DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

more DC i could see

more LotR i could see (if they back up a brinks truck to the tolkien mansion)

im not sure where theyre gon get more Harry Potter content thats not Fantastic Beasts? especially now that JKs semi-cancelled and everything HP needs her approval and she always wants a hand at things
im not sure where theyre gon get more Harry Potter content thats not Fantastic Beasts? especially now that JKs semi-cancelled and everything HP needs her approval and she always wants a hand at things
Harry Potter and the Cursed child adaptation like it says in the video.

I don't think WB minds JK has a hand in everything HP now since shed basically been the Feige of movies in the HP world since Fantastic Beasts were made. I figure she'll just continue to make her own content of what she wants though.
cursed child isnt generally well liked and emma, daniel and rupert all do not want anything to do with JK so even though their characters role aren’t the biggest in the cursed child, those 3 main cast will still likely not want to work with JK again

and i dont think those characters cant be recasted, those characters are them and even if $$$ does manage to grease em up to take on the role again, its gon’ cost WB a ton

JK is petty too, completely written off katherine in the last FB film because she called her out on her trans stance which all the 3 main cast also did

so i just dont know how they’re gon pull it off

cursed child is also gon be super bad if they have to stretch that to more than two films, its gon be like the hobbit all over again
cursed child isnt generally well liked and emma, daniel and rupert all do not want anything to do with JK so even though their characters role aren’t the biggest in the cursed child, those 3 main cast will still likely not want to work with JK again
Its just about more HP movies. The characters can be recast for their adult roles or just backdoor it and make the story just about his son.

and even if $$$ does manage to grease em up to take on the role again, its gon’ cost WB a ton
Its would be worth it if you do the math. Daniel not getting paid a billion.

JK is petty too, completely written off katherine in the last FB film because she called her out on her trans stance which all the 3 main cast also did
JK can do w/e she wants. Studio don't want to make the movie she can wait it out and move it somewhere else.

She can kill off the trio for all I care.

Last I checked JK did all that offending and insulting and the FB movies still made a lot of money. Enough to keep the franchise going if she wants.

so i just dont know how they’re gon pull it off
Okay the script and pre-production. Wouldn't be the first time a WB movie had conflict among the crew and/or cast and/or with the director.

cursed child is also gon be super bad if they have to stretch that to more than two films, its gon be like the hobbit all over again
I would assume she would change some things and add but wouldn't matter any way.

Those FB sequels were long and not good yet they still made bank. JK can replicate that at least 4 more times and that's only if one of them doesn't hit and become its own 7 or 9 movie franchise.

Somebody being "semi-cancelled" is just a talking point. Its doesn't meant anything in reality or have any consequences. The biggest change you'll see is those who want to work with, for, and on a JK project and then those who don't.

Eventually they divide won't last.
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Why do you use this term?


seems like people hated her there for a second, even had to remove most of her credits in the last FB film but not fully hated because she still make people $$$

WB cant do any HP things without her

or are you just questioning my spelling? :lol:
not gon quote the whole thing but Master Zik Master Zik FB films is on a decline BO-wise and the last film didnt make enough to even make its money back thats why the 5-movie plan has completely halted at 3

FB1 - $815m
FB2 - $655m
FB3 - $400m

there’s a reason they dont want to make FB anymore and why they want actual HP content

FB started off well, even fresh on RT with high audience rating, then its a huge drop for FB2 with even worse audience rating, FB3 was slightly better but the audience score is two times better than the second one and it still did bad at the box office

in addition, JK is just bad at writing content that isnt a book, she’s a terrible screenwriter and playmaker

her biggest fans aren’t showing up on her original content that isnt a book anymore, the OG films were great because real screenwriters adapted her books where she made this world a la LotR/GoT chuck of details and lore, but once JK tried to go straight to screenwriting, its been inconsistent with the lore and history she’s created

if i were WB, make JK write a book and then adapt those because thats he strongest suit but it looks like WB (as usual) is in a desperate rush

but i still really cant see them recasting the 3 main cast and WB means more HP as in they want Harry Potter on screen, not for them to get killed off and their kids be badly written on the big screen
not gon quote the whole thing but Master Zik Master Zik FB films is on a decline BO-wise and the last film didnt make enough to even make its money back thats why the 5-movie plan has completely halted at 3

