
I started off in college at 518 (NYS) doing Economics and Business.. Transfered out afterwards seeing that a big university wasn't the best fit for me. Went to a smaller school back home doing Business/ Business Management.. Not feeling it at all. Switched out and started doing Environmental Science. I enjoy it a lot more however, the passion isn't there. I don't wanna work for a DEP EPA etc. But I believe there's something i can twerk with this ES degree.

I kinda wanna do retail corporate if I wanted to. So I'm looking at what I've done in college and see if i can switch to retail and merchadising. But I've already "wasted" time on this and I'm close to the finish line. I recently just applied for a stock position at FCNY hopefully I get it.

I've been doing minimum research on making a "brand" somewhat my side hobby.

what im trying to imply is

Finish this college **** first. you're almost there. the last stride. then proceed to what you want to do. Society places so much on obtaining a college degree to the point where it's unacceptable to not have one nowadays. That degree, regardless of whether you are using it, shows something.

While you get that degree, start that venture business, or put extra hours on that boeing reading. A short term pain will lead to a long term gain. Don't let a short term gain make a long term pain.

once you leave college, its very likely you don't return. and if u do itll be different.

I go to bed motivated.. Wake up snoozing 5 times before I get up. But its a mentality that will grow.
I started off in college at 518 (NYS) doing Economics and Business.. Transfered out afterwards seeing that a big university wasn't the best fit for me. Went to a smaller school back home doing Business/ Business Management.. Not feeling it at all. Switched out and started doing Environmental Science. I enjoy it a lot more however, the passion isn't there. I don't wanna work for a DEP EPA etc. But I believe there's something i can twerk with this ES degree.

I kinda wanna do retail corporate if I wanted to. So I'm looking at what I've done in college and see if i can switch to retail and merchadising. But I've already "wasted" time on this and I'm close to the finish line. I recently just applied for a stock position at FCNY hopefully I get it.

I've been doing minimum research on making a "brand" somewhat my side hobby.

what im trying to imply is

Finish this college **** first. you're almost there. the last stride. then proceed to what you want to do. Society places so much on obtaining a college degree to the point where it's unacceptable to not have one nowadays. That degree, regardless of whether you are using it, shows something.

While you get that degree, start that venture business, or put extra hours on that boeing reading. A short term pain will lead to a long term gain. Don't let a short term gain make a long term pain.

once you leave college, its very likely you don't return. and if u do itll be different.

I go to bed motivated.. Wake up snoozing 5 times before I get up. But its a mentality that will grow.
After being in jail never thought I'd say I'm bored but I'm bored outta my mind.
My gs are so annoying.

Love em to death and take care of them wouldn't give them up and give them plenty of attention.
. I just don't enjoy being a father. Not the PC thing say but I can be real and say I wish I never had kids.....

everyday is like the same day. Unemployment is getting to me.
see no hope but I bank on that my life can change for the better or worst from one day to the next....
I know what you're feeling to an extent.  I just caught a few F's and I'm out on bail right now.  From living that life, to going completely ghost as if you never existed.  I have to switch up everything, from where I cut my hair, where I go to school, because of the severity of my case.  There's a good possibility that my case may be going to trial and the fact that I may have to do time. I just can't.  It's been a few months, and everything I'm doing now isn't really for my life, its basically just so it helps me stay out of jail.  It just sucks and sometimes I just want to go back to that life cause I don't even know what to do anymore.  

