
That's dope
I appreciate it bra
Damn, I got drunk again last night. Not blind but pretty tipsy. Smh, I get bored at home and do this and forget what the hell that whole movie was that I watched even was about. Needa stop this
I am full of HATE right now.
How can you not trust your own kids.
How can you abandon your kids.
How can some people be so damn cold blooded man. REAL TALK. I'm int mid 20's and I want to cut my parents OFF COMPLETELY.
I just HATE the holidays
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All my Aunts and Uncles (just about every cousin too) are dead to me, don't care to hear from or see any of them again for the remainder of my time on this earth. Whenever God calls my Grandma home will be the last time they see me and even then I'm not saying a word to anyone at the funeral. I will pay my respect to the life of a beautiful woman and then I'm out.
Man **** everything atm. I need to pull my head in and get rid of some of my bad habits that's over powering my life. Being at work is getting in the way :smh:
i miss my ex like **** but i wont let her know that. she ended it a month ago and I've been no contact/doing me since. Still doesn't stop her from being on my mind especailly since I was about to propose to her before she told me she "kissed" someone else
i miss my ex like **** but i wont let her know that. she ended it a month ago and I've been no contact/doing me since. Still doesn't stop her from being on my mind especailly since I was about to propose to her before she told me she "kissed" someone else |I
You'll be ok b. Life moves on, you'll have thoughts about her (I know this feel) but you gotta get out there and stay occupied.
I'm just upset today.

I wanna make a change in this world. I'm legit upset.

Nothing matters right now.
I like to email companys and complain about their items (usually food) that ive bought in order to receive free items from the company via mail.
the top of my foot has been hurting for months..still feel a lil bit of pain smh.

that's my excuse for not working on my cardio
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I need to learn to focus. I'm procrastinating all the time. I think its cause I'm overworked and its non stop. So I just avoid the work by procrastinating... Its an unless cycle.

I need to find a real FT job that is steady. Kind of depressing. GF wants to move on. We are ready mentally and emotionally, but I'm not financially. Everything is dependent on me. Everything.

Although I like my job most of the time, I think maybe I made a hasty decision when I switched fields and wanted an easy way out that maybe didn't turn out so well/ideal.

Just found out a friend I met while overseas last year passed away on Halloween night. He jumped. No drugs, no alcohol, no signs of violence...
Heard about it from other friends who are still overseas where I was.
Man, I need closure of why this happened and how could it have led to this. We were pretty close while I was there. Shot some hoops on some nights during the work week, worked out, errands, etc. It was good to know him... He has a daughter as well. She's only 9-10 months old. did this end up as the result. Some friends telling me they talked to him the night before and they ran into to him in the halls and said whats up. This was like 4 weeks ago.

NT fam, no matter what your situation is, there is always a positive. Life is hard times, but find the support you need and you can get through it.
I usually don't make posts like these because I hate being vulnerable but I'm tired and need to vent.

I've done a lot to turn my life around and I'm happy with it but certain areas I'm still struggling in and it irks me a lot. I've lost 43 lbs, I got back into school, my confidence has increased with age but my social life is still kinda up and down and I still have more weight to burn and I want a real job but I get discouraged. I'm 25 and I feel like I'm losing time. Wish i had the bread to travel like I want too, I wish I was back in NYC full time, wish I had more friends to hit up and chill with. It sounds lame and I have a lot of pride so I hate saying it but its messing with me mentally so I had to say something. I'm in a weird grey area. I assume its just normal growing pains but I'm always feeling like I'm chasing my wants.

Fire away.
I would smang my teacher.  She is NT Thick but cute in a professor kind of way.  Teddies got to be like Js at least.
I usually don't make posts like these because I hate being vulnerable but I'm tired and need to vent.

I've done a lot to turn my life around and I'm happy with it but certain areas I'm still struggling in and it irks me a lot. I've lost 43 lbs, I got back into school, my confidence has increased with age but my social life is still kinda up and down and I still have more weight to burn and I want a real job but I get discouraged. I'm 25 and I feel like I'm losing time. Wish i had the bread to travel like I want too, I wish I was back in NYC full time, wish I had more friends to hit up and chill with. It sounds lame and I have a lot of pride so I hate saying it but its messing with me mentally so I had to say something. I'm in a weird grey area. I assume its just normal growing pains but I'm always feeling like I'm chasing my wants.

Fire away.

1. There's nothing to fire away at, this is a confessions thread fam so don't feel like you're being judged (regardless of the responses).

2. The part about "losing time" at the age of 25 might be because you have a predetermined timeline of where you want to be and when you want to be there which means nothing. I'm 25 as well and sometimes when I think about where I'm at I feel the sense of "losing time" but I always remind myself that I can't worry about the things I can't control and if I can control it then I need to take the energy from worrying and apply it to Change. I also think about the things that I have experienced and achieved in my life thus far, it seems like you have a lot you can think about as well. Use those things to eliminate the discouragement.

3. Throw that timeline out and just live life fam, but just do it wisely.

4. Want to have more funds to travel? What's stopping you from saving? What can put you in a better position to save? Want to move back to NYC full-time? What's stopping you from moving back? What can put you in a better position to move back?
Still cant control my drinking. SMFH. :smh: Still buying at least a couple drinks a night even tho im fighting it, I just have a moment where I forget or find some reason to ok the purchase.
Still cant control my drinking. SMFH. :smh: Still buying at least a couple drinks a night even tho im fighting it, I just have a moment where I forget or find some reason to ok the purchase.

What are you drinking? And is it the drunkenness or the act of drinking that you enjoy?
What are you drinking? And is it the drunkenness or the act of drinking that you enjoy?

Spirits, premix or a bottle. I just enjoy the act of drinking, not so much the drunkenness cos I tend to stop when I get that way, just enough to chill, almost a time killer somedays
The people I want in my life, don't want me back. No direct conflict, they'll just slowly drift off and disappear off the face of the earth. Or maybe it is me that disappears, as I am dead to everyone.
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