Dating a woman with children

most men wold still rather smash the JO high school drop out

It's always baggage dealing with a single mom from my experience . I dealt with girls who had
Locked up baby daddies, out of state, hit and run , tried to trap a dude and etc. it's not worth it to me to invest the time and energy in these situations unless its some movie ish like you and your mans was like brothers and he is dead I've seen that work because its no way their is a baby daddy in the picture
Ha, another thread on this turns into the damaged goods argument. If a woman as successful and respectable as Oprah has a kid, shes damaged goods. If a chick is a dummy that dropped out of high school and a jump off, she isnt damaged goods.
Gotta love the extremes on here.
Y'all do realize that those babies have daddies somewhere right? There is also a man in their life that was a one up on you. Y'all prepared to deal with that? I fell like If you haven't experienced this situation then you just don't get it. The child it's the only "baggage" that women carries......
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A single mom is single for a reason, you need to know why. From my experience GET AWAY
I gotta agree for the most part. 

I remember this one girl, single with a child; we were cool for a couple of months, but then I asked her a random question out of the blue one day and she flips out, like I actually saw the rage come over her face. I'll never forget the look she shot me. 


For something so trivial. So from that point on I knew she had some issues, and she was likely single due to her uncontrollable rage. 

Had to cut ties with her quick, still cool but I know she has a short fuse. 
Could somebody who actually has legitemate(spell check) experience comment? Almost majority of the comments are blind sided with no support.

What would you like to know about it? I was in two relationships with females who have kids, both for about 2 years. The first one was ok...i was young and dumb and thought it wasn't a big deal. The second one was the most ****** up situation i've ever been in. NEVER will I even casually date a girl that has kids anymore, and neither should you unless the father is dead or COMPLETELY out of their lives, and even then, why should you settle for being second in someones life?
no support? dudes are telling you that it's a no go. 

Be the one who busts in the chick and gives her her first child. If having kids are on your agenda. 

If not, stay single and get it in. Stay safe though. 

Too many chicks our here with no kids who are ready. 
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What would you like to know about it? I was in two relationships with females who have kids, both for about 2 years. The first one was ok...i was young and dumb and thought it wasn't a big deal. The second one was the most ****** up situation i've ever been in. NEVER will even casually date a girl that has kids anymore, and neither should you unless the father is dead or COMPLETELY out of their lives, and even then, why should you settle for being second in someones life?
not to mention often times especially as they get older, if you date them, she isnt with you for you, shes with you because she doesnt have any realistically viable options.

I mean think about it, this mentality, reaches well beyond dating single moms. For example..... lets say you had a checkered past, not much in the education dept....and a unstable work history. Times hard and of course you will take that mckie dees job, and possibly accept/be thankfull for the job.

But less be honest was it your first choice? Was it a job/position you desired really want? You basically took what was best available based on your past and current situation. Same goes for these women.

Another example....suppose a woman was in the market for a car....a popular highly sought out car. (car being a male with good job education etc... everything good in his favor) She comes out to buy said car, and says i dont have much money to offer, and i have a couple of hangups bad credit (ala kids, failed relationships etc...) And asked despite a low credit score, me not having a stable job, and in debt...could you look out for me and lower the price (aka lower expectations,standards) over look my bad credit (aka my checkered past)...and disregard my debt other financial obligations (aka my kids).... If you had plenty of other buyers (aka women) with good jobs, great credit, no debt...and could pay with no problems.

Why would you forgo all those other buyers and sell to the first lady?

I say that to say thats basically what a single well to do, well off male would be doing by dating a girl (especially young woman) with kids. We dont behave nor take that mentality in no other aspect of life outside of dating. You wouldnt take a valuable baseball card, put it up on ebay...ignore all the buyers with excellent feedback, to make a sale with some one with some negative feedback...a history of transactions not completing smoothly, and cant pay thru paypal, and say ill send cash despite a sketchy and questionable payment past. 

Why think completely 180 when it comes to dating? 
This is not true.
I love how you dudes get amnesia and forget how trifling men can be and they can be amazing actors that play many roles.

Some dudes just dont want to commit, even the most fulfilling ( great sex, cook, clean, money) female cant make a man who wants to soil his oats commit.

Yes most chicks make poor decisions when it comes to the baby mama situation but not all.

Honestly half of these chicks are just women who didnt want to get an abortion and decided to make the best out of a situation.

