*DEAD* Vol. Agent Zero

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

players union will appeal......."unfit" is wild subjective.
Simple fix.

Erase 'suspended due to being unfit' and put 'suspended for BRINGING A FREAKING GUN TO WORK'

There. No longer subjective, and the players union won't have a leg to stand on.

lets not forget sprewell won arbitration when he choked his coach out....last time i checked a normal person couldn't get away with doin that to they boss either.

guns were unloaded and no one who was in that locker room is throwing him under da bus to da authorities..stern is definitely just reacting to arenas twitter and da media

Why are you quoting me and bringing up Sprewell or what normal people can get away with when I said nothing about that.

'Suspended for bringing a gun to work'


And I love the defense 'Well no one in the locker room had a problem,' like I'm supposed to believe dudes wouldn't stick together to protect the class clown.
Take that same argument to the world you and I live in and see how it holds up. "Your honor, no one on the block has said anything about him pulling a gun out, so what's the problem? That right there should mean we're good, right?"

your misquoting me, if no one cooperates with da investigation there IS no investigation.

all stern can do is presides over what he has da authority over. if no charges are given da player's association is gonna fight this tooth and nail...whydo you think everyone

was taking a wait and see approach until da police investigation was settled?
ninjahood wrote:

all stern can do is presides over what he has da authority over. if no charges are given da player's association is gonna fight this tooth and nail...why do you think everyone. was taking a wait and see approach until da police investigation was settled?

him treating this all like a joke is enough. i mean fireing fake guns at your teammates in the middle of a scandle? going out of your way to say you feel noremorse? he's a dumb dummy, i feel no sympathy for him
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

The fact that Gilbert's per-game salary is $147,208 makes me sad.

Dude is a certified clown in my book beyond that. He'll have a lot of time to think about things though.

In his statement, Arenas confirmed that the guns were brought out at the Dec. 21 practice.
"As I have said before, I had kept the four unloaded handguns in my house in Virginia but then moved them over to my locker at the Verizon Center to keep them away from my young kids," the statement read. "I brought them without any ammunition into the District of Columbia, mistakenly believing that the recent change in the D.C. gun laws allowed a person to store unloaded guns in the District. On Monday, December 21st, I took the unloaded guns out in a misguided effort to play a joke on a teammate.

"Contrary to some press accounts, I never threatened or assaulted anyone with the guns and never pointed them at anyone. Joke or not, I now recognize that what I did was a mistake and was wrong. I should not have brought the guns to D.C. in the first place, and I now realize that there's no such thing as joking around when it comes to guns -- even if unloaded."

What a cute statement written by your agent.

According to Jemele Hill, Gil doesn't have an agent....

RT @jemelehill Arenas doesn't have an agent, and it really showed these last couple days.
He should still know better, even without an agent. You don't bring guns, loaded or unloaded, to your place of work. And you sure as hell don't wavethem around in the locker room... there's nothing funny about that.

Stern should suspend him for a period of time, regardless of whatever police investigation occurs, make an example out of him.
Isn't the NBA's anti-gun stance explicitly clear in the CBA and in players' contracts?? And since he did this at the arena, which is the NBA'swork place, a police investigation is null when it comes to Stern's decision.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by RyGuy45

The fact that Gilbert's per-game salary is $147,208 makes me sad.

Dude is a certified clown in my book beyond that. He'll have a lot of time to think about things though.

In his statement, Arenas confirmed that the guns were brought out at the Dec. 21 practice.
"As I have said before, I had kept the four unloaded handguns in my house in Virginia but then moved them over to my locker at the Verizon Center to keep them away from my young kids," the statement read. "I brought them without any ammunition into the District of Columbia, mistakenly believing that the recent change in the D.C. gun laws allowed a person to store unloaded guns in the District. On Monday, December 21st, I took the unloaded guns out in a misguided effort to play a joke on a teammate.

"Contrary to some press accounts, I never threatened or assaulted anyone with the guns and never pointed them at anyone. Joke or not, I now recognize that what I did was a mistake and was wrong. I should not have brought the guns to D.C. in the first place, and I now realize that there's no such thing as joking around when it comes to guns -- even if unloaded."

What a cute statement written by your agent.

According to Jemele Hill, Gil doesn't have an agent....

RT @jemelehill Arenas doesn't have an agent, and it really showed these last couple days.

She's right, he doesn't have an agent. That statement was probably written by his attorney and he obviously didn't mean a bit of it.Seeing as how stern was saying he was going to wait it out and let the federal investigation go through, this immediate suspension is obviously due to hisbehavior from last night. I also think it was pretty quick because he wanted to prevent any chance of an altercation tonight with Shaq.

