DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Like most I wanted to love it. Trailers had me hyped. Marketing had me hyped. I didn't think the story was a difficult one to tell. As a fanboy of comics, I've waited basically my whole life to see the trinity on the silver screen together.
I liked the movie. I had to sleep on it to really digest everything.

I know most are not happy with the pacing/editing of the movie, so I'll just push that to the side for now. One of my biggest issues with this movie was I just didn't feel like I was able to connect/understand the characters. 

Bruce/Batman: First 30 minutes of the movie were dope AF to me. Bruce's POV of World War Metrpolis were great. I completely understood and was connected to Bruce's emotions. You could feel the bond between Bruce and Alfred. The only issue I did have with Bruce/Batman was not that he was a killing machine, but I wish they would have dropped a line or a hint as to why he started his branding of the bad guys and how he ended up so damn dark (for lack of a better term). If they would have said something to hint that Joker killing Robin really changed his philosophy, it would have had such an impact on his storyline and hinted towards his past battles.

Clark: I think Snyder missed so many opportunities to get the audience to get that emotional connection with Clark. You can claim he had a whole movie to do it, but I think most would argue that the movie didn't have that emotional connection. They should have gone more into the love story of Clark and Lois. That scene in the tub together was great, I though they had great chemistry but that was pretty much one of the few times they were together and showed that kind of affection. 

Clark constantly trying to get a story on the Batman felt really forced to me. It felt like they were really pushing it so Superman would hate what Batman stood for, when he really should have been focusing in on more of his political place on the world rather than Batman.

Lex:  This movie had WAY to much Lex screen time. I felt like every time he was on the screen was when the pacing of the movie shifted. It always felt out of place, he always brought an uncomfortable feeling, and you really could not understand his point of view and why he was doing everything he was doing. His music was horrible. I don't blame Eisenberg for this version of Lex, it is most definitely on Terrio/Goyer/Snyder for this horrible  portrayal of one the most iconic villain in comics. Dude is suppose to be menacing and evil, yet sneaky like a politician. Maybe they didn't do it that way because that is how Batman/Bruce is. IDK. Lex was one of the main reasons I think this movie is getting those horrible reviews.

On things I did like:

ALL the Dark Knight references: Loved those scenes were Supes catches the smoke cannister of Kryptonite and it blows up in his face. Or when the Nuke blows up and he gets hella weak.

I knew Doomsday was coming, but I was not expecting the Death of Superman storyline in this.

I loved the JL intro. I wish it would have been at the end of the movie and not so scattered. Cyborg looked ****** awesome.

The Flash sequence was dope AF. But so randomly placed. I can understand where someone from the general audience looking at that scene and thinking WTF is going on? 
 Not sure what Barry said, something along the lines of "Find us Bruce. find us all. Lois is the key" 

WW. I loved how you can tell she was way more battle tested than Superman.

Enjoyed how Bats was having none of Doomsday 
 He lured him to where the spear was via the Batwing and shot Kyrptonian smoke at him and that was pretty much it. I wouldn't expect nothing more from a human battling with that thing.

Enjoyed the hell out of BvS battle scene. They really did make Supes look like a ***** IMO, but I don't know how else you make this fight interesting without having the Kryptonite really damper Supes.

I didn't understand how Bruce was sending Diana those messages of the other JL members. Was he sending it from his Armored BatSuit while waiting for Supes to show up? 
 It didn't seem like an email, but more like text messages but I might be wrong on that lol.

I know I got plenty of more to say, but I think I'll just wrap it here for now. I don't even know if you guys will read this at all but it felt good to write it out lol. 
I'm really curious how the general audiences will feel for this movie. 

In recap: I loved parts of it. I didn't like parts of it. I enjoyed it but I felt disappointed. 5.5/8 for me.
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Damn, the movie was so bleh to me I don't even want to waste my time posting what I found wrong with it, most NTers have already done a good job of that. I've been a Batman fanboy for the longest, but Marvel won. Civil War will be >>>

Man, I remember going to the midnight release of TDK and as soon as I got out of theater I wanted to see it again, and again, and again. I'm not sure if I'll ever watch this again in my life :-/
Damn, the movie was so bleh to me I don't even want to waste my time posting what I found wrong with it, most NTers have already done a good job of that. I've been a Batman fanboy for the longest, but Marvel won. Civil War will be >>>

Man, I remember going to the midnight release of TDK and as soon as I got out of theater I wanted to see it again, and again, and again. I'm not sure if I'll ever watch this again in my life :-/

Thanks, I needed to read that. I guess I'll wait when the long r rated version is out
I'm really curious how the general audiences will feel for this movie. 

