December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

danger style danger style

27: This is the one the Rock hosted, and it was cheeks. The main event was solely to set up the first inklings of Cena/Rock. Cody/Rey was good. Khali was a trash Battle Royal, and was probably the catalyst for the Andre Battle Royal. Edge vs Del Rio was alright. Really only significant cause Edge would retire right after this. Orton/Punk was good but not really anything I'd revisit. Cole vs King was horrible as expected. I revisited this Taker/HHH match and their next one would be better. Dolph & Laycool vs Morrison, Trish and Snooki :rofl: :rofl:

28: The "ONCE IN A LIFETIME" Wrestlemania. Not a single one of these matches are significant other than Taker/HHH 2 (technically 3), Sheamus/Bryan (the :18 match that kicked off the legend of Bryan) and Rock/Cena. Cody vs Big Show had that silly ending where Big Show accidentally broke the table like a goof :rofl: I don't remember Kane/Orton but I'm sure it was boring with a nice RKO finish. Team Johnny vs Team Teddy, don't care. CM Punk vs Jericho's submission match was nice, but I liked their Street Fight more where Jericho poured alcohol on Punk and slipped heading into the PPV :lol:. HHH/Taker was very good, and in real time was probably a near classic, but probably a notch below that now. Loved the drama involved though. Cena/Rock was was very good, somewhat in the same fashion as the OG Rock/Hogan match with a huge match feel and amazing crowd. This match and the general build was so much better than their 2nd match). Kelly Kelly had a match as well. If WM 26 kicked off the descent of WM, 27 is when they started being 1-2 main event match shows with the rest being insignificant.

29: Cena/Rock II, WEAK, and supposedly Rock tore his abs or something (which would make sense based on him looking in pain). Rock looked more winded in this match too. Didn't have near the excitement as the first. Shield vs Sheamus/Orton/Big Show was dope. Forgot this was even on here. Pretty much every single Shield match from this era was dope whether tag or six man. Ryback vs Mark Henry was meh, forced MOMENT stuff with Ryback picked up Mark Henry even though people have picking him up for years. Team Hell No vs Big E/Dolph was just a quick Raw-like match. Mostly good cause of the personalities involved. Swagger vs Del Rio
Taker vs Punk was amazing and I've watched it multiple times. Easily one of the best post-Ruthless Aggression Mania matches, and you could say this is the one where Taker's streak should have ended. Fandango vs Jericho was surprisingly good, and I don't think a single person thought Fandango would win. He amounted to nothing afterwards obviously. HHH vs tried to force an epic with this so badly and it did NOT work. This crowd was like one long eye-roll the entire time. You could hear a fart from section 400 in the arena. It honestly felt like HHH was trying to tank the crowd heading into the Cena/Rock match. This WM was better than I remembered, but still a meh one. You still had stars on this WM, but it was really carried by Taker/Punk and Rock's name attached to it.
I really can’t see myself rewatching any of these ever again :lol:
:rofl: @ Smackdown with no crowd.

Can hear every single sound from the wrestlers.

Another thing that made me stop watching was commercials in the middle of matches :smh: I mean c'mon Vince even when there's no crowd you do this?

I don't think that's Vince's call. Those companies pay the network to air those commercials.
First part of the Benoit doc was well done, looking forward to the second part. That Eddie part was rough though. I can’t imagine losing a close friend like that.
I found it kinda creepy how dude was laying in Eddie's bed, holding his pillow and crying all the time..And doing that **** in front of Eddie's kids and wife was super crazy..

Bruh what?

I wanna watch the doc but Vice ain't trying to see me flourish. :smh:


Found IT on Dailymotion, bout to watch now.
Bruh what?

I wanna watch the doc but Vice ain't trying to see me flourish. :smh:


Found IT on Dailymotion, bout to watch now.

It's on Youtube..Let me know what you think of that part..It's near the end..It's sad for sure, but super weird and extra IMO..
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