
Originally Posted by Tunnel Vision

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by brrraptors

bruce lee would have tyson sleeping before he can put together his first few punches. this guy was a true master of the martial arts. there are numerous instances of people challenging him to a fight in the street, sets of his movies, etc to make a name for themselves only to have bruce pick them apart in a very short time. the dudes dedication to fitness, diet and training is unparalleled.

How many of yall SERIOUSLY believe this %@%*?

I mean honestly...some of the stuff on this list sounds like the predecessor to the Chuck Norris jokes....

I didnt wanna say anything about it.....but how slow do u have to be to allow someone to take a dime outta your hand and leave a penny behind.

I can do all that stuff
Originally Posted by eaalto

Bruce Lee is also smarter. Mike Tyson has an infantile brain. He is an idiot. He is one dimensional. Bruce Lee would tear him apart.
its foolish to underestimate a persons fighting ability and fighting intelligence simply because they don't have good people skills and booksmarts.
go ahead and think Tyson isn't just as Bruce smart in the ring...

dudes set out to make bruce lee the greatest fighter to ever breathe.
he is a hero of mine but still... dont play mike off like he doesnt stand a chance. cause real talk, its obvious who's basing their bruce lee knowledge offhis movies, rather than his martial arts achievements outside of film...
Can we ask a more serious question though?

Bruce Lee swag vs. Iron Mike swag?

nah I'm just playin.

but really though
On page 5 I posted Bruce 9 out of 10

Anyone with a Jiu-Jitsu black belt that weighed more than 170 lbs would beat Tyson 5 out of 10 times
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by eaalto

Bruce Lee is also smarter. Mike Tyson has an infantile brain. He is an idiot. He is one dimensional. Bruce Lee would tear him apart.
its foolish to underestimate a persons fighting ability and fighting intelligence simply because they don't have good people skills and book smarts.
go ahead and think Tyson isn't just as Bruce smart in the ring...

dudes set out to make bruce lee the greatest fighter to ever breathe.
he is a hero of mine but still... dont play mike off like he doesnt stand a chance. cause real talk, its obvious who's basing their bruce lee knowledge off his movies, rather than his martial arts achievements outside of film...
Bruce would easily out-strategize Tyson.
I'm calling Lee the greatest fighter to ever live. I dont base that on his movies. I base it on his knowledge, PROVEN knowledge, of fighting and styles;creating your own form of martial arts that mixes many forms to adapt to any fighter, gives you an upper hand against anyone. THAT is why Lee would win. Hecould adapt to how Tyson fights, then break him down.

It's never about strength, I dont know why you people think that it is. Fighting is about strategy. Bruce's strategy > Tysons. Thats why Lee wouldwin.
Quote: Iron Mike, no competition, I don't see why people hype up Bruce Lee like he was a killing machine. Iron Mike was a REAL fighter.

And Bruce Lee wasn't?

Not on the level Tyson was.

this is pretty comical, bruce lee would WIPE THE FLOOR WITH HIM, he was most definitely not overrated, how hard someone can hit means NOTHING. Throw miketyson IN HIS PRIME into the ring with a half way decent MMA fighter and he would have his butt handed to him, let alone Bruce Lee, that dude would murder mike,and im a big Tyson fan.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by eaalto

Bruce Lee is also smarter. Mike Tyson has an infantile brain. He is an idiot. He is one dimensional. Bruce Lee would tear him apart.
its foolish to underestimate a persons fighting ability and fighting intelligence simply because they don't have good people skills and book smarts.
go ahead and think Tyson isn't just as Bruce smart in the ring...

dudes set out to make bruce lee the greatest fighter to ever breathe.
he is a hero of mine but still... dont play mike off like he doesnt stand a chance. cause real talk, its obvious who's basing their bruce lee knowledge off his movies, rather than his martial arts achievements outside of film...
No one is underestimating Mike Tyson's ability as a boxer. That's the thing though, Mike Tyson is only a boxer. He is one-dimensional. Hesimply wouldn't have the ability to defend himself against what Bruce Lee could throw at him. It's not a knock on his abilities as a boxer.
You never know what can happen. In a series out of 3 I'm sure one can beat the other @ least once.

If Tyson connects with a combo, lights out Bruce!
I dont care how strong or fast you are, nobody can withstand too many punches from prime Tyson.

On the other hand, Bruce is a smarter fighter. He is very patient in contrast of Tyson.
Bruce has a black belt Jui-Jitsu. Boxing is one dimensional Tyson knows is how to counter punches, he wouldnt have a clue what to do.

