
bruce would gauge them eyes out, kick em in the nutz, and bite him before mike as anything to offer him.

but yeah. down bruce all you want but since dude is dead, and there are no documented fights. theres no way to know. ive been into mma since 05. started withpridefc
. so i have some knowledge. i seen genki sudo tap out butterbeanwith a leg lock, bruce could do the same to mike. Both are insanly strong and fit, just that mike is bigger and stronger. big tyson fan, but I just dont seemike winning at all.
tyson would get merkd.
Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

bruce would gauge them eyes out, kick em in the nutz, and bite him before mike as anything to offer him.

but yeah. down bruce all you want but since dude is dead, and there are no documented fights. theres no way to know. ive been into mma since 05. started with pridefc
. so i have some knowledge. i seen genki sudo tap out butterbean with a leg lock, bruce could do the same to mike. Both are insanly strong and fit, just that mike is bigger and stronger. big tyson fan, but I just dont see mike winning at all.
tyson would get merkd.


Yup. Great comparison. Bruce would obviously win, because some other Asian guy submitted a terrible boxer famous for being obese.
Cadillac Escalades and peanut butter sandwiches

I hate when one person mentions something and then someone else rushes in to call it a bad comparison when it's not even a comparison at all.
Dudesaid he has some knowledge of MMA. In talking about his knowledge of MMA, he mentioned Genki Sudo tapping out Butterbean with a leglock. Then he said that hecould see Bruce doing the same thing to Mike

Nowhere... NOWHERE... did he say that Genki is like Bruce and Butterbean is like Tyson. It never happened. Did he say that he could see Tyson going down theway Butterbeaan went down? Nope, that never happened, either.

It's like if you and I were wrestling and i tapped you out in a leglock, then came up saying 'THAT'S what I think Bruce would do.' That... isNOT... a comparison. I'm not saying you're like freaking Mike Tyson, nor that I am like Bruce Lee.
I'd just be saying that a leglock wouldhappen, like I just leglocked you. You might be able to say that the comparison is between the leglock that happened in comparison to the leglock that mighthappen if Tyson and Bruce matched up, but that's about the only comparison going on... and you'd have to stretch the argument out quite a but to saythat there's a comparison there, because Tyson and Bruce never will and never can meet up.

It's like you saying that my logic is flawed because I compared Tyson and Bruce to an Escalade and a PNB sandwich.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Cadillac Escalades and peanut butter sandwiches

I hate when one person mentions something and then someone else rushes in to call it a bad comparison when it's not even a comparison at all.
Dude said he has some knowledge of MMA. In talking about his knowledge of MMA, he mentioned Genki Sudo tapping out Butterbean with a leglock. Then he said that he could see Bruce doing the same thing to Mike

Nowhere... NOWHERE... did he say that Genki is like Bruce and Butterbean is like Tyson. It never happened. Did he say that he could see Tyson going down the way Butterbeaan went down? Nope, that never happened, either.

It's like if you and I were wrestling and i tapped you out in a leglock, then came up saying 'THAT'S what I think Bruce would do.' That... is NOT... a comparison. I'm not saying you're like freaking Mike Tyson, nor that I am like Bruce Lee.
I'd just be saying that a leglock would happen, like I just leglocked you. You might be able to say that the comparison is between the leglock that happened in comparison to the leglock that might happen if Tyson and Bruce matched up, but that's about the only comparison going on... and you'd have to stretch the argument out quite a but to say that there's a comparison there, because Tyson and Bruce never will and never can meet up.

It's like you saying that my logic is flawed because I compared Tyson and Bruce to an Escalade and a PNB sandwich.

Right because, that's what he wasn't trying to do at all. Making a massive American heavyweight vs a technical smaller asian guy. Right there was NOimplication of a comparison at all. COMPLETELY RANDOM like your Cadillac Escalades and peanut butter sandwiches!
Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

The only footage you guys have seen of Bruce Lee fighting is in Hollywood movies, with special effects and stunts etc. So I think its a safe bet to say that his skills were exaggerated in films.
You know they actually Slowed down his footage so that you could see his punches and kicks right? There was an article I read awhile back where it was basically the leader of dojos fighting other leaders to own the losing dojo (or to advance above) and bruce would obliterate every opposition, even killing some of the masters of the other ones. Of course this is way back and there is no video of it (although the events are true where dojos had to defend its honors) so you guys can use this as an excuse that where there is no video proof the events never happened.

