COP STRIKES MELANIN DEFICIENT FEMALE-you don't see that too often

Originally Posted by Law3001

All these scenarios and hypothetical questions don't mean squat when it comes down to the facts. No where in America can you as a civilian put your hands on a cop, MAN OR WOMAN. You do and best believe they have the option of raining down some holy hell on you.

I for one say #@#+ the police, but I am not ignorant to what they can and can't do. My wife (not wifey for you youngin's), mother, aunts, friends or any person i know with two cents in their head knows that you never ever put your hands on a cop. That includes just touching them. Sounds alittle excessive? maybe, but #@#+ its been that way for decades and won't change anytime soon.
This is my problem.  That law is stupid and should be abolished.  If I am walking down the street and bump into a cop he then has the right to beat me down on a technicality.  Just like the cop had the "right" (by law) to beat down this girl for touching him.  Just because it is the law does not make it ethically/morally right.
Originally Posted by Law3001

All these scenarios and hypothetical questions don't mean squat when it comes down to the facts. No where in America can you as a civilian put your hands on a cop, MAN OR WOMAN. You do and best believe they have the option of raining down some holy hell on you.

I for one say #@#+ the police, but I am not ignorant to what they can and can't do. My wife (not wifey for you youngin's), mother, aunts, friends or any person i know with two cents in their head knows that you never ever put your hands on a cop. That includes just touching them. Sounds alittle excessive? maybe, but #@#+ its been that way for decades and won't change anytime soon.
This is my problem.  That law is stupid and should be abolished.  If I am walking down the street and bump into a cop he then has the right to beat me down on a technicality.  Just like the cop had the "right" (by law) to beat down this girl for touching him.  Just because it is the law does not make it ethically/morally right.
The sad part is, this cop will get away based on such technicality you dudes are throwing in here, giving them more reason to forget their training and act as if tier actions have no repercussions, next time someone touches his uniform he might pull out his gun and place a bullet between their eyes....scary world we live in.
The sad part is, this cop will get away based on such technicality you dudes are throwing in here, giving them more reason to forget their training and act as if tier actions have no repercussions, next time someone touches his uniform he might pull out his gun and place a bullet between their eyes....scary world we live in.
@ the title.
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I love NT's ability to deflect.

Dudes in here like yeah good thing she got beat she deserved it....

If that were my girl though, id be super salty and hate cops ignore ksteezy, don't admit he is right, say its all the girls fault, say his girl/all girls are dumb if they do this....deflect deflect deflect

real talk man.. put your friend, your brother, mother, etc in that situation...
you really gonna sit there with this face 
 & tell them they deserved to get handled like that? 

and dont give me that "she/he should have known better".. the COP should have known better

There are friends mothers and brothers who have been killed by the cops who have been killed by the cop justifiably but family members naturally would side with their kin. It's natural, doesn't make it right.
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I love NT's ability to deflect.

Dudes in here like yeah good thing she got beat she deserved it....

If that were my girl though, id be super salty and hate cops ignore ksteezy, don't admit he is right, say its all the girls fault, say his girl/all girls are dumb if they do this....deflect deflect deflect

real talk man.. put your friend, your brother, mother, etc in that situation...
you really gonna sit there with this face 
 & tell them they deserved to get handled like that? 

and dont give me that "she/he should have known better".. the COP should have known better

There are friends mothers and brothers who have been killed by the cops who have been killed by the cop justifiably but family members naturally would side with their kin. It's natural, doesn't make it right.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by abutta13

yall r either some future/current woman beaters or just really happy to see white people get treated like this for a change. im not defending the girls actions but that cop just proves that any idiot u give a badge can be a cop

Hmm there are also some guys in here who would die in a zombie apocalypse cause they refuse to murk female zombies.

Yea I can exaggerate too.

Whether people like to admit it or not, a police officer and a female perp is a completely different dynamic than a civilian male and a civilian female. Could the cop have handled it differently, of course. Am I going to judge him for the way he handled it, no because it's making excuses for the girl's stupidity.
i wasnt even exaggerating though.  the second scenario sort of proves it for your case now that i realize your the OP and the first seems to be the attitude from alot of the responses that are condoning the cops actions or finding it funny.  if it is not life or death there is no reason for a man to hit a woman like that.  thats basic knowledge most people learn at a very young age.  but im not even sure why im arguing with someone who is bringing up zombie apocalypses n $#%#
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by abutta13

yall r either some future/current woman beaters or just really happy to see white people get treated like this for a change. im not defending the girls actions but that cop just proves that any idiot u give a badge can be a cop

Hmm there are also some guys in here who would die in a zombie apocalypse cause they refuse to murk female zombies.

