December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

My fault.

Bischoff always talks about HOW people were selected to get Nielsen Boxes (thus being the people counted for TV Ratings) and I guess the fan didn't believe him.

How do I get selected for Nielsen ratings?

We can't ask every home to participate, so we carefully select a sample of homes from communities all over the country to represent the entire TV audience. Households are randomly selected, and every household in the U.S. has a chance of being selected, no matter where it is located.

TV Homes | Nielsen – Nielsen

:lol: @ the random Dave Meltzer shot at 9:30.


My actual reaction... nah man. If this was par for Wrestling then there wouldn’t be as much complaining as there is.
I don’t know why marks complain so much. There is so much product and variety out there to fit everyone’s tastes. Just watch what you like and don’t watch what you don’t.
I don’t know why marks complain so much. There is so much product and variety out there to fit everyone’s tastes. Just watch what you like and don’t watch what you don’t.

Cornette is one of those dudes who thinks "real wrestling" is dead because he's too pigheaded to watch anything other than mainstream American wrestling

If he was more open-minded he could probably find a lot of things he likes

But liking things isn't what gets him clicks
Peep Game Peep Game
noblekane noblekane
ihust1e ihust1e
Canadian Destroyer Canadian Destroyer
degenerate423 degenerate423
Case Case
King of Trash Style King of Trash Style
JCMojica24 JCMojica24
tramericanjr tramericanjr
rwfanatic rwfanatic

Nitro: 12/25/95

Singles Match
Lex Luger (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Scotty Riggs

Scotty Riggs really took it to Luger during this match. The Story of Luger having his sights on the Triangle Match could have been told by the announce team. But yea, Riggs looked good here. After he missed that Missle Dropkick, the fans knew what was coming. They always pop for that Torture Rack, rightfully so.

Singles Match
Sting vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Not much to see here honestly, the low point of the show. Sting just needed some momentum heading into Starrcade.

Singles Match
Dean Malenko vs. Mr. JL

Just so you know, Jerry Lynn (J.L) is from Minnesota so that is why Bischoff looked out for him during this time. Looking back on it, JL got a lot of tv time during the end of 95. Great cruiserweight match here. Both men looked strong. I think Lynn messed him arm up when Malenko did that GutBuster. THey went to a quick finish and I saw Nick Patrick signaling for the Medical Staff. Good match.

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Randy Savage (c) vs. Ric Flair (w/Jimmy Hart)

Classic matchup between these two. Flair was beating down a completely injured Savage. Savage is really in bad shape going into Starrcade. No way he holds on to the title. SOlid match here. I’m not mad about the Non-Finish since all men needed to safe face going into the PPV.

One thing I will say about WCW, there is NO DOUBT about who the Top Stars are in the company. AEW, you want to be like WCW? Follow that simple rule. Establish tiers within your roster. We look at these shows and we know Hogan, Savage, Giant, Sting, Luger, and Flair are at the Top of the Card. It needs to be easily distinguishable by anyone that watches your program. This 50/50 nonsense doesn’t help anyone.

Lastly, The Pittman/Jimmy HArt segment was terrible. Why disrespect your talent on the air like that? That is a WWE/Vince move right there. “Look at your body vs. LEx Luger’s body.” Why do that?
Cornette is one of those dudes who thinks "real wrestling" is dead because he's too pigheaded to watch anything other than mainstream American wrestling

If he was more open-minded he could probably find a lot of things he likes

But liking things isn't what gets him clicks

I don't see what is wrong with what he likes. I mean, he's passionate about it. It's his profession. He's old school.

I don't agree with everything but he does make good points and sometimes the way he gives his thoughts on how he would have booked a segment/match does sound alot better.
I don’t know why marks complain so much. There is so much product and variety out there to fit everyone’s tastes. Just watch what you like and don’t watch what you don’t.

Trust me, I very much understand your argument on the topic.

But that’s not how it works.

And with the roster WWE has there is no excuse not to be great.

With the creative freedom AEW has there is no reason for terrible storylines.
Trust me, I very much understand your argument on the topic.

But that’s not how it works.

And with the roster WWE has there is no excuse not to be great.

With the creative freedom AEW has there is no reason for terrible storylines.

If only those that were in charge of creative knew how to create a WRESTLING show and not simply a show that was a continuation of their little/goofy YouTube Internet Show.
I don't see what is wrong with what he likes. I mean, he's passionate about it. It's his profession. He's old school.

I don't agree with everything but he does make good points and sometimes the way he gives his thoughts on how he would have booked a segment/match does sound alot better.

You've missed my point entirely
My fault.

Bischoff always talks about HOW people were selected to get Nielsen Boxes (thus being the people counted for TV Ratings) and I guess the fan didn't believe him.

How do I get selected for Nielsen ratings?

We can't ask every home to participate, so we carefully select a sample of homes from communities all over the country to represent the entire TV audience. Households are randomly selected, and every household in the U.S. has a chance of being selected, no matter where it is located.

TV Homes | Nielsen – Nielsen

One of my good friends got selected to do the Nielson thing a few years back. He took that sht SUPER seriously. Didn't flip around or lag on any channels. Changed the channel when something came on he wasn't interested in. Made sure the box wasn't left on or tuned to any random stations when they weren't watching. It was kinda crazy.
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