DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Oh one other thing, not important but in my head I can totally connect the end of TDKR to this Batman to pretend it's all in the same universe.

Bruce clearly states to Alfred after 20 years of fighting bad guys, good guys dying and how many are left making it clear just how long he's been doing this. I can totally see things falling out with Catwoman or she dies by the hands of somebody (maybe Hush), while "Robin" Blake
is being a vigilante in Gotham. Bruce is forced to return to being Batman, Blake dies, more villains pop up, Joker returns makes a Harley, etc.

It can all fit
it does make perfect sense that "robin" blake who is just a regular cop gets killed in like the first year of fighting crime 
how does lois lane AND lex luthor find out who superman/clark is but "worlds best detective" cant? 
Especially after the goofy Plagueis TFA garbage.
what was that about? 
Them citing that sources who saw TFA said Snoke looked just like Darth Plagueis the week before the movie came back. Dudes were basically spewing venom at people who said they were wrong prior to the release and then when it was confirmed they were wrong it was like "oops, our bad"
this is why I started avoiding pre movie predictions. too much arguing about what they think is going to happen when its really just about going in and enjoying a movie 

like I want to go into these movies with an open mind to the possible story lines so that I can enjoy them fully, I dont need hours of breakdown on expected outcomes like it's the damn superbowl.
how does lois lane AND lex luthor find out who superman/clark is but "worlds best detective" cant? 
Still bothers me how the 3rd trailer implied they knew about each other's identity but it doesn't play like that in the film.

Would of liked for it to be like Bruce thinks "this guy looks a lot like that Alien" then does some detective work.

But I guess if he found out he's Clark Kent he also probably finds out about his parents and that erases the "Martha" moment :lol:
how does lois lane AND lex luthor find out who superman/clark is but "worlds best detective" cant? 
Still bothers me how the 3rd trailer implied they knew about each other's identity but it doesn't play like that in the film.

Would of liked for it to be like Bruce thinks "this guy looks a lot like that Alien" then does some detective work.

But I guess if he found out he's Clark Kent he also probably finds out about his parents and that erases the "Martha" moment
to be fair clark is equally as dumb, spends all month researching batman and gotham, sees the most famous person from gotham, asks guy next to him "who's that?" 
how does lois lane AND lex luthor find out who superman/clark is but "worlds best detective" cant? 

Didn't you kind of answered this question already?

The Clark Kent disguise makes sense if you think about it. Why would a god play dress up and pretend to be a reporter?

People wonder who batman really is. No one suspects superman to even have a disguise because he's superman

Also Lois found out when she was researching a human that was saving people before there was a "Superman" or else she might be on the same mindset as Batman.

Lex probably found out while doing meta research?
how does lois lane AND lex luthor find out who superman/clark is but "worlds best detective" cant? 
Didn't you kind of answered this question already?
The Clark Kent disguise makes sense if you think about it. Why would a god play dress up and pretend to be a reporter?

People wonder who batman really is. No one suspects superman to even have a disguise because he's superman

Also Lois found out when she was researching a human that was saving people before there was a "Superman" or else she might be on the same mindset as Batman.

Lex probably found out while doing meta research?
thats regarding your average joe on the street

we are talking about a guy who is obsessed with superman to a point where he murders waves of people on his quest to stop him.

bruce isnt curious to how this guy stayed hidden in the world all these years before the zod fight? should have resulted in going down the same route as lois

it just really downplays batman's detective skills that he 1. had no idea who superman's alter ego was and 2. accidentally got the info to the JL when it wasnt even something he was looking for.

all while superman, lex and WW were all able to figure out he's batman.
Digging through some of the old tweets about BvS & some of the "insiders" said the film (originally) ended with the JL fully formed.

Guess that was probably Goyer's draft
Just saw the movie. It was really good. I enjoyed it. Came into it aware of the poor reviews, but kept an open mind. With with 2 friends. 1 is needy and knows a ton of lore from the comics, and the other doesnt really keep up with comic history.....im in the middle. All 3 of us came out of the theater very happy and pleased. Cinematography was outstanding. Love the dark undertones.
its a common theme with movie batman

"we both lost our parents? Lets be BFFS and I'll give you access to all my batman gear" 
Please don't get me started on this. Blake was barely able to handle two of the cement workers, almost got executed by Bane's goons and couldn't even lead a bus full of children out of Gotham.

Frankly, I wouldn't even trust him with the grappling hook.
Yeah not sure how they will explain that

People are going to think Clark is Jesus
i didnt think about this. they cant bring clark back, right?
Maybe that's the final phase of Snyder hating Superman?

Kill Clark off, create new human identity that can behave like he's from 300, Sucker Punch, and Watchmen all wrapped in to one? :nerd:

i vaguely remember superman dying in the tv show (animated). coffin was in orbit not in the ground..i can't remember how he was brought back to life, but i would assume it would have something to do with the sun? :nerd:

Watched the movie a 2nd time this morning and the second time was so much better.

BUT.... (Click to hide)

I liked the movie. I had to sleep on it to really digest everything.

I know most are not happy with the pacing/editing of the movie, so I'll just push that to the side for now. One of my biggest issues with this movie was I just didn't feel like I was able to connect/understand the characters. 

