College Roommates Stories, Rules, and More vol. I Have an Asian Roommate

Here are a few things about my roommate
-He almost died the 2nd week of school form playing the drinking game around the world
-He has a horrible money management skills
-He never went to class out of his 18 hours of class he went to Latin dance and life guard training
-He got hook on starcaft and world of warcaft with %*$%!# up his sleeping cycle
-He would sleep for 15 hours a day
-He speaks really loud Mandarin
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

Originally Posted by bns1201

helllll no man 65˚ till i die

MAAN I most def couldnt live with you bruh 65 is borderline North Pole
I bought me a snuggie to solve this situation

-now you must help me in search of some of the campus dimes

how is 65 cold?

I'm from Cali and even here the year round average temperature is between 65-75. you from FL/AZ ?

I need a comforter to sleep so 78 when I go to bed is
perfect temperature for the room is 65-70
yes im from florida but like i said room temp is like 73 so why would i be walking around in the cold outside to come to a cold room!? (real situation)
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

Originally Posted by bns1201

helllll no man 65˚ till i die

MAAN I most def couldnt live with you bruh 65 is borderline North Pole
I bought me a snuggie to solve this situation

-now you must help me in search of some of the campus dimes

how is 65 cold?

I'm from Cali and even here the year round average temperature is between 65-75. you from FL/AZ ?

I need a comforter to sleep so 78 when I go to bed is
perfect temperature for the room is 65-70
yes im from florida but like i said room temp is like 73 so why would i be walking around in the cold outside to come to a cold room!? (real situation)
my roommates last year loooooooved the blowcaine. they would stay up all night hitting L after L after L after L, causing so much damage along the way. i used to wake up at 6 am to those dudes smashing furniture into the walls just for fun. one time they got hella yakked out and brought the microwave down to the living room and microwaved a bunch of bacon then hid all the bacon in holes they had smashed in the walls.

one of them was a female and she is currently in rehab. she sprayed me in the face with pam cause i told her she was a walking joke. i hate that b. i see her around sometimes walking with her sponsor looking like death.
my roommates last year loooooooved the blowcaine. they would stay up all night hitting L after L after L after L, causing so much damage along the way. i used to wake up at 6 am to those dudes smashing furniture into the walls just for fun. one time they got hella yakked out and brought the microwave down to the living room and microwaved a bunch of bacon then hid all the bacon in holes they had smashed in the walls.

one of them was a female and she is currently in rehab. she sprayed me in the face with pam cause i told her she was a walking joke. i hate that b. i see her around sometimes walking with her sponsor looking like death.
yall sleep with no blankets or somethin??? if its 73 in my house and im under blankets im wakin up sweating....65 + comfy blanket + pj's = heaven
yall sleep with no blankets or somethin??? if its 73 in my house and im under blankets im wakin up sweating....65 + comfy blanket + pj's = heaven
List of my roommates foolishness followed by how I got back at him:

His foolishness:
- anytime I was in the room listening to music or having a conversation with someone and he came in, he would come in and immediately turn on his electronic dance music at max volume
- he broke my 360, then took it apart which voided the warranty after my boy told him not to, still hasnt paid me for it to this dayg
- told campus police I was dealin drugs from the room (lie)
- called the cops on a frat party just cuz me and some boys were there
- used my deoderants and colognes regularly but would be too dumb to put the top on properly so I could tell
- stole my gum and candy. He even emptied a full pack of gum before, left the empty pack on my desk and put all the pieces on his desk
- snitched to admins and my parents tellin them I
'd in the room daily
- "cleaned" his side of the room by throwing all his trash on mine, under the desk and bed etc.
- then when his mom came to visit he *!+#!#@ about how dirty I was and I was making the room a mess (mind you I would vacuum once a week and pick up his trash regularly)
- stole money that I left under my notebook so it was out of view when I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth (it was a test and proved he was the scum of the earth)
- called me all sorts of names when I wouldnt give him the bag of swedish fish he saw was in my lockdrawer
- told the girl I was smashing and has just started goin out wit that I had a girlfriend back home and had all types of STDs (straight lies)
- ate the food I had in the fridge in the room, which was mine
- threw out some of my food so he had space to put his in my fridge instead
- stole a bottle of smirnoff from the freezer (his dumb %%$ didnt cover it completely when he put a shirt over it in his closet)
- knocked over a can of amp (mine btw, I had gotten 150 of em at some promotional thing) that he left half empty in the fridge, didnt even clean it up. the %@*% solidified into some gunk that took me 45 minutes to clean off
- stole 3 packs of djarum blacks out of backpack
- stole my

