
dont be a menace, how's this?

Originally Posted by dont be a menace

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

dont be a menace, how's this?


looks great but it's kinda small. but just checked it's properties, yuku limit is 100kb?
I didn't know whether to have the avy flash to white or to have it fade to black. I choose flash to white just to see how it looks. Is thatcool?

Yeah it's around 100kb, but I had to get it to that size because when you upload it to Yuku, the file size double and sometimes triples in size. I checkedit though by uploading it to my images. Your file size should be good.
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

yuku's limit is 150kb, menace

damn, i might want a new avy toooooo. I'll let you know as soon as i find one paul
You sure you want me to make you one? You're better at this than I am. I'm just a newb compared to you.
Basketball season, oh how I miss you.

The Giants being decent has helped pass the time, but I need basketball right now. I'm watching Kevin Garnett's NBA debut right now on NBA TV. Later onthey're going to show Iverson's, and LeBron's as well. Pretty fun seeing all the old players again.
I know there have threads asking this question numerous time, but I don't think I've seen the Warriors Thread NTers' responses.

What are your favorite sports? Rank them.

For me...
1. NBA
2. MLB
3. NFL
4. NHL

Numbers 3 and 4 are really interchangeable for me. I used to be into the NFL, but it sort of faded into the background. I tried to get into the NHL 3 years agoduring the playoffs, again 2 years ago, and again last year. I'm just a casual fan that is still trying to learn the game. It's just that it'sduring basketball season and I'm more into that than the NHL.

For me growing up, MLB reigned supreme and the NBA was 2nd. Now it's flip flopped for me. I mean, I still love both, but if I had to choose one, I'd gowith the NBA over MLB. But really though, it's like 1A and 1B.

I was just never into tennis, golf, NASCAR, soccer, or college sports.
If you were to ask me if I was a bigger Warriors fan or Giants fan, I wouldn't be able to tell you. However, I'm definitely more of an NBA fan than anMLB fan. I can watch any NBA game on TV. With baseball, I can only watch the Giants. It's hard for me to sit through 9 innings of Nationals/Pirates. Doesthat even make sense? Warriors = Giants, but NBA > MLB.

1. NBA
2. MLB
3. NFL
4. NHL
I know what you're saying. It's just weird because when I see your username and your sig, I'm thinking this guy's a baseball fan first andforemost.

By the way, having Nyjer Morgan or Garrett Jones on your fantasy team can make a Nationals/Pirates game fun to watch.
Yeah I figured people would think of me more as a baseball fan because of my sn and sig. I just figured if I have the sn, might as well have the sig and avyrelate to it.

About the Nats/Pirates...yeah fun for about 30 seconds every 45 minutes when they're batting.
My favorite team is probably a tie between the Warriors and Cal football, but probably a slight edge to the warriors. If we're talking pro leagues, interms of interest it probably goes
1) nfl
2) nba
3) nhl/mlb (tie)

i can follow football closer because there's less games and i can watch any two teams play without really getting bored at all. nba is second because ifit's not the warriors sometimes i just don't have interest unless it's the playoffs or something big, and a lot of times i get the feeling it'sfixed, especially recently. i just don't follow baseball/hockey as much but i def hope the local teams do well.
I get the feeling the NBA games are fixed, too.

By the way, posting from my phone sucks. I need that keyboard to come in the mail already!
I always thought Franchise55 was a baseball guy.

For me, it's MLB > NBA. Should be easy to tell with my lack of appearances in this thread. Don't get me wrong, I love basketball. It's mysecond favorite, but baseball has been my #1 for a while now.

Between the '06-'07 Warriors playoff season and the '02 Giants World Series season, I don't know which one I like better. Had the Giants wonGame 6, it'd be a different story. I'm still mad about it though.
Little League Baseball? Good thing I asked this question or else I would have never known that. Wow, you learn something new everyday.
I'm just kidding about that..though the LLWS is dope...

I think I've said it in a thread before, some of those kids you can see having a career...maybe not majors, but minors or something.

Plus they play the game out of love...which is a lost cause amongst many professionals.

I only watch NHL come playoff time. And even then, I'd rather read.
I was kidding, also. I figured it was your way of saying the NHL is way, way down on your totem pole of sports.

On another note, I'm surprised MMA hasn't been listed yet, considering how quickly the sport is growing.
Not sure if those count.

Sports I don't go out of my way to watch, but watch occasionally or during bigger matches:
Originally Posted by Tim Lincecum

Between the '06-'07 Warriors playoff season and the '02 Giants World Series season, I don't know which one I like better. Had the Giants won Game 6, it'd be a different story. I'm still mad about it though.
When we lost in 06-07, I was still proud as hell of my team. When we made the playoffs with a resounding victory in Portland to clinch, Iliterally broke into tears. I was proud as hell of my team. I was so happy for J-Rich sticking with us through the thick and thin and then finally reaching theplayoffs. It was an incredible feeling. [Hank Hill] It's like selling a million gas powered grills... with the extended warranty [/Hank Hill]. Oh and I washappy for Adonal, too

In the playoffs, we were looked upon as the underdogs and with the way we handled Dallas was just simply amazing. In the 2nd round, we knew the Jazz owned usand there was little that we could do. I won't even bring up Pietrus' and Baron's missed FTs because in a 7 game series, the better team was goingto win and we were just simply over-matched. I mean, I would have liked to see how the series would have ended up had Pietrus and Baron made those FTs, butI'm not going to lose much sleep over it. Don't get me wrong though, it still haunts me, but when comparing it to the Giants 02 season, there's nocomparison. I was happy to be there in the playoffs.

When we lost in 02, it was like someone ripping out my heart and stomping on it.... then spitting on it afterward. The game slipped right through our fingers.I still hate Scott Spiezio with a passion to this day and John Lackey's still ugly
. Barry should have had his ring. As Damon Bruce put it, we had themost feared hitter in all of baseball, a legit ace in Jason Schmidt, a future HOF 2nd baseman in Jeff Kent, and a real closer in Robb Nen, and we couldn'tdo it then. The game was ours, but we let it slip right through our fingers.

That's the difference right there. With the Warriors, we were happy to be there. With the Giants, the game was ours, but we let it slip right through ourfingers. Both were amazing moments for me, but one was totally unexpected and the other one was in our grasp and we let it slip away.
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