
mfw someone messages said girl this thread on facebook

Ask her to get some lunch before someone else does.
Originally Posted by lilMITE87

She works at Finish Line... Lord I hope browses NT and finds this thread.
I pray to God she does not have a NikeTalk account! And yes, she's Filipino.

So I have a shift with her on Sunday, how should I approach?
Ask her how her thanksgiving was? Any Black Friday shopping? Then start talking about some of the food spots in the mall or nearby. Chances are she hasn't tried everything. If you find out a good spot she hasn't tried, tell her you will take her there. Going by your screen name, you're probably Chinese or Japanese. In that case, it should be a cake walk for you. Are you in the Bay Area?
Originally Posted by Mitsui

How should I approach to ask her, though? I think she was also impressed when I told her I went to the best college in our city. I am going to admit, I am a naturally shy guy, especially with someone with her charm and brains. How should I go about asking her?
Ask for her phone number.
Write her phone number on a paper and take a picture of it (covering the first three digits of course).
Brag and post on NT.

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Don't smash chicks where you work. You work at finish line so attractive chicks probably come in there daily.
It really isn't wise to dip your pen in the company ink, it can get ugly and she can mess with your cash flow.
Not worth it.

(You probably won't listen to this advice though and try to bag her anyway (and fail since I bet you searched her name on FB an got these pic off it like a true stalker))
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