FB1 - $815m
FB2 - $655m
FB3 - $400m

there’s a reason they dont want to make FB anymore and why they want actual HP content

FB started off well, even fresh on RT with high audience rating, then its a huge drop for FB2 with even worse audience rating, FB3 was slightly better but the audience score is two times better than the second one and it still did bad at the box office

in addition, JK is just bad at writing content that isnt a book, she’s a terrible screenwriter and playmaker

her biggest fans aren’t showing up on her original content that isnt a book anymore, the OG films were great because real screenwriters adapted her books where she made this world a la LotR/GoT chuck of details and lore, but once JK tried to go straight to screenwriting, its been inconsistent with the lore and history she’s created

if i were WB, make JK write a book and then adapt those because thats he strongest suit but it looks like WB (as usual) is in a desperate rush

but i still really cant see them recasting the 3 main cast and WB means more HP as in they want Harry Potter on screen, not for them to get killed off and their kids be badly written on the big screen
Zaslav himself specifically menfioned JK when he said he wanted more Harry Potter.

So unless JK doesn't want to its going to happen.

The reason they want to make more HP content over FB is cuz HP makes more. Simple math. The FB movies still made a bunch of money.

If they could expect those results for every HP spinoff movie JK made WB would take it.

Also WB can't make JK do anything let alone write a book :lol:

That's a ridiculous process to get movies made. WB isn't in a rush cuz they don't want to wait for JK to write a book, have a whole rollout, publish it, and peep the feedback before adapting.

Stuff like JK is bad at screenwriting is irrelevant. WB wants more movies to make more money so they can get out of debt. These movies are getting made.
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i think that is where the problem lies

zaslav wants JK but the main cast doesnt want anything to do with JK, even in the reunion they really wanted to drive it home that most were filmed before JKs statements and that they really just did it for the fans

but zaslav wants HP films with those characters and thats why i dont think they can be recasted or just killed off, its not an HP film without HP, people has lost interest without the main og cast and characters so more films without them is just gon be just like another FB films/HP spinoff

again, we’ll see how it all goes and how they negotiate it, radcliffe also recently said he doesnt even want to be tied down to a franchise when asked about being part of marvel so its not going to be easy

but zaslav also had to make those investors happy during the call especially after all the negativity lately and how he’s handled all the cancellations and studio closures
i think that is where the problem lies

zaslav wants JK but the main cast doesnt want anything to do with JK, even in the reunion they really wanted to drive it home that most were filmed before JKs statements and that they really just did it for the fans
It'll be fine without them

But actually watch actors said they won't work with JK again? :nerd:

Kinda just seems like talk right now.

but zaslav wants HP films with those characters
I didn't read him saying that :nerd:

The reality its JK owns it and has final say. None of these other actors are attached to a franchise like that. I don't see them holding out long or standing on this principle. Especially when it all really takes is the right new casting to make fans forget about the old cast.
nah, they dont need money like that and all three are consistently working too

emma in particulars a huge activist that will just throw away her beliefs for case, there was also that rumor earlier this year that she’d return if jk isnt involved too and daniel and rupert are likely to back her over jk

and they defintiely are attached to and loved this franchise, they were all in tears in the reunion, i mean how they not they spent their childhood with each other and the cast for a good a 10 years(?) which again JK was left out of

only way they can do more HP films with those 3 characters is a reboot which actually isnt the worst idea since a lot of great things in the books were left off the films

or continue the franchise and instead pay off JK to just stay away, out of all the people discussed, JK seems to be the one thats more willing to budge based on cash (again, WB already managed to keep her out of the reunion and took her credit away in the last FB film)

we’ll just have to wait and see, really no point in going back and forth on this
I doubt those 3 actors would ever work on a jk project again. They've been so vocal about being against what she said. Their reputations would be destroyed and they'd be labeled anti-trans if they did.
May be my first time liking the idea of Robin in a Batman movie.

They should play it straight too. Willem is **** Grayson whose parents died and Bruce takes him in as his ward :lol:

May also be time for that black Robin/Marlon Wayans that got scrapped :nerd:
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