Yea I can exaggerate too.

Whether people like to admit it or not, a police officer and a female perp is a completely different dynamic than a civilian male and a civilian female. Could the cop have handled it differently, of course. Am I going to judge him for the way he handled it, no because it's making excuses for the girl's stupidity.
i wasnt even exaggerating though.  the second scenario sort of proves it for your case now that i realize your the OP and the first seems to be the attitude from alot of the responses that are condoning the cops actions or finding it funny.  if it is not life or death there is no reason for a man to hit a woman like that.  thats basic knowledge most people learn at a very young age.  but im not even sure why im arguing with someone who is bringing up zombie apocalypses n $#%#
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by Law3001

All these scenarios and hypothetical questions don't mean squat when it comes down to the facts. No where in America can you as a civilian put your hands on a cop, MAN OR WOMAN. You do and best believe they have the option of raining down some holy hell on you.

I for one say #@#+ the police, but I am not ignorant to what they can and can't do. My wife (not wifey for you youngin's), mother, aunts, friends or any person i know with two cents in their head knows that you never ever put your hands on a cop. That includes just touching them. Sounds alittle excessive? maybe, but #@#+ its been that way for decades and won't change anytime soon.
This is my problem.  That law is stupid and should be abolished.  If I am walking down the street and bump into a cop he then has the right to beat me down on a technicality.  Just like the cop had the "right" (by law) to beat down this girl for touching him.  Just because it is the law does not make it ethically/morally right.

Dude you know people are not just bumping into cops and getting beat down
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by Law3001

All these scenarios and hypothetical questions don't mean squat when it comes down to the facts. No where in America can you as a civilian put your hands on a cop, MAN OR WOMAN. You do and best believe they have the option of raining down some holy hell on you.

I for one say #@#+ the police, but I am not ignorant to what they can and can't do. My wife (not wifey for you youngin's), mother, aunts, friends or any person i know with two cents in their head knows that you never ever put your hands on a cop. That includes just touching them. Sounds alittle excessive? maybe, but #@#+ its been that way for decades and won't change anytime soon.
This is my problem.  That law is stupid and should be abolished.  If I am walking down the street and bump into a cop he then has the right to beat me down on a technicality.  Just like the cop had the "right" (by law) to beat down this girl for touching him.  Just because it is the law does not make it ethically/morally right.

Dude you know people are not just bumping into cops and getting beat down
Originally Posted by rjones416

%+@@# got what she deserved. cop gave her a light warning hit then she starts swinging on him, how stupid can you be? i wouldnt even call that beating her up, they just took her down after that. its not like they were kneeing her in the head or anything.

Lmfao!!!! @ a slap to the face being a fair warning...I would like to see how you react when bein slapped in the face.
Originally Posted by rjones416

%+@@# got what she deserved. cop gave her a light warning hit then she starts swinging on him, how stupid can you be? i wouldnt even call that beating her up, they just took her down after that. its not like they were kneeing her in the head or anything.

Lmfao!!!! @ a slap to the face being a fair warning...I would like to see how you react when bein slapped in the face.
This thread and some these replies are amazing. Obstructing justice is illegal, yall _s never watched Campus PD or Cops? If my girl ran up on a cop while I was getting arrested, sober or not, I would think 2 things.

1. This @%@#% is obviously a moron because no one in their right mind is laying hands on a cop.

2. Ride or die

But mostly she's an imbecile. She put herself in a very dangerous situation and got off easy.

And people saying if it was an "ethnic male" the replies would be different... Regardless of race, if you run up on a cop you deserve at least one jab for thinking something that stupid is logical. She got mushed and came back for more
all bad. Oh and yes, I lol'd.
This thread and some these replies are amazing. Obstructing justice is illegal, yall _s never watched Campus PD or Cops? If my girl ran up on a cop while I was getting arrested, sober or not, I would think 2 things.

1. This @%@#% is obviously a moron because no one in their right mind is laying hands on a cop.

2. Ride or die

But mostly she's an imbecile. She put herself in a very dangerous situation and got off easy.

And people saying if it was an "ethnic male" the replies would be different... Regardless of race, if you run up on a cop you deserve at least one jab for thinking something that stupid is logical. She got mushed and came back for more
all bad. Oh and yes, I lol'd.
Originally Posted by cornzilla

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Not to open another can of worms, but I'm just going to leave this here. Somehow, many of you will find a way to change your stance...
You think this proves that the first video is ok?? If it really were kosher then there wouldn't be a probe about this incident and he wouldn't need to be reassigned.
The only reason this is making the rounds is because the incident was caught on tape.

