
Months ago I was involved in a car accident. A young girl died, another severely injured. I couldn't stop the car in time !!! Why did that girl have to die!!!? My life hasn't been the same since. I feel like God is punishing me..what happen to my faith?

that's brutal, sorry to read this. very unfortunate situation.
I too really don't know why I'm conscious at 4:33 in the morning. Might just try to stay up until tonight.
^that stuff be giving me bad nightmares :frown:

you guys should try melatonin for sleep.

I usually drink one of these if I really can't fall asleep;


[which also contains 3mg of melatonin]

relaxes my limbs smoothly :smokin
I was on Niketalk off and on for 15 hours, there's company over the house passed out in the living room, I open my laptop to check an email and realized my factory desktop wallpaper sucks, goes to the Desktop 2013 thread, sees Rihanna, discovered new website. Gives reps, and I am semi-intoxicated.

*Logs out*

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Have any of you with insomnia tried playing a pick up game, working out, or any other kind of serious exercise during the late afternoon or at night? Maybe if your body is that physically exhausted from the exercise, you'll go to bed and fall asleep much earlier. Not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a try.
^ I'm not the type to say I have insomnia because I can't sleep well. I just can't sleep well. But I do know that if you physically exhaust yourself on attempts to fall asleep faster you will be in complete hell. You just lay there, with no power left to do anything. Then you have to live off of a few hours of sleep. It's a no go.

Does melatonin actually work? It just helps you fall asleep or stay asleep?

Taking a dose of melatonin will help you fall asleep, but is sometimes unnecessary. Melatonin is simply a neurotransmitter your body creates in order to fall asleep. It is reduced by light, movement, and doing things like drinking water. To keep your melatonin levels up at night, make sure your room is dark, you aren't moving to much, and you should fall asleep a bit easier.
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I keep trying to stay up all day to get a good night's sleep at night and repair my sleep schedule but I always lose the battle around 9 AM the next morning :lol:

I'm trying again tonight, but I think I'll have a Breaking Bad marathon to keep me mentally occupied.
Most of my symptoms of insomnia comes from stress and worries....
Sleeping five hours and then going to work and school, argh...
My girl worries about me not sleeping enough, just can't turn my mind off...
^ I'm not the type to say I have insomnia because I can't sleep well. I just can't sleep well. But I do know that if you physically exhaust yourself on attempts to fall asleep faster you will be in complete hell. You just lay there, with no power left to do anything. Then you have to live off of a few hours of sleep. It's a no go.
Guess not then. 
 It just always worked for me when I was feeling out of sync so I thought it could be helpful to some people. 
Most of my symptoms of insomnia comes from stress and worries....
Sleeping five hours and then going to work and school, argh...
My girl worries about me not sleeping enough, just can't turn my mind off...

Think this is part of the reason I can't sleep well. If I get a good workout in and clear my mind I sleep like a baby, can't recall anything from my dreams though lol.

Me not believing in myself holds me back from so many things that should be a no brainier for anyone else.
Some NT'ers may remember this, but 6 months ago I returned home from the hospital after the doctor told me I was malnourished and 30 pounds underweight. This left me pretty shook, so I dedicated the summer to fitness, and nutrition. I worked out regularly, and ate regularly. I've gotten even smaller, and I've back tracked in progress. The only difference is I can wear a compression shirt without looking like a fool now. I've felt better, so I decided to start tracking my calories, see how I'm doing. I'm supposed to be eating 3,612 a day. I've been eating about 800. Plus, I am still working out, so I burn a lot more than I take in. Making me lose even more weight. I'm really shook, guys. I can't even eat that much :frown:
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