-plenty more, but thats all off the top and I dont feel like thinking more about it

Ways I got back at him:
- spit on his bed
- spit in his gatorade powder
- flipped a used condom inside out on top of his towel and let the %@*% soak in and dry on it
- put eyedrops in his orange juice
- took the fridge with me when I moved to anotehr room, with his food in it, and ate it in front of him walking down the hallway
- had a "giveaway" on my floor where I just gave away his food, cigs, gum etc. to the first people I saw on the floor
- I never hurt him physically cuz of him bein such a snitch but he better not step into my new room at all, my new roommates already cussed him out too, so we're on the same page

the kids a #%!*%## douche and the whole floor apart from like 5 people hate him now, theres 44 people on our floor so its obv not just me thats got issues with him. I pray he gets a demon of a roommate next semester. hes extra spoiled and expects everyone to bow down to whatever needs hes got. He even told me "just go buy a new one" after he broke my 360
List of my roommates foolishness followed by how I got back at him:

His foolishness:
- anytime I was in the room listening to music or having a conversation with someone and he came in, he would come in and immediately turn on his electronic dance music at max volume
- he broke my 360, then took it apart which voided the warranty after my boy told him not to, still hasnt paid me for it to this dayg
- told campus police I was dealin drugs from the room (lie)
- called the cops on a frat party just cuz me and some boys were there
- used my deoderants and colognes regularly but would be too dumb to put the top on properly so I could tell
- stole my gum and candy. He even emptied a full pack of gum before, left the empty pack on my desk and put all the pieces on his desk
- snitched to admins and my parents tellin them I
'd in the room daily
- "cleaned" his side of the room by throwing all his trash on mine, under the desk and bed etc.
- then when his mom came to visit he *!+#!#@ about how dirty I was and I was making the room a mess (mind you I would vacuum once a week and pick up his trash regularly)
- stole money that I left under my notebook so it was out of view when I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth (it was a test and proved he was the scum of the earth)
- called me all sorts of names when I wouldnt give him the bag of swedish fish he saw was in my lockdrawer
- told the girl I was smashing and has just started goin out wit that I had a girlfriend back home and had all types of STDs (straight lies)
- ate the food I had in the fridge in the room, which was mine
- threw out some of my food so he had space to put his in my fridge instead
- stole a bottle of smirnoff from the freezer (his dumb %%$ didnt cover it completely when he put a shirt over it in his closet)
- knocked over a can of amp (mine btw, I had gotten 150 of em at some promotional thing) that he left half empty in the fridge, didnt even clean it up. the %@*% solidified into some gunk that took me 45 minutes to clean off
- stole 3 packs of djarum blacks out of backpack
- stole my

-plenty more, but thats all off the top and I dont feel like thinking more about it

Ways I got back at him:
- spit on his bed
- spit in his gatorade powder
- flipped a used condom inside out on top of his towel and let the %@*% soak in and dry on it
- put eyedrops in his orange juice
- took the fridge with me when I moved to anotehr room, with his food in it, and ate it in front of him walking down the hallway
- had a "giveaway" on my floor where I just gave away his food, cigs, gum etc. to the first people I saw on the floor
- I never hurt him physically cuz of him bein such a snitch but he better not step into my new room at all, my new roommates already cussed him out too, so we're on the same page

the kids a #%!*%## douche and the whole floor apart from like 5 people hate him now, theres 44 people on our floor so its obv not just me thats got issues with him. I pray he gets a demon of a roommate next semester. hes extra spoiled and expects everyone to bow down to whatever needs hes got. He even told me "just go buy a new one" after he broke my 360
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

so many questions

a.) male?

b.) houdini?

c.) pet fish?

d.) coffin

e.) you thought this was a good idea at the time?


oh, and ftr, in my fat days, 68 was the degree of choice

now, im more of a 75 kinda guy....

