
-I have been so pessimistic lately, i keep feeling everything is gonna go bad 


-Things will go good tho….i know they will 
Going to cut my gf off once school starts. I can't stand her. Should I tell her why I can't stand her or just say I need space/white lie route
My confession? I still have no idea what it means when people on NT post this emoticon. 

I can't even tell what it is around his eyes. And again, I have no idea why people post it. I try to figure out the correlation and fail every time. Someone help me.
My confession? I still have no idea what it means when people on NT post this emoticon. 

I can't even tell what it is around his eyes. And again, I have no idea why people post it. I try to figure out the correlation and fail every time. Someone help me.
It's a face with glasses. People usually use it like a question mark or when they want someone to fill them in on something, sometimes on the low.

At least that's what I always thought.
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Depends on why you can't stand her. 

I can't stand this girl because, she has 0 communication skills, she only goes real on me/explains her feelings and thoughts thru a text msg. I like deep conversations, and if all you're gonna do is nod and say I dont know half the time, it isn't gonna work. We can't even talk so what point is there

she's not attractive to me, her hygiene is worse than mine, its a turnoff. She puts 0 effort into looking good/being clean

she's a negative nancy, lazy, makes excuses constantly and isn't very bright, no ambition. She just nags at me all the time on the phone about her first world problems.

I don't like her friends and she's a prude

You can call me a scumbag human being, but I dont want this girl in my life. I only dated her because I felt bad for her and decided to give her a chance but she thinks she owns me now and puts in 0 effort to become a better significant other. I've told her about these things but she just says 'okay'. I can't say there's anything I like about her at this point. I'd rather be single again
I feel emotionless to those who don't want to better themselves, and I feel like I'm better and wiser than everybody else at school...on some Kanye type stuff.
I can't stand this girl because, she has 0 communication skills, she only goes real on me/explains her feelings and thoughts thru a text msg. I like deep conversations, and if all you're gonna do is nod and say I dont know half the time, it isn't gonna work. We can't even talk so what point is there

she's not attractive to me, her hygiene is worse than mine, its a turnoff. She puts 0 effort into looking good/being clean

she's a negative nancy, lazy, makes excuses constantly and isn't very bright, no ambition. She just nags at me all the time on the phone about her first world problems.

I don't like her friends and she's a prude

You can call me a scumbag human being, but I dont want this girl in my life. I only dated her because I felt bad for her and decided to give her a chance but she thinks she owns me now and puts in 0 effort to become a better significant other. I've told her about these things but she just says 'okay'. I can't say there's anything I like about her at this point. I'd rather be single again
Definitely cut her off then. When I first started reading I thought it could be salvageable if you took some steps to better communication, but by the end of it there's clearly no point in keeping her around.

As for the reason I wouldn't be too harsh on her since that kind of thing looks bad toward other women (other women you may want to get at in the future), but I'm not exactly sure if there's a middle road. If you really want to vent your frustrations and get it off your chest then choose the former, if in the end it's no big deal to you choose the latter.
I can't stand this girl because, she has 0 communication skills, she only goes real on me/explains her feelings and thoughts thru a text msg. I like deep conversations, and if all you're gonna do is nod and say I dont know half the time, it isn't gonna work. We can't even talk so what point is there

she's not attractive to me, her hygiene is worse than mine, its a turnoff. She puts 0 effort into looking good/being clean

she's a negative nancy, lazy, makes excuses constantly and isn't very bright, no ambition. She just nags at me all the time on the phone about her first world problems.

I don't like her friends and she's a prude

You can call me a scumbag human being, but I dont want this girl in my life. I only dated her because I felt bad for her and decided to give her a chance but she thinks she owns me now and puts in 0 effort to become a better significant other. I've told her about these things but she just says 'okay'. I can't say there's anything I like about her at this point. I'd rather be single again
Yeah I would just go the white lie route. Tell her you need to focus on you and school. Some of the things you mentioned could really HURT A GIRL BAD. It doesn't make you a "scumbag human being" for wanting to ditch her, it makes you honest with yourself. 

