
cragmatic cragmatic

She's definitely trying to get you to acknowledge her. :smh:
Just keep it movin..

You are probably right. And yeah, just gotta keep it moving :smokin

Oh and today outta no where my most recent ex texted me asking me to meet up, so at first I just kinda sat on it, finally responded. Asked if she'd still wanna go to this show with me she kinda wanted to go to, just as friends, and said "wouldn't that be awkard?" Ummmm so then why did you ask me to meet up? These girls man... :smh:

And my other ex before that one just recently started following me on twitter again :smh: :smh:
You are probably right. And yeah, just gotta keep it moving

Oh and today outta no where my most recent ex texted me asking me to meet up, so at first I just kinda sat on it, finally responded. Asked if she'd still wanna go to this show with me she kinda wanted to go to, just as friends, and said "wouldn't that be awkard?" Ummmm so then why did you ask me to meet up? These girls man...

And my other ex before that one just recently started following me on twitter again
Bunz are in the oven homie don't let them burn
cragmatic cragmatic

She's definitely trying to get you to acknowledge her. :smh:
Just keep it movin..

You are probably right. And yeah, just gotta keep it moving :smokin

Oh and today outta no where my most recent ex texted me asking me to meet up, so at first I just kinda sat on it, finally responded. Asked if she'd still wanna go to this show with me she kinda wanted to go to, just as friends, and said "wouldn't that be awkard?" Ummmm so then why did you ask me to meet up? These girls man... :smh:

And my other ex before that one just recently started following me on twitter again :smh: :smh:
if I were your homie I'd kick all they *** to the curb
I always look at woman's feet. Every time I see a good looking woman I look down to see if they have nice feet. Nasty un-groomed feet are a big turn off for me.

No I don't have a foot fetish lol
I always look at woman's feet. Every time I see a good looking woman I look down to see if they have nice feet. Nasty un-groomed feet are a big turn off for me.

No I don't have a foot fetish lol
What do you do during the fall and winter months when sandals are no longer appropriate?
I have unwittingly passed up on about five or six chances for yambs.  That feeling when you realize what was happening but it's now too late is the worst.
You are probably right. And yeah, just gotta keep it moving :smokin

Oh and today outta no where my most recent ex texted me asking me to meet up, so at first I just kinda sat on it, finally responded. Asked if she'd still wanna go to this show with me she kinda wanted to go to, just as friends, and said "wouldn't that be awkard?" Ummmm so then why did you ask me to meet up? These girls man... :smh:

And my other ex before that one just recently started following me on twitter again :smh: :smh:

You're not going to agree and you may find this rude but -
You sound really really really really really butthurt. I can not fathom why you choose to control who your sister communicates with and why. If you broke up with your ex 4 years ago, leave it alone. You're obviously not over a lot of things and the pain it caused you. You sound bitter and uncertain and it's showing in your posts. Anyone who really didn't give a damn wouldn't be stating for the world to see and they certainly wouldn't try to decipher her actions as if they somehow are meant for YOU. She married the man after you two dated, so what? What that got to do with your life? Why do you even care that they got married?
Let it go. Let her go. Forgive her and stop whining over something that has nothing to do with you.
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You are missing the entire point of my post
You're not going to agree and you may find this rude but -
You sound really really really really really butthurt. I can not fathom why you choose to control who your sister communicates with and why. If you broke up with your ex 4 years ago, leave it alone. You're obviously not over a lot of things and the pain it caused you. You sound bitter and uncertain and it's showing in your posts. Anyone who really didn't give a damn wouldn't be stating for the world to see and they certainly wouldn't try to decipher her actions as if they somehow are meant for YOU. She married the man after you two dated, so what? What that got to do with your life? Why do you even care that they got married?
Let it go. Let her go. Forgive her and stop whining over something that has nothing to do with you.

