Dear Dirty.....Get off your high horse

uppercutted horse?


everyone's waiting patiently for something to happen but I bet this just gets locked with no response from anyone
I have not had too many run-ins with Dirty, maybe 1. All I know is that one time he thought he was something special. I really think he is bored. I mean if you had to Moderate a message board wouldn't you be. I know I would look for ways to mess with people too. I can't peak for him and I don't know if that's what he does but if it is I don't blame him. He did it to me a few years ago but I don't let things like that burn me.

I can see why you are saying he is on a a high horse though.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Dirty doesn't even acknowledge me (unless it's a message saying I'm banned) but w/e.. Good luck with this thread. [/color]
i think a fair and legit system would be to hold votes for all the mods....that way everyone has a say....if a mod doesn't receive the pre-determined amount of votes, then they should no longer be mods....the ones that do, can remain.....a fair and democratic system...
Originally Posted by EdWord

Originally Posted by Club29

shut up

my thread 02/04/10 6:56 PM

your respnse

02/04/10 6:56 PM

theres no way you saw my thread....came inside and read it ......and came up with your marvelous "shut up" in 59 seconds...................people like you need to get banned for wasting bandwith
He didn't waste any bandwith.
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

i think a fair and legit system would be to hold votes for all the mods....that way everyone has a say....if a mod doesn't receive the pre-determined amount of votes, then they should no longer be mods....the ones that do, can remain.....a fair and democratic system...
NT's NEXT TOP MOD.  I like that idea.
Dirty response is taking long cause he's writing "One Epic Response" while playing "Eye of the Tiger" drinking "red flavored Kool-Aid through a spiral straw".

Meh, there are rules. Follow the rules and you won't get banned. It's really that easy.

As far as his personality is concerned, there are far worse personalities on this board riding even bigger horsies.

I don't get why you haven't singled them out first.
I'm glad my life doesn't suck to the point where I'm crying my eyes out over an internet message board and it's mods. OP take your L and keep it movin.
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