"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

Technically, X1-X3 and Origins never happened so I think they will continue with the new class and just add Gambit and younger (recasts) Cyclops and Jean when they get to their stories.

I feel that the ending was a send off to the old cast/old movies, Prof X and Wolverine "catching up" feels like they are telling you the next stories (kind of like Prof X telling the story) is what actually happens after the DoFP events and filling in the new events that Wolverine missed up til the moment who woke up.

Question is would you rank this over ASM2? :lol:

Oh OK. Basically they're just gonna make a first class sequel. Still bums me out because I want to see the OG cast again.

Nah Cap 2 > ASM2 > DOFP :D
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Yah pretty much since Singers been calling this an in-between-quel though I also remember him calling Apocalypse film the same thing. Not really sure where he is going past Apocalypse though but at least he has a clean slate now.
Yeah, all he has to do is bring in the OG lineup and people will eat it up. I Just read that it will focus on the origin of the mutants. Don't know how he's going to go about that.
How good was McAvoy and Fass in this CP?

IMO, it's time for Fass to run this series. He was terrific. My fav character by far, and just for random reference, my wife really liked his role as well. He blends great with McAvoy, Lawrence, and Jackman.

McAvoy is pretty good too. He's clearly the softer of the two, but that's not his fault of course. But he is a great moral compass.

I hope they find a way to continue using these guys, so much better than much of the X1 cast.

Seconded on Fassbender. I could absolutely watch a 2 hr Magneto film if Fass did it. Liked DoFP a lot for what its worth.
Yeah, all he has to do is bring in the OG lineup and people will eat it up. I Just read that it will focus on the origin of the mutants. Don't know how he's going to go about that.

Yeah I remember reading an interview with him now, I think what he really wants is an XMen origins as in how the XMen team was formed and that is why I think a recast for a young Cyclops and Jean are coming. Who knows, die-hard Rogue fans might actually get the MsMarvel absorbed version and be flirting with Gambitatum?
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Was that suppose to be apocalypse at the end? If so why so scrawny?
Movie was good I just wish the visuals were allot better. this film looks like is was made in the 90s.
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Was that suppose to be apocalypse at the end? If so why so scrawny?
Movie was good I just wish the visuals were allot better. this film looks like is was made in the 90s.

Guessing he hasn't found the Celestial's technology yet
so whats the chronological order (if any) of all the x-men films released?

dont get why people dislike origins. it was good not great but it was not x3 horrible.
I liked the analogy about the river and throwing a pebble in diverts the flow momentarily, but eventually the water still rushes the same way.

If something is meant to happen, it's meant to happen.

I thought that was a really good way of explaining the repercussions of what they were tryin to do.
so whats the chronological order (if any) of all the x-men films released?

dont get why people dislike origins. it was good not great but it was not x3 horrible.
first class, Wolverine Origins, X1-3, The Wolverine. Now with the end of DoFP, we can all forget about X-3. 

Origins was trash. Will never forget what they did to my boy Deadpool. 

BTW anyone else forget Havoc was in the movie. I just remember, and it got me thinking  why didn't they have more of the mutants from First Class play a larger role? Adding Havoc to team X,Wolverine,Beast would have made the sentinel fight better. 
My review of Days of Future Past:

Worth seeing, in theater, especially for the 3D. Rest of the review has minor spoilers, I tried not to reveal TOO much, but there is some in there.

First off, I fully expect some people to still be angry, call it garbage, waste, this is wrong, that was wrong, everything was wrong, etc etc. I know those people are coming. No big deal.

X3 screwed so much stuff up, it’s almost like there was no way to completely fix all that damage. This patches some things, and helps, but I won’t pretend like all is well in X-Men land now after just this film.

That said, I’m ok with this film. It’s not Cap 2, not IM1, not the Dark Knight, but it’s not Ghost Rider 2 or X3 either. I was meh, on the Future part, 2023 or whatever, but once they set up why Logan has to go back, and how, etc, I was like alright, let’s go, come on. And once he went back to 1973, it felt like a true First Class sequel. And that part of the equation was pretty solid. It’s like they paused the crap, Iceman, Rogue, Storm off to the side, but focused on the good part of the franchise with Wolverine, Fassbender, McAvoy, and Lawrence. I found that interesting.

I should get this out of the way, yes, they screwed up the origins by sending Logan back in time, everyone has “yet another Wolverine movie” on their minds, but that didn’t feel like the case this time. He doesn’t run the whole film, for a change. He’s there, you see him, you feel him around, but he doesn’t dominate every scene, he’s more background noise than any of the other X-Men films. That’s a positive start.

Fassbender may just be the best thing in this franchise. I am loving his work right now. He was GREAT, again. Just like First Class, he is the best part of this film too. And he and McAvoy do solid work together. (interesting note, on the plane, they carry the scene, their dialogue, speaking, back and forth, chess, etc etc, Logan sleeps in the background. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) Like I said, Logan is around, but at least he doesn’t dominate every scene.