You're missing the point of my post, I dont give a damn that she's married, I don't care if he gives it to her raw every single night, and when did I ever say I controlled who she communicated with? I said it's weird that's she's trying to be in contact with my family that she didn't even have contact with when we were dating. Guess that's not weird though right? SMH :smh:

If someone who wronged you years ago showed up out of no where trying to be friendly with your family members you wouldn't be suspicious and annoyed? Yeah I let it go, I'm over it, but come on now son who the hell does that.
Okay, so.....why are you posting about all?

and it's the past. FOUR YEARS is enough time to leave all of those detrimental thoughts and feelings of distrust in the past. However, we're all different..clearly.
that's none of your business who your sister chooses to associate with.
and if your ex wants to be involved in HER life, what's wrong with that? She did you dirt, you guys broke up. Move on already lol
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Okay, so.....why are you posting about all?
Because she's trying to hit up his family and he don't like that **** cause he knows wassup.
I wouldn't want my ex hitting up my brother trying to be friendly after like 4 years of not talking especially if they never spoke to begin with.
Okay, so.....why are you posting about all?

Because its a confessions thread, and yeah, it annoys me that someone who wronged me years ago is trying to be friendly with my family who they were never friendly with at all.

Sorry for being annoyed by that. Sorry for finding it weird and odd. I guess that makes me butthurt :lol:

Also aren't we supposed to be supportive in this thread, instead of accusing one another of being butt hurt?

I already said I was gonna keep it moving,

You are an idiot.
Had the choice of being with my mistress than my fiancé I love them both but I choose my fiancé and I made the wrong choice ending up breaking the engagement leaving my apartment and being completely single mistress blocked my number saw her and her guy driving up my parents block in a charger now I'm smashing worthless thots tring to get over her
Because she's trying to hit up his family and he don't like that **** cause he knows wassup.
I wouldn't want my ex hitting up my brother trying to be friendly after like 4 years of not talking especially if they never spoke to begin with.

Does anyone know how to be civil anymore? Mature?
I speak to my ex's brother on an off and we never mention my ex. I ask how he and his mother are doing and I keep it moving. Some people earn the right to remain in our lives while others don't.
My point is this: He should leave his sister be because it's not his business to dictate who she can interact with. If that girl ain't hurting you or your sister, why do you care?
Does anyone know how to be civil anymore? Mature?
I speak to my ex's brother on an off and we never mention my ex. I ask how he and his mother are doing and I keep it moving. Some people earn the right to remain in our lives while others don't.
My point is this: He should leave his sister be because it's not his business to dictate who she can interact with. If that girl ain't hurting you or your sister, why do you care?

Stop trolling.
Because its a confessions thread, and yeah, it annoys me that someone who wronged me years ago is trying to be friendly with my family who they were never friendly with at all.

Sorry for being annoyed by that. Sorry for finding it weird and odd. I guess that makes me butthurt :lol:

Also aren't we supposed to be supportive in this thread, instead of accusing one another of being butt hurt?

I already said I was gonna keep it moving,

You are an idiot.

my ex that hurt my wittle feewings talwking to my sister :frown:

If you're feeling any kind of emotion or an inkling of something, it's because you still care. Boy, stop.

I'll be whatever you want me to be as long as you can openly admit you're acting mega, super, obnoxiously beta. This is the confessions thread, afterall.
Thats funny because the other two people on this page both agree with me.

Because no one knows how to be an adult anymore.

People would rather find comfort in harboring ill will against someone than forgiving them and accepting that things change.
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Don't you realize your ex won? By no means should there be any games involved but that's what this is looking like.
This is a narcissistic ex-girlfriend's wet dream. She did you dirt, married a dude she met two months after the fact AND got you talking about her on some random website.
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I haven't been going to class this semester and I feel like **** because of it, but I've had at least 15+ points higher than the class average on every exam I've taken.

One of my professor's I hate (dude is a pretentious d-bag) asked why I don't show up except on test days. I respectfully told him that all he does is reads pre-made powerpoints in class and adds no insight. He reported me to the dean for my major, and when we met, surprisingly she indirectly told me he may not be back next semester. "We don't need professors like that here."
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Because no on knows how to be an adult anymore.

People would rather find comfort in harboring ill will against someone than forgiving them and accepting that things change.

You're right, I've been sitting in the corner for the past 4 years with Drake's Take Care in my headphones on constant repeat and sobbing. :rofl:

FOH :smh:

And again, when did I ever say I was harboring "ill will" against her.

So if someone did you wrong, and then 4 years later started talking to your family member who they NEVER spoke with in the past and was trying to be friendly, you'd just be like, oh cool, that's not weird at all, I'm an adult, so I fully embrace it and think that it's perfectly normal.

Come on now.
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