I don't think he's gonna get a lifetime ban or even multiple years, yall might be jumping the gun a bit (
). He'll definitely have his contract voided and be suspended for acalendar year though, and as for jail time I don't know
, I'mhoping he don't the Plaxico treatment.
By the way, what's the word on Crittendon? He had heat in the locker room too, I know he aint getting away scott free?
it would be a travesty if he gets banned for 2 to 3 years....rest of the season is one thing...but a 2 to 3 year bann...for sitting gun in a chair with a note tellin somebody to pick which one to shot u with as a practical joke is @#$%#$ ******ed
Wait, so earlier you said that people were out of line for talking about him pulling a gun out on a teammate, because they weren't there andthey don't know and they're just going off word of mouth... but then you come through talking about how he jokingly placed the gun in a seat with anote on it, like you were there or something.

Bottom line, he brought a gun to work.

And then issued a statement saying it's no laughing matter and he realizes that now... and then he goes on to laugh about it and joke about it.
Originally Posted by miamib30514

The pic espn.com has up is shameless
How so?

Gilbert is making jokes about the situation, when he is in serious deep %+%!.

Making light of the situation from the start, who here takes a gun to work? I bet you wont have a job.

It was a tasteless prank that got out of hand, and backfired on Gil.

You go pull that off in the office and see if you still have a job, %+%! you're %%$ will probably go to jail.
Updated: January 6, 2010, 5:43 PM ET

[h2]Arenas suspended indefinitely


NEW YORK -- NBA commissioner David Stern has indefinitely suspended Gilbert Arenas, saying the Washington Wizards guard is "not currently fit to take the court" for a game.

A day after the former All-Star was photographed before a game in Philadelphia pointing his index fingers, as if they were guns, at his teammates, Stern warned in a statement on Wednesday that Arenas' conduct will "ultimately result in a substantial suspension, and perhaps worse."

Because Arenas violated NBA rules by bringing guns into Washington's locker room, Stern decided to punish Arenas now. He said the suspension begins immediately.

"We fully endorse the decision of the NBA to indefinitely suspend Gilbert Arenas," the Wizards responded in a statement on Wednesday. "Strictly legal issues aside, Gilbert's recent behavior and statements, including his actions and statements last night in Philadelphia, are unacceptable. Some of our other players appeared to find Gilbert's behavior in Philadelphia amusing. This is also unacceptable. Under Abe Pollin's leadership, our organization never tolerated such behavior, and we have no intention of ever doing so."

Stern says he originally planned to wait for the criminal investigation to be completed before taking action, and had directed the Wizards to do the same.

Every game Arenas, who celebrated his 28th birthday on Wednesday, ends up missing during the suspension will cost him $147,208. However, If the suspension lasts more than 12 games it can be appealed and heard by an independent arbitrator.

The suspension comes after multiple media reports over the weekend said that a dispute over a gambling debt led to a conflict between Arenas and teammate Javaris Crittenton.

Multiple sources told ESPN.com that an argument commenced during a card game on the team's overnight flight back to Washington from Phoenix on Dec. 19 and escalated into a heated exchange between Arenas and Crittenton. The Wizards had Dec. 20 off, but sources say hostilities between the two resumed Dec. 21 in the locker room on a practice day.

Sources say that Arenas, in response to what was said on the flight, placed the three guns on a chair near Crittenton's locker stall and invited him to pick one before practice on Dec. 21. Sources said that Crittenton subsequently let Arenas know that he had his own gun.

The Washington Post reported in Sunday's editions that Arenas, according to sources, was expecting Crittenton to see the guns on his chair as a joke based on the earlier back-and-forth on the plane, during which Crittenton allegedly said that he would shoot Arenas in his surgically repaired knee. But Crittenton, according to the Post, reacted angrily and tossed one of the guns to the floor, saying he had his own.

In his statement, Arenas confirmed that the guns were brought out at the Dec. 21 practice.

"As I have said before, I had kept the four unloaded handguns in my house in Virginia but then moved them over to my locker at the Verizon Center to keep them away from my young kids," the statement read. "I brought them without any ammunition into the District of Columbia, mistakenly believing that the recent change in the D.C. gun laws allowed a person to store unloaded guns in the District. On Monday, December 21st, I took the unloaded guns out in a misguided effort to play a joke on a teammate.

"Contrary to some press accounts, I never threatened or assaulted anyone with the guns and never pointed them at anyone. Joke or not, I now recognize that what I did was a mistake and was wrong. I should not have brought the guns to D.C. in the first place, and I now realize that there's no such thing as joking around when it comes to guns -- even if unloaded."

Sources close to the situation told ESPN.com that some of Arenas' closest friends have urged him in recent days to curtail his excessive use of Twitter and his ongoing nonchalant commentary about the incident.

But Arenas resisted those pleas, saying over and over that relying on humor was the only way he knows how to deal with crisis.

Arenas met with law enforcement officials on Monday to explain why he had guns at the Verizon Center last month.

Arenas' lawyer issued a statement saying that the player met with federal prosecutors at the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and detectives of the Metropolitan Police Department for more than two hours.

At the NBA's request, the firearms language was bolstered during collective bargaining in 2005. Players are subject to discipline if they bring guns to the arena or practice facility, or even an offsite promotional appearance.

that pic just reminds me of this
Gil did it to himself �
I know Stern was like "you think you funny right, I got you"
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