I was in school and was just ready for my applications to Pharmacy school, and boom.  I can never become a pharmacist with my record now.
^^ sucks when your dreams are killed like with ur case bro. I know a person or two on the run always hiding facing years
...cant imagine the stress of facing that g...
fortunate that all my problems are all financial.
Every day is so up and down for me, bruh. One day, I feel like top dog. Next, I'm down in the dumps, and it gets UGLY. Like, the one chick I'm trying to pursue, is.... Weird? Idk *** to describe it. One minute, **** is great. Go out, have a good time, all that. Then I don't hear from her for days. Then she'll be like I was doing this, and that, and in my head I'm like you couldn't hit me up? Maybe I'm too attached and caught feelings and she didn't. I know for a fact a have a good personality. But these girls out here love the attention. From ANYBODY. You tell me dudes try to get at you and ****, but you're too "afraid" to turn them down? What kind of **** is that? You love the fact that they gas you. I'm not the one for that. But still I feel like part of me is missing when I'm not around her. Every body plays the fool I guess :smh: just wish things were more clear. I dot want to be that guy that's all over her 24/7 you know? So I keep it all inside.
I'll just sit there and be like "damn, we'd be great together" but I don't want to make things awkward.
Wish I could sleep well, if I go to sleep "on time", I'll wake up early as hell. If I go to sleep late, I always wake up at 7:30. It's difficult
Tire of being in on the weekends. Too young for all that. But I have zero clue how to find out about parties and stuff. Social hame weak. How do I go about finding out those kinds of things?
I hate getting older. I hate feeling like I have to compete against younger people just for the sole purpose of being " relevant". I'm only in my 30's. But I am going to start enjoying life, I've realized that sometimes it isn't me, and I feel validated when someone else acknowledges that it is clearly someone else flawed for obce
I feel you bro , I really can't be with a chick that crave attentions around the clock I'm just not that type of dude basically if she's not getting the attention from you she'll get it from somebody else that's just how chicks are nowadays .
About to be at my third college in only four semesters.. I am going to stay this time though.. For real..

Some of you might remember me, I was the dude that turned down the partial football scholarship because my girl thought it was too far away.. I know stupid, but it actually worked out in a crazy weird way..
I remember reading your post. How'd it work out?
I really don't have a life no more man. I use to have a social life and had time to do whatever I wanted to do. Now all I don't is work, sleep and spend time with the family on weekends. Mon-fri I'm at work from 2pm-12am and I hate working but **** I'm making more at a job than I ever made in my life and having a kid depend on me I can't quit. Ain't bad like some of y'all dudes but jus needed to vent a Lil.
Work may suck, but you're making money and have something to work for. Keep at it.
Tire of being in on the weekends. Too young for all that. But I have zero clue how to find out about parties and stuff. Social hame weak. How do I go about finding out those kinds of things?
You in college?
From someone who has made that mistake a few times I know what it's like. If you think she's worth it as at least a friend and that you can keep any feelings for her under control then do something to show her how sorry you are. If not, move on before you start feeling too attached/attached again.
I don't think it's fair for men to have to pay to go their own way. I'm saying, for example, not eem from my own life, if I'm not happy then why do I have to pay someone else's way from my pocket when they are capable of earning their own way through life. I( not me) shouldn't be this persons income until they re-marry because they don't want more for their own life. Some people are parasites.
I don't think it's fair for men to have to pay to go their own way. I'm saying, for example, not eem from my own life, if I'm not happy then why do I have to pay someone else's way from my pocket when they are capable of earning their own way through life. I( not me) shouldn't be this persons income until they re-marry because they don't want more for their own life. Some people are parasites.
I don't think it's fair for men to have to pay to go their own way. I'm saying, for example, not eem from my own life, if I'm not happy then why do I have to pay someone else's way from my pocket when they are capable of earning their own way through life. I( not me) shouldn't be this persons income until they re-marry because they don't want more for their own life. Some people are parasites.

Doesn't it go by income and not gender? :nerd:
idk, but if that's the case then that makes it worse in my opinion. I feel if two people have the same earning ability , but one chooses not to earn them why should they benefit from basically being lazy.
I also hate cheap people. Like if you're going to be "frugal" at least have something to show for it. But don't be BROKE, and still cheap. Don't look for ways to cut costs, just to have minimal savings. And if you're cheap, and don't have anything to show from cutting cost please shut your mouth when you speak to me.
Although she threw it back into my face, I actually feel a lot better leaving and expressing how I feel all out on the table with her. There's nothing left done therefore there's nothing left undone. 
Man NT I feel terrible! my grandparents had a woman n a younger boy visiting this week..she knew me but I really didn't know her..n I was never really around..when I get off work ill talk to my grandparents for a lil bit then I like to be alone smh...I wish I would have interacted with them more especially the lil boy..come to find out he's got a messed up home situation..even though its anonymous im not going to air it out here on NT...Im usually hands on with kids especially younger black children...I just wished I would have spent some time with him dude needs male figures around him...he lives in NC next time he comes to DC ima make sure to spend as much time as possible with him
they have alot of clout in the black community in DC they're business people & ex civil rights activist....I can't even say ex civl rights activist cuz they're still tryna help out in the community
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