There was even video of some guy (cant find the video) where he could karate chop a glass coca bottle in half form left to right. or vice versa. This same guy was said to have fought and killed like a hundred bulls by using the same technique to chop their horns off in an animal vs humans cage match type battle

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Cadillac Escalades and peanut butter sandwiches

I hate when one person mentions something and then someone else rushes in to call it a bad comparison when it's not even a comparison at all.
Dude said he has some knowledge of MMA. In talking about his knowledge of MMA, he mentioned Genki Sudo tapping out Butterbean with a leglock. Then he said that he could see Bruce doing the same thing to Mike

Nowhere... NOWHERE... did he say that Genki is like Bruce and Butterbean is like Tyson. It never happened. Did he say that he could see Tyson going down the way Butterbeaan went down? Nope, that never happened, either.

It's like if you and I were wrestling and i tapped you out in a leglock, then came up saying 'THAT'S what I think Bruce would do.' That... is NOT... a comparison. I'm not saying you're like freaking Mike Tyson, nor that I am like Bruce Lee.
I'd just be saying that a leglock would happen, like I just leglocked you. You might be able to say that the comparison is between the leglock that happened in comparison to the leglock that might happen if Tyson and Bruce matched up, but that's about the only comparison going on... and you'd have to stretch the argument out quite a but to say that there's a comparison there, because Tyson and Bruce never will and never can meet up.

It's like you saying that my logic is flawed because I compared Tyson and Bruce to an Escalade and a PNB sandwich.
I would seriously like to see how you would score on an English Comprehension Test. I think you would fail that test in same way you failed withyour post. Not that I'm comparing the two scenarios, of course. I swear the strongest parts of your "argument" were the emoticons.
Attack the speaker, not the argument; I would have thought you to be better than that, Tra.


And Trueshot: the assumption of a point is not to be confused with the statement of a point. He said that he hasseen Genki Sudo take down Butterbean; yes, a smaller Asian guy taking down a larger American. If you would like to connect the dots and assume that he'scomparing the two matchups, that's on you; he never said that's what he was doing. He said he knows about MMA, and recalled a smaller guy tapping out alarger guy. Sure, that comparison could be reasonably made.

But suggesting that his logic is flawed (sarcastically saying ''up. Great comparison") because he compared Tyson to Butterbean?
He never didthat.

By the way: do I... owe you something or money, Tra? We get into an argument or a debate on here that you caughtfeelings over? Something? Just curious. You seem to have become a fan of mine over the last month or so, and I can't for the life of me figure out why.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Okay, how many people do you know would actually volunteer to get hit in the chest by Mike, even from an inch away? It's ok, I'll wait.

I would take a 1 inch punch from Mike. Dont think it would be bad at all. Id only be worried that he'd get mad and wouldnt stop and just destroy my chest.

I cant really choose between the two. Mike Tyson and Bruce Lee are really different fighters so its tough to say without actually seeing it.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Attack the speaker, not the argument; I would have thought you to be better than that, Tra.


And Trueshot: the assumption of a point is not to be confused with the statement of a point. He said that he has seen Genki Sudo take down Butterbean; yes, a smaller Asian guy taking down a larger American. If you would like to connect the dots and assume that he's comparing the two matchups, that's on you; he never said that's what he was doing. He said he knows about MMA, and recalled a smaller guy tapping out a larger guy. Sure, that comparison could be reasonably made.

But suggesting that his logic is flawed (sarcastically saying ''up. Great comparison") because he compared Tyson to Butterbean?
He never did that.

By the way: do I... owe you something or money, Tra? We get into an argument or a debate on here that you caught feelings over? Something? Just curious. You seem to have become a fan of mine over the last month or so, and I can't for the life of me figure out why.