[h1]Resisting Arrest and Battery on Police Officer[/h1]
Any crime against a law enforcement officer has to be taken seriously - even when the allegations have been exaggerated or completely made up.  Resisting arrest is commonly charged just because the police officer is determined to charge someone with something regardless of what they have or have not done.  Simply touching a police officer can result in a battery charge against the police even if a person did not mean any harm.

Assault and Battery are two very confusing terms.  Battery is the unlawful touching of another and assault is the threat to do harm with the present ability to carry out the threat.  So if someone raises their hand back to hit another - that's assault.  If someone hits another - that's battery.  One more thing, battery does not have to be a hit or strike - simply touching can be considered a battery under certain circumstances.
[h4]Resisting Arrest With or Without Violence to the Police[/h4]
There are many defenses to a resisting arrest charge.  The actual charge is just resisting a police officer with or without violence - there is no need for a person to be in the process of being arrested.  In fact, no one has the option to resist arrest.  Resisting arrest typically leads to a charge for battery on a law enforcement officer.
[h4]Resisting Without Violence[/h4]
Resisting without violence is a misdemeanor offense.  It is found in section 843.02 of the Florida statutes.  It is punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.  There are defenses to resisting without violence.
[h4]Resisting With Violence[/h4]
Resisting with violence is a serious felony.  It is located at section 843.01 of the Florida statutes.  It is punishable by up to five years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine. Whereas battery on a police officer could be simply touching that policeman, resisting with violence connotes more - the intent to do harm.  The actual words of the statute are "by offering or doing violence" to the police.
[h4]Battery or Assault on a Police Officer[/h4]
As stated above, simply touching a police officer can get a person arrested for battery on a police officer.  This charge starts off as a third degree felony with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine.  Battery can be just about anything - touching, bumping, spitting, poking, etc.  The police are trained to be very wary of just about anyone they do not know. 

One of the common scenarios for battery on a police officer is downtown on a Friday or Saturday night.  Someone has drank maybe a little too much and a scuffle breaks out.  The police respond and begin questioning the participants.  Someone's girlfriend makes the mistake of touching a police officer when she thinks her boyfriend is about to be arrested.  This could be just grabbing his arm or tapping his shoulder.
Originally Posted by cornzilla

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Not to open another can of worms, but I'm just going to leave this here. Somehow, many of you will find a way to change your stance...
You think this proves that the first video is ok?? If it really were kosher then there wouldn't be a probe about this incident and he wouldn't need to be reassigned.
The only reason this is making the rounds is because the incident was caught on tape.

[h1]Resisting Arrest and Battery on Police Officer[/h1]
Any crime against a law enforcement officer has to be taken seriously - even when the allegations have been exaggerated or completely made up.  Resisting arrest is commonly charged just because the police officer is determined to charge someone with something regardless of what they have or have not done.  Simply touching a police officer can result in a battery charge against the police even if a person did not mean any harm.

Assault and Battery are two very confusing terms.  Battery is the unlawful touching of another and assault is the threat to do harm with the present ability to carry out the threat.  So if someone raises their hand back to hit another - that's assault.  If someone hits another - that's battery.  One more thing, battery does not have to be a hit or strike - simply touching can be considered a battery under certain circumstances.
[h4]Resisting Arrest With or Without Violence to the Police[/h4]
There are many defenses to a resisting arrest charge.  The actual charge is just resisting a police officer with or without violence - there is no need for a person to be in the process of being arrested.  In fact, no one has the option to resist arrest.  Resisting arrest typically leads to a charge for battery on a law enforcement officer.
[h4]Resisting Without Violence[/h4]
Resisting without violence is a misdemeanor offense.  It is found in section 843.02 of the Florida statutes.  It is punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.  There are defenses to resisting without violence.
[h4]Resisting With Violence[/h4]
Resisting with violence is a serious felony.  It is located at section 843.01 of the Florida statutes.  It is punishable by up to five years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine. Whereas battery on a police officer could be simply touching that policeman, resisting with violence connotes more - the intent to do harm.  The actual words of the statute are "by offering or doing violence" to the police.
[h4]Battery or Assault on a Police Officer[/h4]
As stated above, simply touching a police officer can get a person arrested for battery on a police officer.  This charge starts off as a third degree felony with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine.  Battery can be just about anything - touching, bumping, spitting, poking, etc.  The police are trained to be very wary of just about anyone they do not know. 

One of the common scenarios for battery on a police officer is downtown on a Friday or Saturday night.  Someone has drank maybe a little too much and a scuffle breaks out.  The police respond and begin questioning the participants.  Someone's girlfriend makes the mistake of touching a police officer when she thinks her boyfriend is about to be arrested.  This could be just grabbing his arm or tapping his shoulder.
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