Winner: I dunno gonna role with Bruce
"its not about comparing the body size, its all about how you use your body as a ultimate weapon" - Bruce Lee..
Originally Posted by trethousandgt

Throw mike tyson IN HIS PRIME into the ring with a half way decent MMA fighter and he would have his butt handed to him, let alone Bruce Lee, that dude would murder mike, and im a big Tyson fan.
you dont even really believe that
if we were talkin straight boxin i'd say mike... but this is a no holds barred, fight to the death... gotta roll wit Lee
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

So......Bruce Lee is the ultimate, unbeatable Fighter of all-time?!
No. But Mike isn't as ferocious out of the ring as he is inside. It's really not that hard to comprehend. It wouldn't be a blow forblow fight. They won't both be standing still. It's quite simple I mean Tyson doesn't know how to defend himself anywhere below the stomach. Anyonewith Bruce Lee's knowledge and in his shape could defeat Tyson. That's what I'm saying. There isn't alot of people in that shape with thatknowledge, but I just don't understand people belittling Bruce because he doesn't have documented fights. With that much training in that many fightingstyles it doesn't matter if you have never fought a day in your life. If you are athletic enough and smart enough you can beat any boxer Iron Mike includedin a street fight
would a closed fist-gloveless punch to the face by bruce lee break bruce's hand or break tyson's face?
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

So......Bruce Lee is the ultimate, unbeatable Fighter of all-time?!
No. But Mike isn't as ferocious out of the ring as he is inside. It's really not that hard to comprehend. It wouldn't be a blow for blow fight. They won't both be standing still. It's quite simple I mean Tyson doesn't know how to defend himself anywhere below the stomach. Anyone with Bruce Lee's knowledge and in his shape could defeat Tyson. That's what I'm saying. There isn't alot of people in that shape with that knowledge, but I just don't understand people belittling Bruce because he doesn't have documented fights. With that much training in that many fighting styles it doesn't matter if you have never fought a day in your life. If you are athletic enough and smart enough you can beat any boxer Iron Mike included in a street fight
You are joking right. Heavy bags don't hit back. Mike has proven he can take a punch Bruce has not. And could someone please explain to me what major damage Lee will do Tyson's legs? Becuase I watch a ton of K-1 and this argument seems to be such BS to me. I don't think people realize how many shots it will take to take out a leg. Plus I could name atleast 20 dudes off the top of my head that would ether Lee, not including Iron Mike.
You ever seen someone get their kneecap kicked in?
It's gross.
Or kicked any way. One of the shots would get through, and Mike's down.

Remember, this is a no-rules fight between the two.

Now name 20 people that could ether Lee.
Originally Posted by 18key

I'm calling Lee the greatest fighter to ever live. I dont base that on his movies. I base it on his knowledge, PROVEN knowledge, of fighting and styles; creating your own form of martial arts that mixes many forms to adapt to any fighter, gives you an upper hand against anyone. THAT is why Lee would win. He could adapt to how Tyson fights, then break him down.

It's never about strength, I dont know why you people think that it is. Fighting is about strategy. Bruce's strategy > Tysons. Thats why Lee would win.
He may have developed his own system but that's a far cry from making him the best fighter ever. I'm sure he'd stand a chance againstGSP, Spider, FEDOR, etc.. Please. Stop with this ridiculousness. Jeet Kune Do was a precursor to mma but so is something like Pankration. It's a far cryfrom being a proven fighting system. Heck, it's more of a philosophy than a real set of fighting techniques. You guys are smoking some serious crack if youthink Bruce Lee was as good as his movies tell you.

Look, Bruce Lee did more for martial arts than anyone in history. But that's not the same thing as being a super hero invincible 130lb dude.



Bruce broke this dude's sternum with this kick here:


sorry so small
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by 18key

I'm calling Lee the greatest fighter to ever live. I dont base that on his movies. I base it on his knowledge, PROVEN knowledge, of fighting and styles; creating your own form of martial arts that mixes many forms to adapt to any fighter, gives you an upper hand against anyone. THAT is why Lee would win. He could adapt to how Tyson fights, then break him down.

It's never about strength, I dont know why you people think that it is. Fighting is about strategy. Bruce's strategy > Tysons. Thats why Lee would win.
He may have developed his own system but that's a far cry from making him the best fighter ever. I'm sure he'd stand a chance against GSP, Spider, FEDOR, etc.. Please. Stop with this ridiculousness. Jeet Kune Do was a precursor to mma but so is something like Pankration. It's a far cry from being a proven fighting system. Heck, it's more of a philosophy than a real set of fighting techniques. You guys are smoking some serious crack if you think Bruce Lee was as good as his movies tell you.
Well like I said, I dont base my pick off his movies. I base it off what he knows and how he strategizes. Speed counts a lot too.
And I used Jeet Kune Do as an example of him being able to adapt to any fighting system, and break it down. Well not any, but certainly boxing. In my mind, the only people in history who can stand a chance against Lee, that I've heard of, wouldbe Jet Li and dude from Tony Jaa. Either way, Tyson wouldnt last 12 round with Lee.
Originally Posted by 18key

Well like I said, I dont base my pick off his movies. I base it off what he knows and how he strategizes. Speed counts a lot too.
And I used Jeet Kune Do as an example of him being able to adapt to any fighting system, and break it down. Well not any, but certainly boxing. In my mind, the only people in history who can stand a chance against Lee, that I've heard of, would be Jet Li and dude from Tony Jaa. Either way, Tyson wouldnt last 12 round with Lee.
You obviously don't know anything. You're obviously just basing all of your information off movies. Seriously, the only 2 guys in historywho'd stand a chance against Bruce Lee are 2 other actors!? Please. Making stuff look nice on film isn't the same as real fighting. Not in the mostremote sense.
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