DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

tbh, one of the biggest let down for me personally was Hans Zimmer's scoring of BvS

I was hugely disappointed.
This combines the dark and grit of the batman character but adds in elements of hope, this is a theme for a HERO

the BvS batman theme legit stresses me out.

and my god what the **** is this?! 

sea manup sea manup Wonder Woman's theme music was straight trash. Believe I said it to my friends after we saw it. I enjoyed the film, but that sounded like they were trying to do something really cool and epic, and completely failed. :smh: Some of the worst music i've ever heard in a comic book film. And for one of the most important characters of all time? Jesus Christ DC :smh: :smh:
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there was no flow to it

like a bad dj randomly switching songs just when people are getting hyped 

might as well of added in one of these

So I caved and finally watched this movie sooner than I expected (the right ppl got me and dragged me to see this :lol: )

So might as well get this over with right? Just to preface this I had low expectations when it was announced (not as low for MOS though) and in the the 2 days since it released reading NT and critic opinions it got even lower so at that point I'm looking for a movie that isn't as bad as Ghost Rider, F4 movies, and DD/Elektra. The bar was set low.

Another thing, I've accepted this is not the Superman we know. So I don't need to tell yall what OKB has already told you about why this isn't Superman but just a guy with his powers and name. Same with him and Bats killing. Don't care to get in to Bats killing ppl in car chases or Supes killing North African warlords/terrorists.

Minus the retelling of the origin and the flashback within a flashback the first 15 min flowed fine, Batffleck driving/running through a Metropolis that's a battlefield is a good start but then it just stopped flowing. Disconnected pacing I guess. A hr in it was like Snyder had 3 different movies (one about Batffleck, one for Superman, and one for Lex) that just did not mesh the way it's suppose to for a movie telling one story and he crammed them together regardless. If it wasn't for knowing about the nightmare stuff I'd say he was working on a 4th story :lol: It's like every time they jumped from Bats to Clark to Lex it was like a new movie was starting. While not difficult to follow it didn't feel right. Slightly jarring on a consistent basis. Like Clark in the tub with Lois to just introducing Lex. After a while you stop caring and I was trying not to. Bruce about to open the file then jump straight to the nightmare was weird like he went from wide awake to oh you fell asleep at your desk and then the Flash part right after had me lost and I knew about the scene coming. Random as ****. Then jumping to the Senator and Lex to angry guy in wheel chair which all seemed to progress fast and almost off screen. So it's bad editing and pacing aside I just notice the plotting was bad. My main thing with this movie is the flow which it lacked.

Anyway, the scene where Batffleck and Supes first meet which is the batmobile running in to Superman is hilarious :rofl: Even funnier than when they showed it as a promo/teaser. Before I just thought he ran it in to him on purpose but for it to be Batman chasing villains and then Superman just standing in his path when Batffleck turns a corner was so unexpected :lol: Due to that the do you bleed line doesn't come off that lame.

Ok so I gotta know who wrote the hearing scene? I don't care how yall who liked this movie rationalized it but that was terrible. This connects to something I want to talk on more that has seemed to be understated in this thread. This was not some genius plot by Lex it was just plain lazy mass murder. It wasn't manipulative or smart. It's just dumbed down violence. It's like Lex just has a grudge against the Senator for denying him and dont' like his body guard so he uses the cripple guy to kill them. We hear nothing in this hearing. You think the story is going somewhere with the opening statements, Supes doesn't say a word and then everybody just dies. What the ****?!? How does Mr. super hearing, x-ray vision not hear or see the bomb when he stares at dude in the wheelchair? Superman can't prevent explosions now? I don't care what he said to Lois after the fact, that was bull ****. I don't even get how this killing makes Superman look bad. Then on the other side we got Bruce realizing what exactly? That Lex was behind all of that? How is that not his moment of clarity when it comes to Lex that'd further inform how he interacts with Supes? How in the hell does that prompt him to make the kryptonite weapons? The bombing doesn't even come off in the news initially as Superman's fault. They gotta come up with maybe he knew about it and did nothing to create a news angle. HOW SWAY?

But hold up after I'm a bit tired of training and making weapons let me just get back on the computer and peep WW :lol:

Then you give me ghost dad on a mountain for another dour unmotivated anti-pep talks that Pa Kent is becoming known for. In MOS, it was don't do the right thing, never reveal yourself, dont' help cuz they'll hate you. Now we get well if you help them you'll be screwed anyway. Lets double down on this. How does that help anything? It really was a convo between some pathetic sad misanthropes on some yeah humanity sucks, miss you. Also Is Superman insane? or is this some new super power? Afterlife communication? Ghost dad telling him a story that he either heard before or his psyche just made that **** up. Right there and then I ask myself what is Zack Snyder saying about Superman? What is the message being conveyed here? What is the audience suppose to relate or even understand about this "hero"? It's so muddled. Yall keep talking about this grounded and realistic but this **** makes no sense. If the aim was to be like the real world when ppl don't make any ******* sense with their decisions and thought process well then congratulations, you did a terrific job. If not, just another emo message out there in the ether.