Fassbender and Lawrence, as Magneto and Mystique really are interesting together. I really like them on screen and what their relationship is. There’s something there, a real “tension” if you will. I really liked the play Magneto made in the conference room with her and Trask. I didn’t see that coming, but it was a solid payoff. Those two alone should have a spinoff, and I bet that movie would be better than any of the others to date.

Quicksilver scene was incredible. I can’t believe it. I expected so much trash from that character, and instead he had the whole theater on his side. Really cool part. Hope he can be used more going forward.

Couple things I need to see stopped, asap. Stop shooting Logan and dropping the bullets back onto the floor. You do it EVERY movie, give it a damn rest. Second, stop with the Mystique switching back and forth and back and forth and back and back and back, we get it, the ***** can change bodies, we know, ok, got it, please move on with that crap.

Xavier’s hover chair. :pimp:

I was…..ok, with the whole Xavier walking thing. Eh. I assume the comic doesn’t have that, and it will be eye rolled by the comic readers, and it’s a stretch, to be sure, but for this movieverse, it worked enough. Easier than wheeling dude around everywhere I guess.

Trask and Nixon were done pretty well. I was impressed by that, hell, the Nixon guy was pretty freaking uncanny. The Sentinels themselves……not too bad. They were certainly threats, and dangerous, and showed the level of strength they possessed, but if you expect armies upon armies of them, you kinda only see like 7 do any real work. You see a few background shots of armies of them, but like I said, actual doing work ones you only get a handful. I kinda wished they could have expanded that to a full on force of them, against a full on force of X-men characters, but like I said, no way to incorporate every need into just this one film.

The ending payoff was sort of……welcome. I like some of the reveals they did, and how they closed it. Despite everything I know is wrong with the franchise, at the end of the film, I felt happy, like maybe we’re coming out of the bad stuff, and we might start seeing some of the greatness we deserve. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe Apocalypse will be just another film extending time, and then another film, and another, etc etc and it will all end up with 10 films, and maybe 2 full films worth of solid material, I don’t know. But when the credits rolled, I was at least more hopeful than when I went in.

Maybe, just maybe, some things have been fixed. Maybe they will start to lessen Logan’s role as he has aged and start to focus on other characters, like Fassbender, or maybe even recast some things to get older characters on screen in a better way. We’ll see.

After the credits, def stay around. There is a scene for you to take in.

Like I said, I know there are things that will be picked apart, and rightfully so. It’s not an elite comic book movie, but it’s a better effort than we’ve seen. If I tried to rank them all, it would look something along the lines of…..

First Class
The Wolverine
Origins Wolverine

Right there in the middle somewhere, I think. Maybe it could slot above 1, I’d need to rewatch 1 again to reassess.

Now, we’ll see if Apocalypse really brings it back into a good place, or if we just start all over with more crap and Logan front and centerness. :lol:

Now that people are starting to see it, we can compare notes. I been tired of talkin in spoilers and riddles. :lol:
I'll say this about the movie. It was as good as xmen 2. Throw out all your "not like the comic" slander and just enjoy the movie for what it is. Few moments that felt odd, few moments meh, but it was still a fun watch.

My verdict

Watch but it could wait. No rush.
Was that suppose to be apocalypse at the end? If so why so scrawny?
Movie was good I just wish the visuals were allot better. this film looks like is was made in the 90s.

Saw it on youtube. Though IDK why they chose to do that Apocalypse has full control of the molecules in his body. He could change size at will

Where were the four horsemen in that scene? I found 4 vids and didnt see them

EDIT: NVM I see em now.
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Interesting. The initial reviews on this board was that DoFP was good but still ranked lower than previous X men movies. Now the RT percentage is staying high and people are coming in saying it's the best X-men movie to date.

There aren't any bad reviews coming in either.

I'm a little confused. If some more people come in and say that this is the best X Men to date I might watch it next week.
Interesting. The initial reviews on this board was that DoFP was good but still ranked lower than previous X men movies. Now the RT percentage is staying high and people are coming in saying it's the best X-men movie to date.

There aren't any bad reviews coming in either.

I'm a little confused. If some more people come in and say that this is the best X Men to date I might watch it next week.

Well being the "best xmen movie" isn't really saying much. Now, is it a fun watch? Yes.
If they doing Age of Apocolypse, countinuity/references be damned, I want Wolverine(war), Gambit(famine), Arch Angel(death)and Mister Sinister(pestilence)[yes i know that isnt their role, but screw it, ots a movie] that would be so damn sick, plus they never show Wolverine as a bad guy. He was one for a longtime.
I thoroughly enjoyed First Class. If this movie happens to be better, I wouldn't say it's "sad" or "not saying much."
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