In recap: I loved parts of it. I didn't like parts of it. I enjoyed it but I felt disappointed. 5.5/8 for me.
a few people in my theater walked out saying "man that was pretty good" 

Iono, i feel like general audiences will like it. 
I can't figure out why Diana was there. She was investigating Lex, ok but why? I might have missed it during the convo with Bruce because my girl kept asking questions.

Lex had confidential information on meta-humans and Diana was trying to retrieve it to protect her identity.
I know some people vouch to watch this movie in IMAX (which I'm sure is awesome), but we watched it with AMC Prime and it was awesome. The seats vibrate with all the action scenes, so when Batman is whopping ***, you really feel it lol great experience. I highly recommend it! 
a few people in my theater walked out saying "man that was pretty good" 

Iono, i feel like general audiences will like it. 

I`m not into Comics what so ever, but just being a kid of the 90s I have enough background about Comic Characters simply form Saturday Morning Cartoons. That said A Good Movie is a Good Movie I`m wondering if peoples issues are this movie simply isn't good OR they aren't doing the Comics justice which the avg person doesnt care about.

I haven't read any spoilers or reviews though as I`m going to see the movie tomorrow.
Apparently some of yall have never seen a batman movie. Because this ain't the first time he took a life

I going to take a stab and say the people our age into comics at that time were complaining too. As a kid, I didn't care. Now I do but I reserve judgment until I see the movie

I was very young when that movie came out but I am not sure the outrage was the same, it really is Nolans trilogy that highlighted that mantra and is pretty much the key role in all 3 films especially in TDK. Those stood out in peoples mind because it was the best Batman films ever made to date.

Same I was born in 88 so I wouldn't know anything about Batman or the outrage. Still trying to figure out how I wanted to see that movie and convinced my mom to get the VHS for me.
Same I was born in 88 so I wouldn't know anything about Batman or the outrage. Still trying to figure out how I wanted to see that movie and convinced my mom to get the VHS for me.

I thought people loved Batman 89? lol I was born in 88 and I loved the movie too, I want to say I even went to go see Batman Returns in theaters in 92.
Originally Posted by Kal-El-8  

a few people in my theater walked out saying "man that was pretty good" 

Iono, i feel like general audiences will like it. 

I`m not into Comics what so ever, but just being a kid of the 90s I have enough background about Comic Characters simply form Saturday Morning Cartoons. That said A Good Movie is a Good Movie I`m wondering if peoples issues are this movie simply isn't good OR they aren't doing the Comics justice which the avg person doesnt care about.

I haven't read any spoilers or reviews though as I`m going to see the movie tomorrow.
In order for this movie to have longevity in the box office (at least til CW comes out) then general audience with no real background to comics are going to need to buy into this and I'm not sure if they will or not. 
A lot of you have SPOT ON reviews! I mean, the way people are feeling about the movie in this thread really sums it up. Had this been a GREAT movie, the posts would be everyone spazzing, contemplating, wanting to go see it again. But it seems that most loved parts...but at the end didn't leave how they wanted or expected.
a few people in my theater walked out saying "man that was pretty good" 

Iono, i feel like general audiences will like it. 
I`m not into Comics what so ever, but just being a kid of the 90s I have enough background about Comic Characters simply form Saturday Morning Cartoons. That said A Good Movie is a Good Movie I`m wondering if peoples issues are this movie simply isn't good OR they aren't doing the Comics justice which the avg person doesnt care about.

I haven't read any spoilers or reviews though as I`m going to see the movie tomorrow.
It's a good movie. Is it great? Absolutely not. 

But is it enjoyable and will the general audience like it? Yes in my opinion. I really don't think the average person on the street knows what Lex is supposed to be, or stuff like that.

My biggest gripes which I can see in other people's reviews are some stuff just isn't flushed out and it felt rushed. And the transitions sometimes are awful. But it's enjoyable and it got me excited for the bigger picture, which is all i wanted. 

And to the people complaining about the music? Yall need to chill, it's really not distracting at all like some of you guys claim. I thought Hans Zimmer did really great. 
Same I was born in 88 so I wouldn't know anything about Batman or the outrage. Still trying to figure out how I wanted to see that movie and convinced my mom to get the VHS for me.

I thought people loved Batman 89? lol I was born in 88 and I loved the movie too, I want to say I even went to go see Batman Returns in theaters in 92.

