
Just a question about fantasy baseball, any reason why Aaron Cook was avilable in 2 of my leagues?
^ Aaron Cook's a solid starter. He'll rack up wins on Colorado. Why he was on the FA is because we have only a handful of active teams. If more teamswere active, they would upgrade their teams and pick up better starters. I mean, Chien Ming Wang, Chris Davis, and Dice-K are on a team for crying out loud(sorry 715, I just randomly clicked on a team and it happened to be your team

In short, the more active teams in a league, the less "quality" is out in the FA.

Speaking on fantasy baseball, looks like the Giants Season thread has more contributors. I'm hoping next year for a better turnout than in previous yearsfor fantasy baseball in terms of activity.
My lineup in that league is
I have some nice starting pitchers though.

I haven't really been as active as I should, but I will be for the stretch run. My bad guys.
Yea that would explain it for our league. but in another league, some one dropped Cook yesterday and was
and snagged him
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

My lineup in that league is
I have some nice starting pitchers though.

I haven't really been as active as I should, but I will be for the stretch run. My bad guys.
Yeah, I haven't been as active in that league either. I mean, I update it and everything, but I'm so caught up in my money league.That's the league I spend most of my time trying to figure out who to trade and for what. I'm still trying to win that league though. Trying to getmore Yahoo Fantasy Sport Trophies!
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Yea that would explain it for our league. but in another league, some one dropped Cook yesterday and was
and snagged him
Who did they pick up? And did that GM have a surplus of pitchers and picked up a player that provided a category they were lacking in?

Oh and since no one usually posts in the Stickied Fantasy Baseball thread at night, I might as well post it in here since we're on this topic of fantasybaseball...

Would you start Dempster tomorrow against the Astros at Wrigley? It's Dempster's first game back since his toe injury.
he picked up his team mate, Jorge De la Rosa.

Also, Dempster could be a big risk personally, he wasnt doing that well before his injury, so i wouldnt start him right after.
Well, De La Rosa has been doing great in the past month. He's been "more dominant" than Cook. And the wins are there as well. He's got 8 winsand now that the Rockies are hot, he could rack up more wins. All Cook really provides are wins. His K's, ERA, and WHIP are lackluster.

Yeah, maybe I should wait for Dempster. I'll bench him and see how he does. If he does well, I'll think to myself "dammit, I should have startedhim" and if he does poorly, I'll think to myself "dammit, I held on this guy for this?" It's a lose-lose for me.
oh no, 715 got banned again, another argument with ska?

i think 12 teams would be better, but if 14 is needed to accomodate everyone that wants in that's fine
oh my, i looked at that thread, and i couldn't have expected anything else.

Wow, I'm so glad I came back to check on this because I knew your sorry @*% would spend 45 minutes on the subject matter.

First of all, I posted the closed eyes picture SARCASTICALLY. Tongue-in-cheek. Dear god, can you please get a sense of humor? You're about as exciting to talk to as dry wall. I pity your friends and family. If I were them, I'd get out my cellphone and pretend to text message to void talkling to a stiff like you.

The picture I posted clearly shows the ball going over the fence? Really, detective? He could have jumped early, caught the ball before crashing into the fence, but had his momentum carry the ball and the glove over the fence making it seem like the ball was about 4 feet over the wall. (Exclaimer, 4 feet is an exageration. You might be missing an exageration gene too. Just like the chill the #!%! out gene.)

As far as the Megan Fox analogy ... Are you dense? I never said Wise's catch was terrible. But it's not "the best catch I've ever seen in my life." And its certainly not worth 25 straight pimp emoticons.

And I make it less for people to celebrate? Who gives a #!%!? They can just ignore me. I at least make it interesting while you're stale and tired @*% comes in here all serious and takes the fun out of everything. You're too lame for this forum and you're an absolute kill joy. Take my advice from before when I got banned. My advice still stands.
that Ska ether
Originally Posted by acidicality

oh my, i looked at that thread, and i couldn't have expected anything else.

Wow, I'm so glad I came back to check on this because I knew your sorry @*% would spend 45 minutes on the subject matter.

First of all, I posted the closed eyes picture SARCASTICALLY. Tongue-in-cheek. Dear god, can you please get a sense of humor? You're about as exciting to talk to as dry wall. I pity your friends and family. If I were them, I'd get out my cellphone and pretend to text message to void talkling to a stiff like you.

The picture I posted clearly shows the ball going over the fence? Really, detective? He could have jumped early, caught the ball before crashing into the fence, but had his momentum carry the ball and the glove over the fence making it seem like the ball was about 4 feet over the wall. (Exclaimer, 4 feet is an exageration. You might be missing an exageration gene too. Just like the chill the #!%! out gene.)

As far as the Megan Fox analogy ... Are you dense? I never said Wise's catch was terrible. But it's not "the best catch I've ever seen in my life." And its certainly not worth 25 straight pimp emoticons.

And I make it less for people to celebrate? Who gives a #!%!? They can just ignore me. I at least make it interesting while you're stale and tired @*% comes in here all serious and takes the fun out of everything. You're too lame for this forum and you're an absolute kill joy. Take my advice from before when I got banned. My advice still stands.
that Ska ether

Oh my lord
Nelson on his record with the Warriors, through the 06-07 and 07-08 season:
"Q: You coached Golden State, and at the end of the 06/07 season, you ended up meeting the Mavs in the playoffs, did you not?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: And Golden State defeated the Mavs, is that correct?
A: They did.
Q: And then Golden State was defeated the next round?
A: Yes.
Q: And then this year, did the Mavs defeat Golden State in the playoffs?
A: We didn't play the in the playoffs.
Q: Well, you-all defeated - you-all didn't make the playoffs?
A: Correct.
Q: That's correct?
A: Thanks for reminding me. %@#@$*#." (48)

Just registered for the fantasy FBall league
Might as well crown mechamp now


J/K. In all the fantasy football leagues I've been in, I've never finished higher than 4th
I'm going to have to pass on the football league. I always do poorly in football...I guess it's just not my sport.
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