"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

Likely just a bot for practice but they could be in existence by the labs but wasn't revealed until they perfected the future Sentinels? The Sentinels revealed in the past was only revealed because Trask survived and the president demanded a demonstration?
Well I am talking about the inconsistency of the plots, since there are so many, trying to make sense of it all just isn't going to happen.

I am not saying to stretch the imagination on their powers and what exists in the film but the timeline of events of the whole franchise.

:lol: that wasn't directed towards you. Just the fact that all the inconsistencies are being pointed out as if Xmen makes sense in the first place
I now realize an X men crossover with the other marvel franchises wouldn't make sense. Humans hate and want to kill mutants but love and cheer for a teen with spider powers?
It was her...im guessing you must have missed it...


…and, as if listening to the start of his story, we cut back to 1973. Wolverine gets plucked out of the Potomac by William Stryker. Stryker turns to the camera…and his eyes glow yellow, revealing that Stryker is actually Mystique

Well...there you have it. That was stupid. They should have just had it be Stryker. There is zero reason for it to be Mystique. Just further proves this movie was over thought for no reason.

Even if she worked for Apocolypse...that was a huge philosophical change in mystique. Got damn J Law, no slander but I don't think she's greater than the X Men Movies...like Fassbender, Halle, Hugh, Patrick, Ian...like lowkey the fact it was Mystique makes me angry.
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loved the movie. Everything was pretty straightforward but someone please explain to me how Kitty Pryde got those powers again? I thought she could just go through walls.

I still don't know how they are going to pull off Apocalypse on the big screen :wow:. Either gonna be hit or miss as far as his look
Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter. I begged for so many quarters

I thought the movie was good. Not a game changer, but it was smart, and added a lot more action and fan service. Sentinel's were too cold. 

Warpath, and Storm served no purpose.
yo........Bishop and Storm spoke less than 10 words COMBINED.

shorty was pregnant and had to sit thru makeup to say what?! what were her lines? they didnt need her to change the weather cuz it was already PermaStormy all the time there anyway.

i managed to figure out that Bishop can absorb energy, but what did he do when he absorbed it? he fired a plasma shot from his gun. i THINK he fired like 3 shots total. maybe less.

i knew dude traveled thru time form the 'toon. but they didnt go that route with him in this moive.

ima assume Warpath got some kinda super senses cuz he was the one who kept on watch for the sentinels
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loved the movie. Everything was pretty straightforward but someone please explain to me how Kitty Pryde got those powers again? I thought she could just go through walls.

I still don't know how they are going to pull off Apocalypse on the big screen :wow:. Either gonna be hit or miss as far as his look

This, I was wondering how she was dude back in time
I'm curious what the difference is between mutants and superheroes. Especially in the Marvel comics, there seems to be a huge difference between them, although as far as I can see they don't differ that much. There are quite a few superheroes who have innate abilities, they were born with them. And I really don't see much difference between a superhero with those abilities, and a mutant.

Plus why are mutants looked down upon on, but not Superheroes?
First Class is on tv right now :pimp:
I need to watch this thing in its entirety. FX has shown it so many times and I just catch parts.

Just got back from the movie and it was dope. Made 2 hours fly by. Questions from someone who doesn't keep up with the comics and all:

1. How did Logan get metal claws again? He got them chopped off in Japan and that ended with Professor and Magneto coming to ask for his help at the end.

2. How does this tie in with Spiderman. I believe the after ending credit shown in Spiderman was the same scene in the movie when Mystique went to get the mutants back to the USA.
I'm curious what the difference is between mutants and superheroes. Especially in the Marvel comics, there seems to be a huge difference between them, although as far as I can see they don't differ that much. There are quite a few superheroes who have innate abilities, they were born with them. And I really don't see much difference between a superhero with those abilities, and a mutant.

Plus why are mutants looked down upon on, but not Superheroes?

Isn't that basically what I said a page before??
I'm curious what the difference is between mutants and superheroes. Especially in the Marvel comics, there seems to be a huge difference between them, although as far as I can see they don't differ that much. There are quite a few superheroes who have innate abilities, they were born with them. And I really don't see much difference between a superhero with those abilities, and a mutant.

Plus why are mutants looked down upon on, but not Superheroes?

Mutants are technically born with the x-gene and it is a form of natural evolution. Their powers activate due to different things like stress and such. Cyclops for example activated his powers when he got a head trauma. Wolverines healing and bone claws when he was fighting with dog.

Other heroes like Spiderman are considered mutates, he was bitten by a radioactive spider which made him a superhero but it wasn't in his genes. Other heroes like IronMan is also an obvious example of a non-mutant as he just has a suit, Hulk is another mutate.

Mutants are hated because people believe they are freaks, it's pretty much just how they are written really. XMen were written as being hated for being different, some even thought being a mutant was a disease and that it is contagious, it was a social commentary when it was written really. The Avengers and Spiderman looks like they belong in a different world where they are embraced by the public. This was tackled in part in the Civil War arc though.

I'm sure more marvel experts could chime in in much better detail and give better examples?
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Pretty much mutants were born with their gifts, superheroes are created by accident or experiment.
X men were anologious to the civil right movements. Magneto = young Malcom and Prof X = Martin. Much ink has been spilled on the subject.
2. How does this tie in with Spiderman. I believe the after ending credit shown in Spiderman was the same scene in the movie when Mystique went to get the mutants back to the USA.
Has nothing to do with ASM2.

It was basically Sony doing Fox a solid for letting the director of ASM2 out of his previous contract w/ Fox to direct Spiderman. 
Only thing I that didn't really stand out about this movie was the soundtrack scoring. First Class had an unbelievable score. This was a bit lackluster. But it didn't detract from the movie though
Gambit is really more of a fan favorite and nothing more. He is like a lil-Deadpool, I don't think dude even had a successful solo run in the comics.

I can see why people would like him though, Jim Lees design made him look cool, cool powers and dude is charming to the ladies but again I am not sure there are even many memorable story arcs for him, even his role in the DoFP version of the cartoons wasn't even written for him in the comics iirc.

Really surprised he is getting a solo film over Cyclops (or the Summers family in general) and Deadpool.
Gambit's biggest story arc is selling out the Morlocks by forming the Marauders who went to kill them all cuz he owed Mister Sinister.

I get Gambit's just a fan fav but in comics he aint ****.
Oh, that Taylor Kitsch mess don't count :lol:
:lol: Son trying to erase Gambit in Wolverine Origins like Fox is with this new timeline.
I was super bummed at that Gambit :lol:

I wanted Taylor Kitsch to blow up after Friday Night Lights. It just didn't happen.

Texas forever, though.
Son has such bad luck with movie career lol.

First he was in that Disney movie and it grossed 25 percent of its production budget. Then he did the battleship movie and that tanked hard too.

I can't even remember the names of the movies!


Ohh the name of the movie was literally Battleship, my bad
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^Based off the game :lol: No way he thought that was gonna be a hit. Had to be doing it for the money.

What I think his worse was Warlord of Mars or John Carter war on Mars or w/e. I saw parts of that and thought it was made in the early 2000s.
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