I'm not going to argue with you about anything because there is no argument. You can't just interpret the English language at your own convenience. Soyou can deflect and give long-winded responses and post laughing emoticons all you want. The reason I have become a "fan" of yours is because yousometimes come off as an moderately intelligent individual, and then at other times, you post things like what I quoted in my last post. So I call you out onit, while others sit idly by. You say things that make no sense whatsoever and you expect those things to be accepted as logical arguments. When I see thingslike what you posted, I call people out, not just you. So maybe it's just that you repeatedly say these illogical things that I'm prone to rebut. Ifthat makes me a fan in your mind then fine. But what isn't fine is you attempting to deflect the fact that you are inexcusably, unforgivably, unequivocallywrong on this one.

Just like you were wrong when you stated that any extremely skilled martial artist can beat any street fight every time. I see this silliness trying to bepassed off as knowledge and I rebut it with actual logic. Like when I asked you if you actually watch MMA, where martial artists get beaten by boxers,brawlers, and wrestlers on any given night. You had no response for it because there is no response for it. You can't just SAY things and expect them to beaccepted as truth. I could have called you out on how you claim you are a big Tyson fan, and then proceeded to call him street fighter as if he wasn'twearing boxing gloves at 15. I could go on, but hopefully you get my point.

To sum it all up: As long as you say illogical, baseless nonsense in a post that I happen to click on, I will call you out on it. Not every single time, butwhen you get outright ridiculous like you just did.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Attack the speaker, not the argument; I would have thought you to be better than that, Tra.


And Trueshot: the assumption of a point is not to be confused with the statement of a point. He said that he has seen Genki Sudo take down Butterbean; yes, a smaller Asian guy taking down a larger American. If you would like to connect the dots and assume that he's comparing the two matchups, that's on you; he never said that's what he was doing. He said he knows about MMA, and recalled a smaller guy tapping out a larger guy. Sure, that comparison could be reasonably made.

But suggesting that his logic is flawed (sarcastically saying ''up. Great comparison") because he compared Tyson to Butterbean?
He never did that.

By the way: do I... owe you something or money, Tra? We get into an argument or a debate on here that you caught feelings over? Something? Just curious. You seem to have become a fan of mine over the last month or so, and I can't for the life of me figure out why.

I'm not going to argue with you about anything because there is no argument. You can't just interpret the English language at your own convenience. So you can deflect and give long-winded responses and post laughing emoticons all you want. The reason I have become a "fan" of yours is because you sometimes come off as an moderately intelligent individual, and then at other times, you post things like what I quoted in my last post. So I call you out on it, while others sit idly by. You say things that make no sense whatsoever and you expect those things to be accepted as logical arguments. When I see things like what you posted, I call people out, not just you. So maybe it's just that you repeatedly say these illogical things that I'm prone to rebut. If that makes me a fan in your mind then fine. But what isn't fine is you attempting to deflect the fact that you are inexcusably, unforgivably, unequivocally wrong on this one.

Just like you were wrong when you stated that any extremely skilled martial artist can beat any street fight every time. I see this silliness trying to be passed off as knowledge and I rebut it with actual logic. Like when I asked you if you actually watch MMA, where martial artists get beaten by boxers, brawlers, and wrestlers on any given night. You had no response for it because there is no response for it. You can't just SAY things and expect them to be accepted as truth. I could have called you out on how you claim you are a big Tyson fan, and then proceeded to call him street fighter as if he wasn't wearing boxing gloves at 15. I could go on, but hopefully you get my point.

To sum it all up: As long as you say illogical, baseless nonsense in a post that I happen to click on, I will call you out on it. Not every single time, but when you get outright ridiculous like you just did.
ska has a history of doing that
just move on
what isn't fine is you attempting to deflect the fact that you are inexcusably, unforgivably, unequivocally wrong on this one.

I said that MC OTAKU never said that a comparison was intended to be made between Genki Sudo/BruceLee and Butterbean/Mike Tyson.

If I am inexcusably, unforgivably, and unequivocally wrong, that only means one thing: MC OTAKU did say that he was comparing Genki Sudo to Bruce Lee and Butterbean to Tyson. So that begs the question: where did he say that?(hint: I can't be inexcusably, unforgivably, and unequivocally wrong about something that is to be assumed; if I'm wrong to the upteenth degree you aresaying I am wrong on, then he must've said it somewhere. I said that he never said it, you're saying I'm wrong on every earthly level possible. Sowhere did he say that he was making a comparison?)
Just like you were wrong when you stated that any extremely skilled martial artist can beat any street fight every time.
That... was/is definitely my opinion. I won't fault you for not seeing that, because I didn't preface my statement with 'In myopinion'.

