Dating advice, tips, etc...

Oct 27, 2005
I could use a few now that I am officially dating.. and i'm sure 90% of NT could use some too.

Thanks a bunch in advance
from what i've learned from reading NT about girls. . Theres only one rule and thats "whip it out"
In all seriousness man, just be yourself. If you have any specific questions, I'm positive many of the more mature NTer's would be glad to give yousome tips and unspoken rules.
Don't show your true self, just be nice and funny as possible... but don't over do it, girls hate when guys try too hard.
Don't think of it as a date.... then you feel the pressure/nervousness

just have fun, don't matter where.

The best place to spit that game is in the car and on the way to destinations.

-Don't be afraid to approach a girl.
-Be confident
-Don't come off as needy or desperate
-Good Hygiene
-Avoid those awkward pauses between conversations
i'll drop some i've heard from others,

you don't want to share too much about yourself (keep the mysteriousness factor)

asking questions (not the yes/no or short response types) to keep the conversation going

never pay for the date, always split (or else you're sending the wrong messages, aka you have nothing else to offer and you're a simp)

conversating/meeting up for coffee is definitely easier than going out for dinner etc etc because you can ditch whenever and theres wayyy less pressure

and yeah, i've been on a dry spell this whole summer, and im currently in the best shape of my life (lost about 30~ lbs over the span of a year) so my swagis at an all time high,

my problem is that i can pull numbers etc etc etc... but i've never been in a REAL relationship (no im not a virgin, i got my JO's) so i'm tryingto get some advice from the more experienced cat's about this whole dating scene (basically playing hard to get?)....

thanks NT.
Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

i'll drop some i've heard from others,

you don't want to share too much about yourself (keep the mysteriousness factor)

asking questions (not the yes/no or short response types) to keep the conversation going

never pay for the date, always split (or else you're sending the wrong messages, aka you have nothing else to offer and you're a simp)

conversating/meeting up for coffee is definitely easier than going out for dinner etc etc because you can ditch whenever and theres wayyy less pressure

and yeah, i've been on a dry spell this whole summer, and im currently in the best shape of my life (lost about 30~ lbs over the span of a year) so my swag is at an all time high,

my problem is that i can pull numbers etc etc etc... but i've never been in a REAL relationship (no im not a virgin, i got my JO's) so i'm trying to get some advice from the more experienced cat's about this whole dating scene (basically playing hard to get?)....

thanks NT.
You're basically in the same position as that Cartier Urkel (or whatever son's name was) earlier... Except you haven't totally jumpedinto shark-infested waters yet, so to speak.

The most important thing is that you've worked to improve yourself and put your own needs before that of a potential female companion, and if nothing else,you realize the difference between a jump and someone you wouldn't mind calling your girlfriend.

Just keep doing you and don't worry about looking for that special female. When I finally realized that I can enjoy my own company and don't need afemale to validate how I feel about myself, I was beside myself. It's that kind of boost to your self-esteem that shows females you can go anywhere andpull any female you want, so instead of you trying to get with them, they start choosing. And when more than one starts choosing, you're the one who hasoptions.
Just do some rico suav stuff. Also, make sure to compliment her, say things like what that thing taste like?
Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

i'll drop some i've heard from others,

you don't want to share too much about yourself (keep the mysteriousness factor)

asking questions (not the yes/no or short response types) to keep the conversation going

never pay for the date, always split (or else you're sending the wrong messages, aka you have nothing else to offer and you're a simp)

conversating/meeting up for coffee is definitely easier than going out for dinner etc etc because you can ditch whenever and theres wayyy less pressure

and yeah, i've been on a dry spell this whole summer, and im currently in the best shape of my life (lost about 30~ lbs over the span of a year) so my swag is at an all time high,

my problem is that i can pull numbers etc etc etc... but i've never been in a REAL relationship (no im not a virgin, i got my JO's) so i'm trying to get some advice from the more experienced cat's about this whole dating scene (basically playing hard to get?)....

thanks NT.
If you ask a woman out on a date for the first time you better be paying. When you guys are steady dating then you split the check. The coffeething is a good piece of advice. Ask the girl about herself, that is almost a given, if you run out %%+@ to ask then ask about her childhood, like what shewanted to be when she grew up. %%+@ works almost everything. Crack jokes and try to be funny. Last thing, if the subject is on you talk about your goals forthe future, girls like to know you are going somewhere, and make sure they are reachable goals not "I am on the come up in the rap game" type stuff.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

never pay for the date, always split (or else you're sending the wrong messages, aka you have nothing else to offer and you're a simp)

wrong! you pay for the date.

Man the first date shouldn't even be a situation where $ needs to be spent. Walk, over her house, coffee shop or something. Avoid first dates that involve$ and you won't have to pay anything.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

never pay for the date, always split (or else you're sending the wrong messages, aka you have nothing else to offer and you're a simp)


Nothing good can come out of dutch-pay on the first date.
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