Colorado Legalizes Mary Jane #ItHasBegun

da BEST thing to come out of this is these 2 states will serve as pilot program so that a great argument can be made on how

weed can be properly regulated and tax, show da immense profits it can generate for da state, and da money saved from

nonsense spending on enforcement on jailing non violent criminals on BS possession laws.

word, yall better not **** it up out there. with great power comes great responsibility
sucks for the black market
*i retracted my post...don't Colorado have medical shops with every type out the wazoo? if so then good for them.

I could see federal government dropping THC levels if it were ever legalized but if the states already have medicinal cannibus shops with all varieties opening for recreational users, i dont see any bad coming from this.
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sucks for the black market
it really does and honestly i see the quality going down. should have decriminalized it. now people are going to pay more for a crappier product. still better then prohibition though.

THC levels are at their highest ever and I can see regulators making them drop.

*i retract my post...don't Colorado have medical shops with every type out the wazoo? if so then good for them.
and i know u retracted, but you have to remember its now legal for individuals to grow it themselves, so

THC levels will continue to go up now that people can make their own private brew.
and i know u retracted, but you have to remember its now legal for individuals to grow it themselves, so

THC levels will continue to go up now that people can make their own private brew.
well not bad then, not bad at all.
and i know u retracted, but you have to remember its now legal for individuals to grow it themselves, so

THC levels will continue to go up now that people can make their own private brew.

well not bad then, not bad at all.

6 plants per person in CO whereas growing wasn't included in the WA bill, so you still cant grow it there.

But thats beside the point and the historic milestone. Now like da ninjahood said, these states really gotta step up and show everyone else that mj legalization will not increase usage and will results in major benefits for all.
I have no clue how this works. But i am glad it got passed so the conversation has to continue.

This is still a federal offense. And i remember watching a 60min special on colorado's grow houses. A lawyer basically just said the federal authority just lets them go because it is illegal still at a federal level but they don't seem to care.
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Just to give an example of how people in the "Bible Belt" feel a person on my Facebook timeline compared these laws passing to the times of Sodom and yeah we got a lot of work ahead of us in the south to change the viewpoints of the majority.
I hope Colorado NTers keep us up to date on this. I want to know the intricacies. I'm pretty sure employers are still going to do drug test. Is there going to be an increase in jobs doing randoms? Is driving high going to be considered DWI/DUI? What about taxes??
The country and it's laws are so damn stupid... So it's legal in the state but DEA and Feds can still crack down on you.. Like how the hell does that even make sense??
And if you're saying Marijuana is legal in one state why is it not ok in all 50?? Why is there people sitting in jail as we speak for something that is completely fine and ok to do in another part of the country... I don't understand
Just because it's illegal at the federal level doesn't mean the DEA and Feds will "crack down" on the average user. Do you think that Feds and DEA are going to be knocking down doors to arrest people who are enoying MJ recreationally in thier homes? Doubtful.  The time and money required would make such an endeavor non-economically feasible. They would be targeting large scale grow operations and those who are distributing large quanitites. And many other states do not share the same sentiment that this drug should be legalized at all. As a result it will continue to be illegal and people will continue to be arrested and serve their time for the crime they have comitted within their state.
this really is uncharted territory....i just hope the people of CO act responsible. I could easily see a couple of knuckleheads deciding this is the new gold rush by having huge growhouses and exporting it.

Also, i doubt private employers will change or relax anything in regards to company drug policy. I'd really like to know about non first responder state employees. Would teachers, librarians, and other state/local level state employees be able to toke up?
Dea would only shut down stores not people. Usually it's local swat that takes down local dealers not federal agencies

True. Apparently there's a standstill from the feds right now. Owners have word that feds are turning a sort of blind eye to it. Hopefully the White House stays out of it and this is all win.
"The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will," said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, in a statement. "This is a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug ,so don't break out the Cheetos or goldfish too quickly."



The tax revenues are going to public schools, I still think this is a good thing. Colorado is about to get a huge boost to their economy
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What about people with small weed charges? Are they automatically aquitted??

What if you went down for a sac Monday, are they just going to let them out??
Somebody school me and tell me if Florida will ever do this
 Florida would be one of the last with the rest of the southeast.  Too many conservative's.

****, I live in FL and was sentenced to 30 days in the county for a misdemeanor weed charge, and I had no other misdemeanor convictions.  Just a lot of adjudication withelds.  Even had a dope lawyer.  However, the judge was a douche, and thought I had gotten off too many other times...... all for misdemeanor ****.
Somebody school me and tell me if Florida will ever do this
 Florida would be one of the last with the rest of the southeast.  Too many conservative's.

****, I live in FL and was sentenced to 30 days in the county for a misdemeanor weed charge, and I had no other misdemeanor convictions.  Just a lot of adjudication withelds.  Even had a dope lawyer.  However, the judge was a douche, and thought I had gotten off too many other times...... all for misdemeanor ****.

Yep. I'm not even trippin though I'll be relocating in less than 2 years. Crazy that people all around the nation are taking senseless charges due to senseless laws all stemming from a taboo that's held regarding marijuana here.
Hard to tell right now but today's victories are a huge step in the right direction. Personally I think we will be one of the last states to legalize.[/quote

yeah FL grows the most potent thc in the usa

& its where all the biggest weed growers are at

they probably make more money busting dudes

for christ sakes a miami mall had a HUGE growhouse inside of it

pretty crazy

fl is like the outlawz down here
Can someone explain what exactly this means in layman's terms? What can and can't you do? (I'm "politically-illiterate"
What are the chances Texas does the same? Probably none, huh?
Under Amendment 64, marijuana is taxed and regulated similar to alcohol and tobacco. It gives state and local governments the ability to control and tax the sale of small amounts of marijuana to adults age 21 and older. According to the Associated Press, analysts project that that tax revenue could generate somewhere between $5 million and $22 million a year in the state. An economist whose study was funded by a pro-pot group projects as much as a $60 million boost by 2017.
Its just a matter of time and other states will follow
So does this mean weed will be sold in like 7-11's or gas stations and ****?

And does this mean that dudes can still get arrested for selling considering that the state does not benefit if the tax is not paid?

And does this mean that corporations can start making marijuana on a large commercial scale, thus opening up the door for chemical tampering?
my only concern if weed becomes legal everywhere
Hard to tell right now but today's victories are a huge step in the right direction. Personally I think we will be one of the last states to legalize.[/quote
yeah FL grows the most potent thc in the usa
& its where all the biggest weed growers are at
they probably make more money busting dudes
for christ sakes a miami mall had a HUGE growhouse inside of it
pretty crazy
fl is like the outlawz down here
 Yeah, I heard Miami Dade tri-county area grows more indoor than the whole state of Cali

Not sure if it is still true, but me and my homeies used to take the trip down there a few years ago to link with some cats we knew.  Wasn't no Cali piss though.
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