You dont have to date a women with kids, I just dont see why some of you have to cal them "damage goods"
In most cases this is not true...nowadays moreso then often, woman dont date the dudes, they date the image of the dude. What i mean is that as of late society has this cookie cutter concept of what is a good man etc..and in most part women base it on materialistic things, and superfiscal intangibles rather then the substance of the person.

You have chicks dating dudes on the premise of he takes me to nice places, shows me a good time, we always go to eat etc... And i mean thats cool and all, but that doesnt equate to who they are as a person. So then based on those factors they decide they want to get pregnant have a kid etc...and then they learn about them. By then its to late.

Some learn some dont, and thus repeat the cycle over again. The idea of dudes being on some transformer type ish in most parts is hilarious (i mean some dudes do change up, but that usually equates to being raised by single mom etc...and im not gonna even get into that) Like i said in most parts the girls never actually knew the guy, they was just dating him based on what society says is good, and dating the image persona of the guy.

Some are damage goods, and often times it doesnt even have to do with there dating history, or them having multiple kids. Many of times it dates back to the environment they grew up in, the dicotomy of their parents relationship...and many other factors that went either unnoticed or not addressed. Then it plays out in the latter years as they grow older...thus women with multiple kids at an early age, multiple baby daddies etc.

I can understand why a single well to do guy wouldnt date a chick with kids. One if he wants to plan a start a life together with someone...thats kinda impossible seeing as the other party has already begun and depending on age/age of kids is halfway through its course. Many guys want to have a fresh start and not pick up where someone left off, or to compare it to a business, come in and save a struggling business.

And like others said the whole kids come first factor, the limitations and restraints put on your life due to her prior obligations (being the kids etc..) i always was a proponent of ppl should just enjoy one another before settling down and building a life together kids etc... that cant happen because she already has. Sure you can get some here and there, but the carefree lets just love live life etc... is basically impossible because if she is a good mother all that would be limited due to her obligation to her kids.

I could see if both of the parties are in the latter stages of their lives...and just want to find a companion to grow old with. But just because a woman decided to do this at the young age of 25 doesnt mean a dude who still is in his prime should deny himself his "glory days" his youth.

Quoted FTW. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Went over a chick crib on Sun to smash...she had her daughter downstairs watching some movie and we started to get it in upstairs in her room...her daughter kept calling for her to come watch the movie with her so we kept start/stopping...i got tired of that so i told her get dressed n go watch that movie, and I dipped :{

the point is sometimes it's even hard just to smash when a chick got a kid, cant even imagine really dealing with em
:lol :{ Money you MUST be new here and by "here" I mean LIFE.

And i'm the LAST cat to cape up for a female (especially those who make poor decisions when it comes to the kinds of men they choose to deal with).

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According to statistics most of you guys have "damaged goods" mothers.

Like I stated before dudes will up and live for NO REASON sometimes.
"aint nothing like new p%^&^"

Some BM let you do your thing as long as you come home to them.
Some want you to be faithful and that's where dudes decide to give walking papers.
Yes some BM are crazy but not all.
Sometimes people just grow apart and amicably decide they want to break up, but still co parent.

It seems like most of you have been dealing with *******s
And you shouldnt be dealing with a ******* at all , let alone a mother *******.

Christina millian is damage, nice to know

why is hood- rats blocked?
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To all you guys talking about "coming second" what are you guys going to do when you have to come second to your children :lol
For now its ok you are young, but someday your wife is not even going to care if you are there, are you ready for that?

Will it be easier to come second to a child that is actually yours?
Why was your daddy a simp papi?

got me. 

But it's just mom dukes already had 2 sons, and here my dad comes along in the picture and he could have been a **** about my moms prior relationships or whatever, and if that was the case then I wouldn't be here today. 

So by framing that whole situation in today's terms and outlook, it would seem like he was a simp on the surface. But obviously there was more to it that made him stick around regardless of the circumstances. 
If you were not here today, Id be sad. :lol

Your daddy is not a simp and your mother was/is not damage goods.

Its all relative to that particular person, your mom must have been a sophisticated lady with a good head on her shoulders.

Having a child doesn't make a man or woman damaged goods.
The persons character makes them damage goods
Why is a woman with a kid damaged goods though?  

why wouldn't she be? if her stuff was together she'd be with the person she has kids with. it's excusable I say at age 35+ cause things change in life. but someone under 30 being single with kids clearly did some poor decision making.
You're generalizing.

I can assume your parents are together and had you while they were under thirty. If they ended up splitting, would you then have considered your mom damaged goods?

