DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Coincidentally, David Corenswet also resembles Christopher Reeve, and Brandon Routh 🤷‍♂️…In fact they all have similar features…

It’s almost like he, and all of the live action Superman actors, were picked because they, wait for it…Look. Like. Superman.


The Snyder-cult can kick rocks…Move on, it’s over…
The DCU cant survive without the support of the "snyder-cult". After the drama that went on behind the scenes, DC's movies have seen a steady decline in box office gross. And guess who's responsible for that.......
so just watched The Flash today and personally speaking while it's not perfect, it's still a great movie. I don't care about the Ezra controversy nor the movie not getting much viewership since I'm not the one missing on a great movie and also avoid a rowdy crowd of idiots ruining the show. although still had some stupid viewers wearing their turban which blocks the screen.

regarding the CGI controversy, it was tolerable imo although kind of weird and cringy whether it was intentional or not. I would say it could have been better if they made it more close to perfect rather than seeing them look like dolls but that is just my opinion. I saw the references and why they did that in such a way. it's part comedy I should say and found myself laughing and a few others inside the theaters that get the joke but most of the audience which I would suspect were just born in the Brandon Routh era, never got the references. love the dig on Clooney and finally a well deserved appearance of Super Nic !

just glad it didn't turn out as terrible as that Thor:L&T.

I’ll trust Gunn for now because he hasn’t missed with me on Guardians, SS, and Peacemaker.

Lost some points though for gassin up Flash like it was on par with the Dark Knight :smh:
Didn't lex lift mad weights too? Essentially his contempt for supes was from an inferiority complex.
And Zach's a gym bro too, beats me how he missed that detail imo.
That dude with the crazy eyes could do a decent brainiac instead.
We already had a "bright and optimistic" take on superman:

Annnnnd, it was boring as hell!!

maybe it had to do with the pedo director that also directed all the crappy xmen films?

and despite that, SR is still much more well regarded than MoS :lol: 74% on RT vs 56% for MoS

i mean damn, what the hell did snyder did to you snyderstans to have an undying loyalty?

maybe it had to do with the pedo director that also directed all the crappy xmen films?

and despite that, SR is still much more well regarded than MoS :lol: 74% on RT vs 56% for MoS

i mean damn, what the hell did snyder did to you snyderstans to have an undying loyalty?

I've been a fan of his since Dawn of the Dead. I just like his movies. And after seeing how WB/DC treated him, I'm here for all the drama and chaos.
i enjoy snyder and was behind him and love his action scenes (one of the very few who liked sucker punch for gods sake) but you just slowly realize that he is not what you want leading the universe

its the stans who just couldt let it go and instead of moving on and just supporting his “star wars vision” with rebel moon, they instead spend their petty life trying to destroy everything else DC after snyder

its just sad

he kind of got lucky MoS came out as the first film in the DCEU and made that much money for the “newness” and excitement but that thing comes out today, it’ll flop as hard as the flash
Snyder needed to be honest with himself and go after like mortal kombat or something
its good he has rebel moon, ill definitely check it out but he needs to have full freedom to do what he wants and not a source material he can change at will

its why 300 worked so well for him, he just has to put whats was in the comics on the big screen but he cant have reigns of something that has decades of history and that the fanbase are very familiar with
I’ll trust Gunn for now because he hasn’t missed with me on Guardians, SS, and Peacemaker.

Lost some points though for gassin up Flash like it was on par with the Dark Knight :smh:

Hold up, who was gassin flash up to be TDK? Don’t ever disrespect Nolan da God like that.

They need to jsut make this dude superman.. like the actual Superman in the movies


No lie it took me a minute to take him seriously as Superman since i “grew up” with this dude on Teen Wolf. Ironically enough the version of Clark / Superman he plays is actually on par with his real personality.

It’s painful to see WB succeed on the small screen and not be able to transition that to the big screen

i hope Gunn can make it all cohesive. Call it biting or copying but the Feige Marvel formula worked. As fans of superheroes i personally would not mind seeing the DCU cohesively come together like the MCU did. I mean you have one of if not the most iconic superhero, Superman for christs sake. We can’t keep holding on to Christopher Reeves, god rest his soul.
it is what it is

even tom cruise was mad MI is getting kicked out of imax screens early for barbie and oppenheimer
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