I love that movie. I LOVE IT. I just don't remember how that happened. Is Batman just that cool that a toddler was like "YES!"
AS an old man (40);  I thought it was one of the best comic book movies ever made.

I watched superman fly on wires.

This was just amazing in IMAX 3D.

Some of you did not like it & thats your prerogative.

It was just a comic book brought to life, nothing more, nothing less.

I understood everything, did not feel rushed, enjoyed every second of it.

Luthor is perfect.
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The numbers are in and as you would expect, Warner Bros.' Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice is off to a roaring start. The film opened to a monumental $27.7 million last night, setting the record for highest Thursday preview night opening for an Easter weekend and shattering the record previously held by Universal's Furious 7. Overall, it's the seventh highest preview night opening in history, barely edging out the $27.6 million preview night for Marvel's Avengers Age Of Ultron, but falling short of The Dark Knight Rises' $30.6 million launch in 2012 and far behind the $57 million & $43.5 million Thursday nights for Star Wars: The Force Awakens & Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, respectively.
It's a good movie. Is it great? Absolutely not. 

But is it enjoyable and will the general audience like it? Yes in my opinion. I really don't think the average person on the street knows what Lex is supposed to be, or stuff like that.

My biggest gripes which I can see in other people's reviews are some stuff just isn't flushed out and it felt rushed. And the transitions sometimes are awful. But it's enjoyable and it got me excited for the bigger picture, which is all i wanted. 

And to the people complaining about the music? Yall need to chill, it's really not distracting at all like some of you guys claim. I thought Hans Zimmer did really great. 

I think it boils down to the fact that a movie called "Batman vs Superman" simply cant be good lol it has to be an amazing as this is essentially a cultural event. Heck Avengers Infinity Wars cant get away with just being "Good" either. BVS only being "good" is probably giving comic fans the feeling that everything they ever hoped for and that was built up was in vain.
The numbers are in and as you would expect, Warner Bros.' Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice is off to a roaring start. The film opened to a monumental $27.7 million last night, setting the record for highest Thursday preview night opening for an Easter weekend and shattering the record previously held by Universal's Furious 7. Overall, it's the seventh highest preview night opening in history, barely edging out the $27.6 million preview night for Marvel's Avengers Age Of Ultron, but falling short of The Dark Knight Rises' $30.6 million launch in 2012 and far behind the $57 million & $43.5 million Thursday nights for Star Wars: The Force Awakens & Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, respectively.
Movie will have a monster opening, but I doubt it has the legs to do it for 2-3 weeks. Which sucks 
It's a good movie. Is it great? Absolutely not. 

But is it enjoyable and will the general audience like it? Yes in my opinion. I really don't think the average person on the street knows what Lex is supposed to be, or stuff like that.

My biggest gripes which I can see in other people's reviews are some stuff just isn't flushed out and it felt rushed. And the transitions sometimes are awful. But it's enjoyable and it got me excited for the bigger picture, which is all i wanted. 

And to the people complaining about the music? Yall need to chill, it's really not distracting at all like some of you guys claim. I thought Hans Zimmer did really great. 
I think it boils down to the fact that a movie called "Batman vs Superman" simply cant be good lol it has to be an amazing as this is essentially a cultural event. Heck Avengers Infinity Wars cant get away with just being "Good" either. BVS only being "good" is probably giving comic fans the feeling that everything they ever hoped for and that was built up was in vain.
Absolutely spot on. repped.

But I have hope for the larger DCEU, which I didn't with MOS.
Yah. I think MoS dropped like 60%-70% the second week so we'll see.

Then again there is practically no competition for the next two weeks until Jungle Book comes out on April 15. After Jungle Book, Hunstman is next on April 22 and then CW on May 6 so I hope BvS can get a few millions from those empty opening weeks between those films.

Despite the bad reviews, it might still go over their opening predictions of $150m unlike F4 where the reviews just destroyed it that the expected $55m-$60m opening turned into $25m.
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Loved it!

Gal Gadot was better than I expected in her short scenes

Justice League setup got me so excited

Violent Batman :wow:

No football game scene :frown:
I think it boils down to the fact that a movie called "Batman vs Superman" simply cant be good lol it has to be an amazing as this is essentially a cultural event. Heck Avengers Infinity Wars cant get away with just being "Good" either. BVS only being "good" is probably giving comic fans the feeling that everything they ever hoped for and that was built up was in vain.

I'm really wondering how IW will be received
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