And when others sit idly by while you 'police' message boards, making sure that everyone comes off as consistently intelligent or consistentlyignorant/unintelligent, that makes everyone else agreeable while you come off as the a-hole giving out his opinion without anyone ever asking.
You've got a lot of correcting to do, both online and offline, if you'vemade that one of your missions or purposes in life, bro.

knightngale: who the hell asked you?
Go back to the Lakers thread, man.

It's amusing (and by 'amusing', I mean 'unbelievably frustrating') whenever I get into it with someone and 9 people think they canpiggyback onto the argument by bringing up previous arguments, like that's even remotely helpful or fair (or mature
). After over 10 years, maybe I still don't get how important internetdiscussions are to people.

Be easy, y'all. I'm not out to get you. For crying out loud, I just want to have some peaceable discussions, disagreements, and debates. People alwaysget so 'sens-a-tive', then jump out when they see me debatin with someone else down the line. Fall back, calm down, and be easy. No one gets any pointsfor any of this.

Now I'm going to sit back and see if you're going to respond to what I just said to knightngale, or ifyou're going to answer my question about where MC OTAKU said that he was comparing Butterbean to Tyson andGenki Sudo to Bruce Lee, something I said that he never said (and you're saying I am absolutely incorrect).
lol You're wrong on this one ska, imo. At best, this is a 50/50 toss-up and only if Bruce Lee is a much better fighter than I believe he ever was (or lackof proof dictates). Bruce ma have been a true martial artist and someone who developed his own martial art / philosophy but that's far different than beingbattle tested and a trained fighter. I don't see much proof for the application of his knowledge. At 135 lbs (give or take), is he so much better thansomeone like Kid, Miguel Torres, BJ Penn, etc? The evolution of fighting (ie, mma) has been astronomical since UFC 1. Bruce Lee might've trained to quenchhis insatiable thirst for knowledge but he never trained to fight against another well trained all-around fighter. And are those guys 100% favorites against aprime Mike Tyson who'd outweigh them by 80-100 lbs? Look, given almost any other boxer, I'd say they're heavy favorites but Iron Mike wasotherworldly. He was FAST.. hand speed, twisting speed, head movement speed, bobbing and weaving speed, everything.
^ You're saying I'm wrong about saying that Bruce would mirk Mike, right?

Just checking.
Yup. Great comparison. Bruce would obviously win, because some other Asian guy submitted a terrible boxer famous for being obese.

C'mon dude. all i said was that Bruce could do that to Tyson.

Butterbean =/= Tyson
Genki =/= Bruce

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

what isn't fine is you attempting to deflect the fact that you are inexcusably, unforgivably, unequivocally wrong on this one.
I said that MC OTAKU never said that a comparison was intended to be made between Genki Sudo/Bruce Lee and Butterbean/Mike Tyson.

If I am inexcusably, unforgivably, and unequivocally wrong, that only means one thing: MC OTAKU did say that he was comparing Genki Sudo to Bruce Lee and Butterbean to Tyson. So that begs the question: where did he say that? (hint: I can't be inexcusably, unforgivably, and unequivocally wrong about something that is to be assumed; if I'm wrong to the upteenth degree you are saying I am wrong on, then he must've said it somewhere. I said that he never said it, you're saying I'm wrong on every earthly level possible. So where did he say that he was making a comparison?)
Just like you were wrong when you stated that any extremely skilled martial artist can beat any street fight every time.
That... was/is definitely my opinion. I won't fault you for not seeing that, because I didn't preface my statement with 'In my opinion'.

And when others sit idly by while you 'police' message boards, making sure that everyone comes off as consistently intelligent or consistently ignorant/unintelligent, that makes everyone else agreeable while you come off as the a-hole giving out his opinion without anyone ever asking.
You've got a lot of correcting to do, both online and offline, if you've made that one of your missions or purposes in life, bro.

knightngale: who the hell asked you?
Go back to the Lakers thread, man.

