9mins. Did he get hurt again? Same injury (back)? If so, he probably really need to take more time to let it heal/strengthen. Having a bad back can easily worsen. But i hope he's ok though
You're dumb man
Kobe is not the problem why LA is 0-3.
Kobe shot 60% over the last 3 game.
It's Mike Brown system that got everyone confuse on offense and they made about 20 turn overs a game.
To you, Kobe has never been a problem in any situation or loss.  Its always everyone elses fault for why the Lakers lose.  Every turnover and missed shot Kobe has had in his 15 year career has been his teams fault.  You're an embarrassment to real Laker fans with your pathetic lust for Kobe.  

And guess whos leading the Lakers in turnovers, averaging 5 of those 20 turnovers a game you brought up?  
blaming kobe lmaoooo dudes are out on the floor putting up bricks, deer in the headlight faces, just playing awful and kobe adds much needed scoring and he's the problem??

the only issue i have with kobe, i have with any player who does this is the turnovers. its unacceptable. take care of the got damn ball

btw random question people might call me an idiot but i want to know what is the best case scenario when pao gets the ball in the post?

truth be told i feel at times he can be a worse ball stopper than metta and takes way too long to make decisions. i don't know if the two 7 footers is the best case scenario. i think maybe one of the two should be getting early rests after their start so they can play with the bench for a bit and so we don't have 2 7ft'ers in for long periods
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Again, you dudes immediately think I'm hatin. But if you all think Kobe should be putting up the type of numbers he's putting up and not focusing more on spreading the ball around..... You got Dwight, Pau, Ron, and a solid shooter in Blake on the floor with you and you're still pulling up for shots 5 feet behind the 3pt line? Come on..... I understand Snake has the MDK mentality. But if he had more LeBron Magic in him, even if it's just for this season, then LA would really be a problem.
But as it stands, his Murder Death Kill mentality won't work with the roster set up as it currently is.
Again, not tryna hate. Just talking bball.

Stopped reading here...:stoneface:
I'm not hate the Lakers but the Performance of their Headcoach been fail,

Mike Brown must improve his Coaching in Lakers Because when he did not Perform well he will go HOME,

and Lakers will FIND another Headcoach Might be "PHIL JACKSON" again but that is imposible so Mike Brown need to improve!!!
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