Da hell is wrong wit kanye

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He's definitely tripping. It's one thing expressing your opinion but people paid they money to see him perform and all he's doing is ranting nonsense? Glad I got to go to this tour a few months ago because I been a fan for bout 10 years but now I think it's time to take a hiatus :smh:
And this the guy yall say is the goat musician?

Musician, debatable...as a person, we get too indulged in these celebs personal lives really...i mean now whatever mental illness he has is taking an effect on his music side of things by ending his concerts 15 minutes in...had he gone out and gave a 2-3 hour concert, i couldn't care less about his personal life and his beyonce meltdowns
It's sad and funny at the same time. Kanye always been crazy but back then his crazy was pointed in the right direction. Great music and his rants had a point. Now he's making trash music and he rants about BS. Saying a whole bunch of nothing.

He's surrounded by nothing but fake people in the Kardashians. That's not helping. Too many of his stans empower this dumb ****. Not helping either. Just hope he ain't on that narcotic. :smh: I knew soon as he had kid with Kim he was lost.
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At this point you really have to place some blame on Kim. If your wife isn't uplifting you and can't stop you from careening, what the **** is her purpose? Give a damn about who she is or what she did, be a wife.
At this point you really have to place some blame on Kim. If your wife isn't uplifting you and can't stop you from careening, what the **** is her purpose? Give a damn about who she is or what she did, be a wife.

That family is built on attention. Full of thots, a man that wants to be a woman, a pimp mother. Can't no real man uplift himself around that.
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It really took supporting trump for yall to finally concede that kanyes rants are total nonsense :rofl:
Dude makes sense for the first time in years and nobody wants to be pablos anymore.
Qias from qrew kicks has to be in total shambles right now.:rofl:
Qrew kicks are feeling like Jumpman Bostic if MJ phoned him and told him to quit kissing up :lol:
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Isn't he on antidepressants or something? I feel like I heard him rap about it in some song.

I feel like he's legitimately a little crazy. Not just because of his rants, because I understand his frustration with his rants, but how erratic he is. His mannerisms too, the whole laughing to a straight face thing. Sometimes he stares at the interviewer weird af. Everything just seems a little off these past few years.
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He is what he is. But his fans have a tendency to build him up even more..all it's ever done is feed that ego of his.
IMO, at the heart of it all, I think he lost his center when he lost his mom. From the outside looking in, it's been downhill ever since. Does dude even have a support system, or just people "respecting his artistry and creativity" (whatever he calls it these days)?
I feel like his bubble will burst and hes gonna become really unlikable

Moreso than now and even by his faithful

Then hes going to drop some masterpiece forgiveness type lp with old kanye type music and people will love him.
He's been unlikable as a person and trash musically for YEARS but kids and grown men mentally stuck in their teenage years idolize this clown. His fans got what they deserved :lol:

He was never a talented rapper, but his overall messages and breaking away from the G Unit type of music were what made College Dropout and Late Registration good albums for the time. Now it's just more rambling nonsense
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Sounds about right....i like it.
May be worth the tears to get an album that isnt experimental fashion trash finally
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