Confirmed: Doernbecher Jordan III to release 7/20/13 - NO BUYING SELLING TRADING

Anyone know what 21 Mercer did with pairs that weren't picked up?  Saw it mentioned earlier but didn't see an answer.  

Probably stupid, but still holding out hope that there's a chance to somehow grab these.
Anyone know what 21 Mercer did with pairs that weren't picked up?  Saw it mentioned earlier but didn't see an answer.  

Probably stupid, but still holding out hope that there's a chance to somehow grab these.
the employees probably bought em all
i hope you get ip banned.
Edited by lilc1296 - Today at 1:36 pm

Pretty obvious Nike has been collecting large pools of data the last couple of releases to start filtering correctly. Sure it was the expense of a couple innocent bystanders, but this cancellation mess is only going to get worse.
Its good they cancelling orders. You people need to be on a leash with type of releases going super hard
Right on yo

Glass table for sure but it was taken in my room, just got really bright lights in here. lol
Ahhh I thought that was stucco not a textured indoor wall. LOL

The pic makes me want to hunt down those 5s but I'd rather hope for a rerelease in the future than pay the crazy prices they're going for now.
Does anybody over 30 years old here feel weird wearing these considering it has the little kid's name all over it with his favorite food spaghetti and chocolate behind the tab? If you're a teenager I see no problem but kinda creepy if you're over 30 no?
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