It's amusing (and by 'amusing', I mean 'unbelievably frustrating') whenever I get into it with someone and 9 people think they can piggyback onto the argument by bringing up previous arguments, like that's even remotely helpful or fair (or mature
). After over 10 years, maybe I still don't get how important internet discussions are to people.

Be easy, y'all. I'm not out to get you. For crying out loud, I just want to have some peaceable discussions, disagreements, and debates. People always get so 'sens-a-tive', then jump out when they see me debatin with someone else down the line. Fall back, calm down, and be easy. No one gets any points for any of this.

Now I'm going to sit back and see if you're going to respond to what I just said to knightngale, or if you're going to answer my question about where MC OTAKU said that he was comparing Butterbean to Tyson and Genki Sudo to Bruce Lee, something I said that he never said (and you're saying I am absolutely incorrect).

It's all good man... I really do what I do just to see how people react when they're asked to explain themselves. It's not really a"mission." It's more of a hobby. One thing I do have to
@ is having a message board admin accuse me of internet policing.
I'm sure you can see the irony in that. But anyway, I don't have a beef with you or anything and I never have. This isnt the first time we haven'tseen eye to eye and it won't be the last. But I've seen you look for common ground we have like when you brought up how you were cynical like I am andI looked for common ground when you made the post about relationships (or lack thereof) with mothers. So there's really no need for falling back or calmingdown from my standpoint, cuz I'm not worked up over anything. I type the way I speak, its just that it comes off worse over the net. Maybe I'll tryusing more laughing emoticons or something.

As far as "comparison" discussion goes, I'll just say that just because a person doesn't state that they are comparing someone/thing, thatdoes not mean a comparison is not being made. I'll just leave it at that. Like I said, I'm not gonna argue the point any further.


What I will argue is that Bruce Lee is now more worshipped than he is respected. He was a man, and any man could go down on any given day. (Trying to steer theship back on course).
^ I mean, I agree, but it was serious enough for you to pop in on. No? I don't even think it's that serious,but you apparently do. No?
One thing I do have to
@ is having a message board admin accuse me of internet policing.
I'm sure you can see the irony in that.
Not really, for three reasons.
#1. I was asked to do what I'm doing (helping 'police' [since that's the term you and I are using right now] a message board).
#2. I don't police behaviors and tendencies. There are plenty of people that I think are complete douches on here. Oh well. As long as they go by the ruleswe have laid out, I don't care. I don't make it my business to make sure people come off as sensitive instead of abrasive, or that people make sure togive credit where it's due, or that they don't lie. If you can come off as abrasive in spewing plagiarisms and lies while abiding by the rules we have,I'm not going to confront you about anything. I might get into it with you, but it will be over something you said, not over me 'policing' how yousaid it or anything. Know what I mean?
#3. I didn't accuse you of policing. You said (in different words) that you make it your business to call people out on illogicalstatements/rebuttals/arguments. I simply called it policing; I just re-worded what you said in a way that was more convenient to type, I guess.

And I just now saw something else you said earlier:
I could have called you out on how you claim you are a big Tyson fan, and then proceeded to call him street fighter as if he wasn't wearing boxing gloves at 15. I could go on, but hopefully you get my point.
No, I called him a street fighter like he's a street fighter; not in a disrespectful way, like he's new to boxxing or only fought a coupletimes on the street. I called him a street fighter... like... he was basically... brought up in the streets... fighting.
As far as "comparison" discussion goes, I'll just say that just because a person doesn't state that they are comparing someone/thing, that does not mean a comparison is not being made. I'll just leave it at that. Like I said, I'm not gonna argue the point any further.
The comparison being made was between a leglock that has happened and a leglock that someone thinks could hypothetically happen; no comparison wasmade between the people involved, and he has now EXPLICITLY said that he wasn't comparing the parties involved.

THAT'S what I originally said I can't stand, when people are so quick to discredit someone's claim on the premise that a ridiculous comparison wasmade... when it actually wasn't made at all. He never compared Butterbean to Tyson, and he has now explicitly said that he wasn't comparing them.

MENTIONING them... while making a completely separate comparison? YES. Comparing them? Nope, and that was my original point to Camel.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ I mean, I agree, but it was serious enough for you to pop in on. No? I don't even think it's that serious, but you apparently do. No?
well if you did not think it was that serious you would have ignored my post
*walks out of thread*
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