The attempt to make Lex Luthor Jr. a compelling villain falls flat on it's face. This is the understatement. Eisenberg is a terrible Lex. The version of the character is poorly conceived. His weak aim to make them fight and Supes doing it just makes him look so inept. Like Eisenberg lacks the gravitas, the real genius, and presence to be Lex but what makes it all worse is he tries his best but with such a poor villain. Nothing intimidating or anything that makes sense from one thing to the next. Throwing Lois off the building meant nothing. For me, Lex is a huge reason why this movie is bad right next to the bad filmmaking. This really isn't the way I wanted to see Bruce Wayne/Batman interact with Lex Luthor for the first time on the big screen :smh:

Just when I'm about to get too angry at this then they make me laugh with WW checking out her future JL teammates on her laptop :lol:

Anyway the fight was great. Other good part to this movie. Although if Supes simply floated off the ground after the first trap and got to the point about Lex he'd have probably avoided so many others but then we wouldn't have got to "Martha". Plus the whole fight has Supes handicapped cuz he doesn't want to fight cuz his mom got kidnapped. Don't care what yall say if he can hone in on Lois' heartbeat he could've saved his mom on his own. Loved the warehouse fight it was real cool. Also liked how that one canon fodder henchmen was smart enough to try and shoot Bats in the head at point blank range. Same for dude who managed to stab him even though it didn't work.

Wow @ the ending. They really killed Clark. :smh: @ getting the newspaper headline wrong; 'Superman Dead' as opposes to "THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN". Yeah that's nitpicking but that stuck out to me. Nothing big but still.

Doomsday was so pitiful at first :smh: His creation reminded me half of the creation of Frankenstein's monster and the other half the explosion of the particle accelerator in Flash :lol: with a dash of Alien and the Lizard from ASM :x and I mean that to say the cgi could've been better with all that energy electricity. Then like the Zod fight it went to straight up overpowered monster like he's suppose to be post-nuke. "I'm saying it's unkillable" :rofl:

Lois throwing the spear in to the water or w/e and then later going back to get it for the final fight sums up her role in this movie; useless and pointless. When I first saw her I was like well she looks a bit better than how drab she was in MOS but I guess the trade off was to do nothing compelling or interesting with the character. Even the attempts to show she's a daring journalist rang hollow to me even in comparison to how Clark got ******* on by Fishburne :lol: I was still like man they already showed us this jokey Luthor so it's so see through that that's the story she's trying to get to the bottom of to.

Batffleck and Alfred scenes were great throughout. Really want that solo more than ever. We need a date now.

Also Gadot showed me she could act. Don't find her hot but she looked pretty in those dresses and I liked the chemistry she had with Bruce. Think he got a chance at smashing. Not a lot of lines from her but enough.

I feel like Snyder just wanted to make shots look right out of a comic rather than develop a good adaptation.

I gotta say if I was hyped for this movie you'd probably get a more energetic and scathing review but the movie was lackluster in story and execution so it's getting a thoroughly just as long as the movie lackluster response. As a fan of movies, this sucked but when I think about DC/WB's past movies, MOS, and just the landscape of comic book movies it's the type of sucky movie that can be forgettable and you just might end up only remembering the good parts a year from now minus dumb **** like Gotham being across the bay from Metropolis, the terrible Lex Luthor, and Superman again being vaguely defined.


Wish there was a 3rd option in the poll lol I'm still super indifferent to this film
Yeah. Parts of this movie I liked but overall I wouldn't want to see it again. Did not leave hyped to see it again just hyped about Batffleck A LOT and WW a bit.
THIS is how you use music to effectively introduce a character.

imagine this scene if IM lands on the ground then suddenly the song starts playing for no reason. it would not work 

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What the ****?!? How does Mr. super hearing, x-ray vision not hear or see the bomb when he stares at dude in the wheelchair?

The audience has to assume Lex sequestered the bomb in a way that Supes wouldn't notice. :tongue:
THIS is how you use music to effectively introduce a character.

imagine this scene if IM lands on the ground then suddenly the song starts playing for no reason. it would not work 

This is cool but the guitar riff is MAD played out and cliche.' Every movie since 2000 has been using that type of sound.

That generic superhero score that Marvel puts out is never memorable and nothing I would use in a gym setting :lol:

This right here is better than any Marvel score ever.

Yeah I was legitimately asking what I missed. What a pointless response.
You asked if you missed something and I answer your question by saying yes, you did and I explained why I didn't post what you missed. I at least gave you an answer but that's cool.
This combines the dark and grit of the batman character but adds in elements of hope, this is a theme for a HERO

the BvS batman theme legit stresses me out.

and my god what the **** is this?! :x

You need to clean your palate :lol:. Do you really find yourself humming any of those MCU tracks outside of watching the movies?

The Avengers theme is somewhat remembered but I cannot recall any other MCU themes.

Guardians of the Galaxy music was dope but it wasn't the score that really set it apart (score wasn't bad though).

The first spiderman trilogy had a dope theme because of Elfman, who composed Batman 89 version..

This is wack b and sounds like every other MCU soundtrack :x

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