Bruce/Batman: First 30 minutes of the movie were dope AF to me. Bruce's POV of World War Metrpolis were great. I completely understood and was connected to Bruce's emotions. You could feel the bond between Bruce and Alfred. The only issue I did have with Bruce/Batman was not that he was a killing machine, but I wish they would have dropped a line or a hint as to why he started his branding of the bad guys and how he ended up so damn dark (for lack of a better term). If they would have said something to hint that Joker killing Robin really changed his philosophy, it would have had such an impact on his storyline and hinted towards his past battles.
On second viewing, maybe his run through Metrpolis changed him? IDK. Still feel like they could have enhanced Bruce/Bat from an already amazing performance.

Clark: I think Snyder missed so many opportunities to get the audience to get that emotional connection with Clark. You can claim he had a whole movie to do it, but I think most would argue that the movie didn't have that emotional connection. They should have gone more into the love story of Clark and Lois. That scene in the tub together was great, I though they had great chemistry but that was pretty much one of the few times they were together and showed that kind of affection. They build up the senate scene and he doesn't even get a word out :lol:  

Clark constantly trying to get a story on the Batman felt really forced to me. It felt like they were really pushing it so Superman would hate what Batman stood for, when he really should have been focusing in on more of his political place on the world rather than Batman. 
Still feel the same about Clark.

Lex: This movie had WAY to much Lex screen time. I felt like every time he was on the screen was when the pacing of the movie shifted. It always felt out of place, he always brought an uncomfortable feeling, and you really could not understand his point of view and why he was doing everything he was doing. His music was horrible. I don't blame Eisenberg for this version of Lex, it is most definitely on Terrio/Goyer/Snyder for this horrible  portrayal of one the most iconic villain in comics. Dude is suppose to be menacing and evil, yet sneaky like a politician. Maybe they didn't do it that way because that is how Batman/Bruce is. IDK. Lex was one of the main reasons I think this movie is getting those horrible reviews.
On second viewing, so many missed opportunities with Lex. I had no idea what he was talking about at the end on first viewing while in the jail cell but this time around he definitely left me walking away wondering what the hell he was talking about.

On things I did like:
ALL the Dark Knight references: Loved those scenes were Supes catches the smoke cannister of Kryptonite and it blows up in his face. Or when the Nuke blows up and he gets hella weak.

I knew Doomsday was coming, but I was not expecting the Death of Superman storyline in this.  Of all the crazy things WB did , I got to give them credit for actually rolling with this storyline so soon and sticking to it. I hope they have some plans already for his return to make sense...

I loved the JL intro. I wish it would have been at the end of the movie and not so scattered. Cyborg looked ****** awesome.

The Flash sequence was dope AF. But so randomly placed. I can understand where someone from the general audience looking at that scene and thinking WTF is going on? :lol:  Not sure what Barry said, something along the lines of "Find us Bruce. find us all. Lois is the key" 

WW. I loved how you can tell she was way more battle tested than Superman.

Enjoyed how Bats was having none of Doomsday :lol:  He lured him to where the spear was via the Batwing and shot Kyrptonian smoke at him and that was pretty much it. I wouldn't expect nothing more from a human battling with that thing.

Enjoyed the hell out of BvS battle scene. They really did make Supes look like a ***** IMO, but I don't know how else you make this fight interesting without having the Kryptonite really damper Supes.  Me and my wife were talking about this in the car, but I'm glad WB and DC didn't ***** out and end this fight in a tie. We actually had a clear cut winner to BvS.

I know I got plenty of more to say, but I think I'll just wrap it here for now. I don't even know if you guys will read this at all but it felt good to write it out lol. 

And even though i still feel the same way about my dislikes for the movie, for some reason they weren't as obvious the second time around for me. 

One of the biggest issues as most are saying are the cuts, and the one that irritates me the most is at Clark's funeral when Lois grabs a fist full of dirt, then they cut to Bats visiting Lex, then the cut to Bruce walking to Wayne Manor (can't remember the order), and THEN we see Lois drop the dirt on Clark's casket :lol:  how long was she holding that dirt for??

I still think Lex is one of the biggest problems with the movie though.

I scored it 5.5/8, after the second viewing I think I'll bump it up to a 6/8.

im gonna catch it again in IMAX sometime this week, and i feel ill be able to digest it better the second time around. especially after doing a bit of reading on some comic backstory.
how does lois lane AND lex luthor find out who superman/clark is but "worlds best detective" cant? 

Didn't you kind of answered this question already?

The Clark Kent disguise makes sense if you think about it. Why would a god play dress up and pretend to be a reporter?

People wonder who batman really is. No one suspects superman to even have a disguise because he's superman

Also Lois found out when she was researching a human that was saving people before there was a "Superman" or else she might be on the same mindset as Batman.

Lex probably found out while doing meta research?
thats regarding your average joe on the street

we are talking about a guy who is obsessed with superman to a point where he murders waves of people on his quest to stop him.

bruce isnt curious to how this guy stayed hidden in the world all these years before the zod fight? should have resulted in going down the same route as lois

it just really downplays batman's detective skills that he 1. had no idea who superman's alter ego was and 2. accidentally got the info to the JL when it wasnt even something he was looking for.

all while superman, lex and WW were all able to figure out he's batman.

But Lois wasn't looking for Superman's identity after he put on the suit. She stumbled on to him..
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