*DEAD* Vol. Agent Zero

@ the pic and vid

smarten up arenas
for critt to bring a gun to the arena already he had to know arenas was storying his in his locker

or this fool just carrys his around like its nothing?

if the story on critt is true why has nobody been talking to him?
[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]I wonder who dropped the dime to the post? Probably MikeJames.[/color]
two other players slowly retreated to the training room.

Didn't even see that, right there at the end of the article.

- So on the plane, Crittendon jokes about shooting Arenas in his leg.
- In the locker room, Arenas leaves 4 guns and a note, 'Pick one.'
- Crittenton crumbles up the paper, said he doesn't need Arenas' heater, tosses out his own gun.
- Arenas says something about 'Look at that shiny little gun.'

Yeah, it's all jokes, but they don't need to be in the league anymore, either one of 'em.
arenas and starbury gonna make their own reality tv stream eating vaseline all day while dancing to beyonce's video phone half naked
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Stern is a douche, wait until charges have been pressed and he is found guilty. Stern is just going off word of mouth, I wouldn't be suprised if Gil could Sue if no charges are filed
Uh...Arenas already admitted that he brought guns to the arena and that the incident happened. Stern isn't exactly going by word of mouth whenthe accused comes out and admits responsibility.

This incident by Arenas will go down as one of the most costly in sports history. He just flushed $90 million down the toilet because of a silly joke.

He's probably going to be suspended for the year. Crittenton's NBA career is probably over.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

From the article posted a couple posts up:

The dispute between Arenas and Crittenton began on the team plane during a popular card game between players called "Boo-ray." Crittenton lost roughly $1,100 to JaVale McGee, a Wizards center, in the game, according to a player who watched the game and who also spoke on condition of anonymity. Crittenton, already angry over a dispute over the game's rules, became irate when Arenas began needling him.

Their barbs escalated to a point where Arenas, smiling, said he would blow up Crittenton's car, according to two players on the flight, who requested anonymity. Crittenton replied that he would shoot Arenas in his surgically repaired knee.

Walking into the locker room two days after the dispute on the team plane, according to two witnesses, Arenas laid out the guns in Crittenton's locker. Two other teammates eventually sauntered in and, while Arenas was writing the note in front of Crittenton's cubicle, in walked Crittenton, according to their account.

Asking Arenas what he was doing, Arenas replied, "If you want to shoot me, I'd just thought I'd make it easy for you." As other teammates laughed, Crittenton crumpled up the paper, tossed one of Arenas's guns across the room, where it bounced in front of a team trainer, and said he didn't need any of Arenas' firearms because he had his own, according to the witness accounts.

Crittenton then drew his weapon, loaded the clip into the chamber and cocked the bar, the witnesses said.

Neither witness said the gun was ever pointed at Arenas, but both said Crittenton began singing as he held the gun.

Arenas began laughing, the witnesses said, telling Crittenton, "Look at that little shiny gun," as two other players slowly retreated to the training room.


2 crazy mofos
^wow.. Gil is just a clown, but Crittenton actually sounds like an unstable %%@ dude.

this dude actually loaded and cocked the gun? why hasnt Stern gone after him instead of focusing all the attention on Gilbert? Crittenton should never play inthe league again if thats true.
^ for real. Like dude really loaded and cocked the gun? Wow. Gil has always been a clown, just a goofy dude. I know 100% it was jokes with him. He took it toofar with this one though.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

two other players slowly retreated to the training room.

Didn't even see that, right there at the end of the article.

- So on the plane, Crittendon jokes about shooting Arenas in his leg.
- In the locker room, Arenas leaves 4 guns and a note, 'Pick one.'
- Crittenton crumbles up the paper, said he doesn't need Arenas' heater, tosses out his own gun.
- Arenas says something about 'Look at that shiny little gun.'

Yeah, it's all jokes, but they don't need to be in the league anymore, either one of 'em.

Both dudes should also be in jail if they can't legally have them..especially in a standoff in an NBA arena. This dude Arenas is a clown. Youhave to be ******ed to get that kind of contract and *@#@ it up. Period. Only a few people get that opportunity, its sad he messed it up over some dumb %%+!.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

From the article posted a couple posts up:

The dispute between Arenas and Crittenton began on the team plane during a popular card game between players called "Boo-ray." Crittenton lost roughly $1,100 to JaVale McGee, a Wizards center, in the game, according to a player who watched the game and who also spoke on condition of anonymity. Crittenton, already angry over a dispute over the game's rules, became irate when Arenas began needling him.

Their barbs escalated to a point where Arenas, smiling, said he would blow up Crittenton's car, according to two players on the flight, who requested anonymity. Crittenton replied that he would shoot Arenas in his surgically repaired knee.

Walking into the locker room two days after the dispute on the team plane, according to two witnesses, Arenas laid out the guns in Crittenton's locker. Two other teammates eventually sauntered in and, while Arenas was writing the note in front of Crittenton's cubicle, in walked Crittenton, according to their account.

Asking Arenas what he was doing, Arenas replied, "If you want to shoot me, I'd just thought I'd make it easy for you." As other teammates laughed, Crittenton crumpled up the paper, tossed one of Arenas's guns across the room, where it bounced in front of a team trainer, and said he didn't need any of Arenas' firearms because he had his own, according to the witness accounts.

Crittenton then drew his weapon, loaded the clip into the chamber and cocked the bar, the witnesses said.

Neither witness said the gun was ever pointed at Arenas, but both said Crittenton began singing as he held the gun.

Arenas began laughing, the witnesses said, telling Crittenton, "Look at that little shiny gun," as two other players slowly retreated to the training room.


They're lucky the gun wasn't loaded. That could of had a real bad ending.
Why is all the attention being focused on Arenas? It seems like Crittenton was totally in the wrong when he pulled out his gun and loaded it.

I think the length of Arenas' suspension should depend on the outcome of what happens to him.
The problem with going after Critt is there's no gun. Sure, there's eye witness accounts, but besides that, there's no gun. You have Critt/GAdishing out the practical joke went awry story, and then you have this story of him pulling a gun, loading and cocking it. He said/he said. What can Sternreally do?

With GA, we know he brought guns to the property because he admitted it to authorities and such.

But yep, Critt sounds like an unstable dude for real.
viiheaven said:
According to two first-hand accounts of the confrontation,
Crittenton responded to Arenas's action -- which included laying the
four unloaded weapons in Crittenton's cubicle with a note that read,
"Pick One" -- by brandishing his own firearm, loading a clip of
ammunition into the gun and cocking the weapon.

Two of the five people in the room that morning, who spoke on condition
of anonymity, said Arenas had originally not disclosed Crittenton's
action to protect the little-used guard from prosecution and had told
Crittenton he would assume full responsibility for the actions of both
players that day.

Gawd damn, so 2 of the 3 other players in the room talked huh...
Well maybe Gil talked about but if not he got some respect from me for not dropping Crit's name in this.
But Crit

I cant tell if these dude just take jokes too far or not, maybe Gil does and Crit was just mad
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

^wow.. Gil is just a clown, but Crittenton actually sounds like an unstable #$* dude.

this dude actually loaded and cocked the gun? why hasnt Stern gone after him instead of focusing all the attention on Gilbert?

I don't think Stern's ever heard of Critterton.
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