*DEAD* Vol. Agent Zero

  • AndrewMBogut Is it inappropriate to own a Water Pistol? What about if I had one in my locker and I sprayed someone with it? Im thinkin a SUPER SOAKER?
  • AndrewMBogut But then my old man would ruin everything and plug in a Pressure Washer and kill us all haha

  • thinkkaz Showdown at the O.K. Corral & Stern wins. Who would have thought the guy w/no guns wins
  • dcsportsbog New to me: After making a jumper against Memphis last week, Arenas playfully holstered his finger guns http://bit.ly/8nOrnK
  • teamziller The Finger Shots Heard 'Round the World.
  • teamziller Finger guns, man. We ain't talking about real guns (well, sort of). We talkin' about finger guns.

  • HPbasketball The NBAPA's statement can be paraphrased as "We're trying to figure out how in hell we're going to stand up in outrage for this whackjob."

But the best one:
  • russbengtson *waits for Stern to suspend the Suns for implementing the run and gun offense*
Well played.
I thought Zo still posted on here in "disguise" (I use that term loosely because everyone knew it was him) as a Lakers fan? Did he finally snap andofficially reveal himself, only to get the axe?
Something is seriously wrong with Gil.

and I mean that,dudes brain is not wired right, at least not like most human beings.
Originally Posted by JD617

I thought Zo still posted on here in "disguise" (I use that term loosely because everyone knew it was him) as a Lakers fan? Did he finally snap and officially reveal himself, only to get the axe?

That chick too scared to come out and say it's her. So Nike God lives on for the time being. Sooner or later the Lakers will beat the Suns on aquestioable call by a ref, and it'll all be over after that.

Ya'll are going ham on Zo.

But on the real, even though I have a peace treaty with him on Twitter, Zo did say "Kobe" in his tweet and not dirty rapist or anything like that.

He still wants Kobe to die though. I dunno, could be a bias, especially since Gil is a Wildcat alum, and Zo has done work with him while at UofA.

I don't blame ya'll for going at Zo like that though. He does go overboard on his hate, but that's him. I'm not going to judge the guy.

I did see the tweet in regards to the comparison of the Kobe allegation and Gil's gun locker room incident. It somewhat made sense in regards toStern's decision. And Zo did tweet that he knows Kobe was an allegation and that Gil's charges haven't found him guilty yet.

I'm just filling in any blanks in regards to the Zo discussion cuz I saw his tweets too.

Yeah, and I don't think Zo is Nike God. We were actually kind of petitioning on twitter for him to come back on NT. Yeah, that's not happening.

Gil is weird and is an idiot, and I think the punishment is justified by Stern, but I'm still a fan.
How was he doing in the All Star voting?
He was gunning for that final guard spot.

It was a shootout between him and Iverson.
1 day Ska, come on man, just one day. We don't ask for much. One day.

Do it Mitch.
Why the hell am I interested in freaking Zo's twitter now?

I blame all you bums.

"From his twitters, seems like Zo hates ska."

"He said he knows Kobe's charges were alleged." (that tells me he's reading this thread... right now)

And yes, you may as well stop the petition now.
Not for a week, not for a day, not for an hour. If I approved his name, I would also push his buttons theentire time he was on here, talking about how worthless Memphis is, how futile it is for the Suns to keep trying, how much Kobe loves his beloved Arizona andwishes he could have played for Lute Olson, and much better SoCal is than dry, hot, barren, overrated Arizona. Add in some comments about how much moreefficient Euro players are than American players, how much better female refs are than males, and how Southerners are more industrious and hospitable thanArizona's do-nothing population, and he wouldn't last 3 replies.
Damn it, I was gonna have some fun too. Started workin on my material already and everything. Imagine the gifs, and the photoshops we coulda had.
Ok, how about a 15 minute "un-shunned" pass?

I mean, he doesn't hate SoCal that much. He visits SD from time to time.
I think one of my first 100 or so replies was when he call us the Fakers and I asked him what did we fake, and I posted 14 trophies in a row, and then said Idid a search on Suns Championships, and posted the internets response which was unable to locate or something like that.

He and I didn't see eye to eye much after that. Dunno what happened.
Did scottie get suspended for the year when they found a gun on him in 94?

No. Because the rules are different for the leagues darlings. Did kobe get locked out for the year? No.

Sternbot needs to go die somewhere. so he can do his superstar d riding somewhere private and that doesnt ruin the sport i love.
Did scottie get suspended for the year when they found a gun on him in 94?

No. Because the rules are different for the leagues darlings. Did kobe get locked out for the year? No.

Sternbot needs to go die somewhere. so he can do his superstar d riding somewhere private and that doesnt ruin the sport i love.
The rules have changed since Pippen. It's posted here in the thread. You find it.

And people are generally less forgiving towards someone who laughs in their face; that's just a fact of life.
Originally Posted by StackJaxx

Did scottie get suspended for the year when they found a gun on him in 94?

No. Because the rules are different for the leagues darlings. Did kobe get locked out for the year? No.

Sternbot needs to go die somewhere. so he can do his superstar d riding somewhere private and that doesnt ruin the sport i love.
No, because before the strike, the power tilt favored the players. Then after that, Stern got the power and then the CBA EXPLICITLY stated gunviolations won't be tolerated. And Arenas may not be a darling but it's not like he's Stephen Jackson.
The holster clip.

This dude is too much. Can't say I'm surprised he gotsuspended though.
Someone needs to glue Gilberts mouth permanently shut. He hasn't shut up since he came into the NBA. Attention wh.0.re. + I always knew in the back of mymind that his mouth/stupid actions would eventually get him into some serious trouble.
man gil needs a PR rep ASAP... this is the worst possible way to make light of the situation, adding insult to injury LOL.
Damn David Stern just helped the Wizards, I heard they wanted to get rid of the guy and he just helped them out with this.
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