I def wouldn't mention hygiene, isn't very bright, her friends, or any of that. You def shoulnd't tell her she's not attractive to you. But that's important. I mean, you're not attracted to your girl breh? Time to cut the cord. If she REALLY presses for deeper answers. Just tell her that the more you got to know her, the more incompatible you began to feel with her. Mention the communication issues/texting, and just say you're ready to move on. 

In the future, NEVER date a girl just because you feel bad for her. Date a girl because you think she's fly as hell, confident, and interesting. Never on a sympathy tip, that's just stupid. Good luck.
You don't even have to lie. Just tell her you don't want to be in a relationship anymore and you no longer feel a connection.
Just keep things positive when you break up. This will help the break be clean. Nothing worse than having your ex plotting your downfall.
Someone put me on a hefty discount on a fleshlight.... i ordered it only because of the discount.. days have gone by and now i'm reevaluating my purchase. i think i'm just gonna give it away for a white elephant gift... 
i feel like a dirty old man.. 
It's tough waking up most mornings and convincing yourself that you need a reason to not kill yourself.

Most of the time there's a good reason for me to get going each day. A lot of the time it might be something as small as "I get to spend time with so-and-so today. That makes today worth it" but when that reason falls through it's hard not to hit the bottom really hard.

IDK maybe I place too much value on other people and their relationships with me? I find myself disappointed in others and in myself on the daily. It's grating and leaves me with a lot of sadness :/

Damn hybrid. Most of these I just scroll right past and think nothing but your one of the few dudes on here I actually enjoy seeing post.
Someone put me on a hefty discount on a fleshlight.... i ordered it only because of the discount.. days have gone by and now i'm reevaluating my purchase. i think i'm just gonna give it away for a white elephant gift... 

i feel like a dirty old man.. 

I want to buy it but can you test it out for me first?

IDK if it's a confession but I still have those feelings of wanting to die but I've just been suppressing them for now.
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I want to buy it but can you test it out for me first?

IDK if it's a confession but I still have those feelings of wanting to die but I've just been suppressing them for now.
You srs brah? Go eat a Big Mac. Extra Mac sauce because you a Mac daddy.
Smh boss got me working 1 day a week now. I really need a new job. I been looking for months man

**** this ****
-Found a pair of my exes panties, I got HARD AS A ROCK
-Deleted my Facebook. I now have no social media.
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I started a new job today and I feel I didn't do my best...its been eating at me all night but its a new day and im gonna get it together

I need to make a set of goals..from daily, weekly, monthly,etc...something that keeps me motivated to do better

I feel like im walking aimlessly thru life day by day..but Ive been given great opportunities to advance my life so I know there has to be something big in the future for me
i dont get the point of life

im on cruise control

There is none. You personally have to make a reason yourself. Stay up fam. I dont know your situation, whether you dont have the things you want or if you have it all and just bored. Create stuff.

Im on cruise control too. Might have to change that. I think comtracts at my job are going to end next year and I need to get ready for it. When I search about other job openingsfor my tutle, it just doesnt interest me to do the same **** somewhere else. Im just coasting at my job just cause its there, lax half the time and waiting for my next bonus. But in reality im a lazy bunghole. Im browsing through useless entertainment before bed and get depressed because I realize I didnt do anything productive for a long term goal.

I used to have this crush on this girl from college. I dont anymore. She got fat. Hung out with her a couple of days ago. Still dig her personality. Lol what do?

I dont like my city. I want to move to a city that has more people like me but scared to make a dent in my savings if it fails. And **** snow.

I feel like I missed out on a lot because I always thought it would eventually be handed to me in the future.
This summer has been a roller coaster for me mentally won't say much in that but I've hit my low about a good 5 times

Lately I been ight think it's because the pressure if me starting college again unprepared was lifted off me for the time being

Today I notice I've been seeing the homies a lot lately but I still feel solo out here
Prolly cuz I ain't met a shorty yet :lol:

On the upside I've been keeping myself productive doing construction gigs and working while looking for a real job (no luck) :lol: hopefully I find one befor the end of the year so I don't have to keep askin my parents for money :lol: :pimp:
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