Plenty of people in long committed relationships with kids end up splitting for whatever reason (throwing money away, infidelity, etc) being either person's fault. The woman doesn't get defaulted to damaged goods. Not every chick was going door to door to smash and accidentally got pregnant.

On topic:
Would I date a woman with kids? Not at my age. If I'm in my mid thirties I may consider it; depending on the woman and how all of us interact.
To all you guys talking about "coming second" what are you guys going to do when you have to come second to your children :lol
For now its ok you are young, but someday your wife is not even going to care if you are there, are you ready for that?

Will it be easier to come second to a child that is actually yours?

Post #119

If that wasn't directed at me my bad, but yes i stand by my coming second comment. Having your own child with your wife and being in a relationship with a chick who has someone else's seed shouldn't even be a conversation, they are no where near the same.
I mean howeer you spin it for me a woman with kids is undesirable. I want my own, not someone elses. Why wouldnt christina milliam be damaged goods... Cause she's pretty and famous? :lol

If i want to be with her i have to be involved with the kid. If i want to go to dinner i got to worry about the kid. We going to the movies, can the kid come? We outside late and mommy has a text she has to attend to. Thats real life as shown by poster a few posts above. Thats a headache.

Life is so much easier with a lady who can focus on herself, her career, and her relationship.

Keep making excuses on how dudes manipulate and leave for no reason. If people didnt half *** important decisions like this there wouldnt be so many single moms, there wouldnt be a 50% divorce rate. But hey thats the life yall choose to accept.

Feel like you guys are just hurt about the terminology damaged goods. Okay fine. Lets call it baggage. And that baggage is the child.
I always wonder why people on here say "well, your momb was a xyz"

The hell does that have to dk with anything?

as if you point out my mother's yambing, I'm going to all of sudden start caping because I see mama-ricky409 in their eyes.

Outta here with that. :lol
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Feel like you guys are just hurt about the terminology damaged goods. Okay fine. Lets call it baggage. And that baggage is the child

Thats my only stance.

Say baggage its less douche baggery
They arent damaged, they are a hassle.
All the things you mentioned are hassles, not damages.

I dont want you guys to date single mothers(and I dont want to date a single dad)
I just dont think you should to call them damaged and shun(you can warn them though) men who decide to date them
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According to statistics most of you guys have "damaged goods" mothers.

Like I stated before dudes will up and live for NO REASON sometimes.
"aint nothing like new p%^&^"

Some BM let you do your thing as long as you come home to them.
Some want you to be faithful and that's where dudes decide to give walking papers.
Yes some BM are crazy but not all.
Sometimes people just grow apart and amicably decide they want to break up, but still co parent.

It seems like most of you have been dealing with *******s
And you shouldnt be dealing with a ******* at all , let alone a mother *******.

Christina millian is damage, nice to know

why is hood- rats blocked?
yea but the chances are very slim....there is a reason...if you avoid it or become ignorant due to superfiscal/materialistic things then.... You could even try to use the bs excuse it takes two to make a child...which is twofold and flawed..f that really was the case, why is it only one party (the women) in which can make a decision on abortion, why is custody responsibility best parent assumed to be the mother?

Your talking on some waaaaaaaaaay back in the day ish. especially with the some ppl grow apart garbage, most single moms etc...first kid is before being an adult. So um what you mean grew apart...from elementary to jr/h.s lol be forreal. How much do you know a person and can make rational decisions as a child? Seeing as most ppl have kids as such. Which like i said earlier starts from home amongst other things
Ive kinda done it. She's older than me with a 2year old son. The sex was superb...but when we went on a date...babydaddy almost ruined it.
I mean howeer you spin it for me a woman with kids is undesirable. I want my own, not someone elses. Why wouldnt christina milliam be damaged goods... Cause she's pretty and famous? :lol

If i want to be with her i have to be involved with the kid. If i want to go to dinner i got to worry about the kid. We going to the movies, can the kid come? We outside late and mommy has a text she has to attend to. Thats real life as shown by poster a few posts above. Thats a headache.

Life is so much easier with a lady who can focus on herself, her career, and her relationship.

Keep making excuses on how dudes manipulate and leave for no reason. If people didnt half *** important decisions like this there wouldnt be so many single moms, there wouldnt be a 50% divorce rate. But hey thats the life yall choose to accept.

Feel like you guys are just hurt about the terminology damaged goods. Okay fine. Lets call it baggage. And that baggage is the child.

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