
Originally Posted by xBraveHeartX

LOL! This dude is Ducktails to the fullest!

This girl is my girlfriends cousin and she does not work at a damn Finishline.
She is far from a Finishline worker and already has a boyfriend

Nice try, perv
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Don't smash chicks where you work. You work at finish line so attractive chicks probably come in there daily.
It really isn't wise to dip your pen in the company ink, it can get ugly and she can mess with your cash flow.
Not worth it.

Go out for drinks man.
So what? If dude has to come to NT for advice on how to approach a female, do you really think he has the knowledge to maintain a workplace affair without it getting messy?
She gives him the draws once and my man would prolly have an aneurysm if he ever saw her flirting with another male customer.
I never realized it until now but y'all NTers be giving the WORST advice ever when it comes to females.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Don't smash chicks where you work. You work at finish line so attractive chicks probably come in there daily.
It really isn't wise to dip your pen in the company ink, it can get ugly and she can mess with your cash flow.
Not worth it.

Go out for drinks man.
So what? If dude has to come to NT for advice on how to approach a female, do you really think he has the knowledge to maintain a workplace affair without it getting messy?
She gives him the draws once and my man would prolly have an aneurysm if he ever saw her flirting with another male customer.
I never realized it until now but y'all NTers be giving the WORST advice ever when it comes to females.
Its not even anything serious though, especially if he's just trying to beat and they both work at a finishline (not even a corporate job)
If he's trying to fall in love with this chick or something than he takes the L automatically.

Not all work place "romances" fail fyi.
Drop a couple of lines every now and then but just do your thing. Act like you got other stuff going on. She'll come to you. If not it wasnt meant to be. If you got a hotter friend than her def bring your hot friend in when shes around. She'll build that curiosity. Trust me it always works.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne


Go out for drinks man.
So what? If dude has to come to NT for advice on how to approach a female, do you really think he has the knowledge to maintain a workplace affair without it getting messy?
She gives him the draws once and my man would prolly have an aneurysm if he ever saw her flirting with another male customer.
I never realized it until now but y'all NTers be giving the WORST advice ever when it comes to females.
Its not even anything serious though, especially if he's just trying to beat and they both work at a finishline (not even a corporate job)
If he's trying to fall in love with this chick or something than he takes the L automatically.

Not all work place "romances" fail fyi.

Yeah they don't all fail (if you know what you're doing) but from what I've seen they usually end up turning ugly.
OP sounds like he's trying to get his Cuffy Combs on though.
Originally Posted by youngdoc

Originally Posted by xBraveHeartX

LOL! This dude is Ducktails to the fullest!

This girl is my girlfriends cousin and she does not work at a damn Finishline.
She is far from a Finishline worker and already has a boyfriend

Nice try, perv
How do we know that you're not FOS?

You can't just come in here calling tales of the duck w/o proof


Obviously her to the right, and thats me on the left

I shouldn't even have to do this in the first place but what I do want to happen is expose you for the perv that you are 

Sad that people actually do things like this 
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Don't smash chicks where you work. You work at finish line so attractive chicks probably come in there daily.
It really isn't wise to dip your pen in the company ink, it can get ugly and she can mess with your cash flow.
Not worth it.

(You probably won't listen to this advice though and try to bag her anyway (and fail since I bet you searched her name on FB an got these pic off it like a true stalker))
this man knows what he is talking about OP. don't do it.
Originally Posted by xBraveHeartX

Originally Posted by youngdoc

Originally Posted by xBraveHeartX

LOL! This dude is Ducktails to the fullest!

This girl is my girlfriends cousin and she does not work at a damn Finishline.
She is far from a Finishline worker and already has a boyfriend

Nice try, perv
How do we know that you're not FOS?

You can't just come in here calling tales of the duck w/o proof


Obviously her to the right, and thats me on the left

I shouldn't even have to do this in the first place but what I do want to happen is expose you for the perv that you are 

Sad that people actually do things like this 
To me they look like two different people. 
If not 

Spoiler [+]
Doesn't look like the girl OP posted. Also if you have to ask how to get to know a girl at work you are already losing.
be a man

if she knew that you needed to come to us for relationship advice, i doubt she'd let you smash fam

some threads I understand, and I do appreciate this thread for the pics don't get me wrong, but are you really asking us how to ask a woman out on a date?
you two don't work at #+$*#*% Latham, this is finishline bro
just make some damn moves boy nobody is hurting your cash flow at finishline
Hey shawty, lemme holla at you right quick ya know what im sayin. Checkin you out over there you lookin kinda good, ya know what im sayin. So i was wondering ya know how about you and me go back to the place, get comfortable, probably sip on some of this henney, you know what im sayin, and after that, you know what im... sayin, we can do the grownup and you can let me clap on dem cheeks, ya hear me?
Knew it was Ducktales from the start, My dude had 39 posts.


Doesn't much like her though.
Originally Posted by archnoobie

Bro, IDK how long you've been around but these threads seem to take a turn for the worst

First things first - IF you never work with her, you need to stick around when one of her shift starts and yours is over. Let her know you're interested in hanging OUTSIDE of work before you get mindstamped as, "he just some random dude that works the opposite shift and lingers when I come around"

I guarantee a job like that, customers, and other staff are trying to get at her. OP she's new to the city. Possibly doesn't have many friends. Go for gusto. Studies show, 98.73% of female newcomers to a city that work in shoe stores will smash dudes that treat them nice and stuff.
Originally Posted by xBraveHeartX

Originally Posted by youngdoc

Originally Posted by xBraveHeartX

LOL! This dude is Ducktails to the fullest!

This girl is my girlfriends cousin and she does not work at a damn Finishline.
She is far from a Finishline worker and already has a boyfriend

Nice try, perv
How do we know that you're not FOS?

You can't just come in here calling tales of the duck w/o proof


Obviously her to the right, and thats me on the left

I shouldn't even have to do this in the first place but what I do want to happen is expose you for the perv that you are 

Sad that people actually do things like this 

Originally Posted by NT Brah

Hey shawty, lemme holla at you right quick ya know what im sayin. Checkin you out over there you lookin kinda good, ya know what im sayin. So i was wondering ya know how about you and me go back to the place, get comfortable, probably sip on some of this henney, you know what im sayin, and after that, you know what im... sayin, we can do the grownup and you can let me clap on dem cheeks, ya hear me?
Find some unique places around town....a shisha bar or some culturally different and enjoy it together. Kudos on posting pics
damn shes cute.

and the girl the guy posted looks like a different girl
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