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

so many questions

a.) male?

b.) houdini?

c.) pet fish?

d.) coffin

e.) you thought this was a good idea at the time?


oh, and ftr, in my fat days, 68 was the degree of choice

now, im more of a 75 kinda guy....

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

-keeps the air on at 69-71 which i need to speak to him about does every black/white dorm room always have this problem....same @%%# happened to me in my frosh year at nike

man I dont know but where im from the house is on 73-78 #ijs
please tell me you were the one that wanted it on room temp.
add my roommate keepin the room on 65 which is the lowest it goes on the high setting, and freaking out if i turned it up a degree. my house is at 80, it might just be a cheap thing though

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

-keeps the air on at 69-71 which i need to speak to him about does every black/white dorm room always have this problem....same @%%# happened to me in my frosh year at nike

man I dont know but where im from the house is on 73-78 #ijs
please tell me you were the one that wanted it on room temp.
add my roommate keepin the room on 65 which is the lowest it goes on the high setting, and freaking out if i turned it up a degree. my house is at 80, it might just be a cheap thing though

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

List of my roommates foolishness followed by how I got back at him:

His foolishness:
- anytime I was in the room listening to music or having a conversation with someone and he came in, he would come in and immediately turn on his electronic dance music at max volume
- he broke my 360, then took it apart which voided the warranty after my boy told him not to, still hasnt paid me for it to this dayg
- told campus police I was dealin drugs from the room (lie)
- called the cops on a frat party just cuz me and some boys were there
- used my deoderants and colognes regularly but would be too dumb to put the top on properly so I could tell
- stole my gum and candy. He even emptied a full pack of gum before, left the empty pack on my desk and put all the pieces on his desk
- snitched to admins and my parents tellin them I
'd in the room daily
- "cleaned" his side of the room by throwing all his trash on mine, under the desk and bed etc.
- then when his mom came to visit he *!+#!#@ about how dirty I was and I was making the room a mess (mind you I would vacuum once a week and pick up his trash regularly)
- stole money that I left under my notebook so it was out of view when I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth (it was a test and proved he was the scum of the earth)
- called me all sorts of names when I wouldnt give him the bag of swedish fish he saw was in my lockdrawer
- told the girl I was smashing and has just started goin out wit that I had a girlfriend back home and had all types of STDs (straight lies)
- ate the food I had in the fridge in the room, which was mine
- threw out some of my food so he had space to put his in my fridge instead
- stole a bottle of smirnoff from the freezer (his dumb %%$ didnt cover it completely when he put a shirt over it in his closet)
- knocked over a can of amp (mine btw, I had gotten 150 of em at some promotional thing) that he left half empty in the fridge, didnt even clean it up. the %@*% solidified into some gunk that took me 45 minutes to clean off
- stole 3 packs of djarum blacks out of backpack
- stole my

-plenty more, but thats all off the top and I dont feel like thinking more about it

Ways I got back at him:
- spit on his bed
- spit in his gatorade powder
- flipped a used condom inside out on top of his towel and let the %@*% soak in and dry on it
- put eyedrops in his orange juice
- took the fridge with me when I moved to anotehr room, with his food in it, and ate it in front of him walking down the hallway
- had a "giveaway" on my floor where I just gave away his food, cigs, gum etc. to the first people I saw on the floor
- I never hurt him physically cuz of him bein such a snitch but he better not step into my new room at all, my new roommates already cussed him out too, so we're on the same page

the kids a #%!*%## douche and the whole floor apart from like 5 people hate him now, theres 44 people on our floor so its obv not just me thats got issues with him. I pray he gets a demon of a roommate next semester. hes extra spoiled and expects everyone to bow down to whatever needs hes got. He even told me "just go buy a new one" after he broke my 360

i think i would have murdered your roommate.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

List of my roommates foolishness followed by how I got back at him:

His foolishness:
- anytime I was in the room listening to music or having a conversation with someone and he came in, he would come in and immediately turn on his electronic dance music at max volume
- he broke my 360, then took it apart which voided the warranty after my boy told him not to, still hasnt paid me for it to this dayg
- told campus police I was dealin drugs from the room (lie)
- called the cops on a frat party just cuz me and some boys were there
- used my deoderants and colognes regularly but would be too dumb to put the top on properly so I could tell
- stole my gum and candy. He even emptied a full pack of gum before, left the empty pack on my desk and put all the pieces on his desk
- snitched to admins and my parents tellin them I
'd in the room daily
- "cleaned" his side of the room by throwing all his trash on mine, under the desk and bed etc.
- then when his mom came to visit he *!+#!#@ about how dirty I was and I was making the room a mess (mind you I would vacuum once a week and pick up his trash regularly)
- stole money that I left under my notebook so it was out of view when I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth (it was a test and proved he was the scum of the earth)
- called me all sorts of names when I wouldnt give him the bag of swedish fish he saw was in my lockdrawer
- told the girl I was smashing and has just started goin out wit that I had a girlfriend back home and had all types of STDs (straight lies)
- ate the food I had in the fridge in the room, which was mine
- threw out some of my food so he had space to put his in my fridge instead
- stole a bottle of smirnoff from the freezer (his dumb %%$ didnt cover it completely when he put a shirt over it in his closet)
- knocked over a can of amp (mine btw, I had gotten 150 of em at some promotional thing) that he left half empty in the fridge, didnt even clean it up. the %@*% solidified into some gunk that took me 45 minutes to clean off
- stole 3 packs of djarum blacks out of backpack
- stole my

-plenty more, but thats all off the top and I dont feel like thinking more about it

Ways I got back at him:
- spit on his bed
- spit in his gatorade powder
- flipped a used condom inside out on top of his towel and let the %@*% soak in and dry on it
- put eyedrops in his orange juice
- took the fridge with me when I moved to anotehr room, with his food in it, and ate it in front of him walking down the hallway
- had a "giveaway" on my floor where I just gave away his food, cigs, gum etc. to the first people I saw on the floor
- I never hurt him physically cuz of him bein such a snitch but he better not step into my new room at all, my new roommates already cussed him out too, so we're on the same page

the kids a #%!*%## douche and the whole floor apart from like 5 people hate him now, theres 44 people on our floor so its obv not just me thats got issues with him. I pray he gets a demon of a roommate next semester. hes extra spoiled and expects everyone to bow down to whatever needs hes got. He even told me "just go buy a new one" after he broke my 360

i think i would have murdered your roommate.
Just wondering how do most of you guys feel about having a roommate who
I might be going to a Univ. in the summer if I get accepted and don't want to make things awkward.
Just wondering how do most of you guys feel about having a roommate who
I might be going to a Univ. in the summer if I get accepted and don't want to make things awkward.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7

Just wondering how do most of you guys feel about having a roommate who
I might be going to a Univ. in the summer if I get accepted and don't want to make things awkward.

you serious?

in college and the people who don't (people like me) don't give a #%@#.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7

Just wondering how do most of you guys feel about having a roommate who
I might be going to a Univ. in the summer if I get accepted and don't want to make things awkward.

you serious?

in college and the people who don't (people like me) don't give a #%@#.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by DROOPY7

Just wondering how do most of you guys feel about having a roommate who
I might be going to a Univ. in the summer if I get accepted and don't want to make things awkward.

you serious?

in college and the people who don't (people like me) don't give a #%@#.

word, most people who never have will eventually try it their first semester and pretty much nobody will be mad at you long as you aint doin it in the room after they specifically ask you not to

even my garden tool roommate was doin it, yet he somehow decided to get me arrested and all that jazz because of it
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by DROOPY7

Just wondering how do most of you guys feel about having a roommate who
I might be going to a Univ. in the summer if I get accepted and don't want to make things awkward.

you serious?

in college and the people who don't (people like me) don't give a #%@#.

word, most people who never have will eventually try it their first semester and pretty much nobody will be mad at you long as you aint doin it in the room after they specifically ask you not to

even my garden tool roommate was doin it, yet he somehow decided to get me arrested and all that jazz because of it
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

List of my roommates foolishness followed by how I got back at him:

His foolishness:
- anytime I was in the room listening to music or having a conversation with someone and he came in, he would come in and immediately turn on his electronic dance music at max volume
- he broke my 360, then took it apart which voided the warranty after my boy told him not to, still hasnt paid me for it to this dayg
- told campus police I was dealin drugs from the room (lie)
- called the cops on a frat party just cuz me and some boys were there
- used my deoderants and colognes regularly but would be too dumb to put the top on properly so I could tell
- stole my gum and candy. He even emptied a full pack of gum before, left the empty pack on my desk and put all the pieces on his desk
- snitched to admins and my parents tellin them I
'd in the room daily
- "cleaned" his side of the room by throwing all his trash on mine, under the desk and bed etc.
- then when his mom came to visit he *!+#!#@ about how dirty I was and I was making the room a mess (mind you I would vacuum once a week and pick up his trash regularly)
- stole money that I left under my notebook so it was out of view when I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth (it was a test and proved he was the scum of the earth)
- called me all sorts of names when I wouldnt give him the bag of swedish fish he saw was in my lockdrawer
- told the girl I was smashing and has just started goin out wit that I had a girlfriend back home and had all types of STDs (straight lies)
- ate the food I had in the fridge in the room, which was mine
- threw out some of my food so he had space to put his in my fridge instead
- stole a bottle of smirnoff from the freezer (his dumb %%$ didnt cover it completely when he put a shirt over it in his closet)
- knocked over a can of amp (mine btw, I had gotten 150 of em at some promotional thing) that he left half empty in the fridge, didnt even clean it up. the %@*% solidified into some gunk that took me 45 minutes to clean off
- stole 3 packs of djarum blacks out of backpack
- stole my

-plenty more, but thats all off the top and I dont feel like thinking more about it

Ways I got back at him:
- spit on his bed
- spit in his gatorade powder
- flipped a used condom inside out on top of his towel and let the %@*% soak in and dry on it
- put eyedrops in his orange juice
- took the fridge with me when I moved to anotehr room, with his food in it, and ate it in front of him walking down the hallway
- had a "giveaway" on my floor where I just gave away his food, cigs, gum etc. to the first people I saw on the floor
- I never hurt him physically cuz of him bein such a snitch but he better not step into my new room at all, my new roommates already cussed him out too, so we're on the same page

the kids a #%!*%## douche and the whole floor apart from like 5 people hate him now, theres 44 people on our floor so its obv not just me thats got issues with him. I pray he gets a demon of a roommate next semester. hes extra spoiled and expects everyone to bow down to whatever needs hes got. He even told me "just go buy a new one" after he broke my 360

wow.. i honestly can't fathom living under these circumstances because me and this dude would have issues for real.. how did you never end up in fisticuffs with this dude.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

List of my roommates foolishness followed by how I got back at him:

His foolishness:
- anytime I was in the room listening to music or having a conversation with someone and he came in, he would come in and immediately turn on his electronic dance music at max volume
- he broke my 360, then took it apart which voided the warranty after my boy told him not to, still hasnt paid me for it to this dayg
- told campus police I was dealin drugs from the room (lie)
- called the cops on a frat party just cuz me and some boys were there
- used my deoderants and colognes regularly but would be too dumb to put the top on properly so I could tell
- stole my gum and candy. He even emptied a full pack of gum before, left the empty pack on my desk and put all the pieces on his desk
- snitched to admins and my parents tellin them I
'd in the room daily
- "cleaned" his side of the room by throwing all his trash on mine, under the desk and bed etc.
- then when his mom came to visit he *!+#!#@ about how dirty I was and I was making the room a mess (mind you I would vacuum once a week and pick up his trash regularly)
- stole money that I left under my notebook so it was out of view when I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth (it was a test and proved he was the scum of the earth)
- called me all sorts of names when I wouldnt give him the bag of swedish fish he saw was in my lockdrawer
- told the girl I was smashing and has just started goin out wit that I had a girlfriend back home and had all types of STDs (straight lies)
- ate the food I had in the fridge in the room, which was mine
- threw out some of my food so he had space to put his in my fridge instead
- stole a bottle of smirnoff from the freezer (his dumb %%$ didnt cover it completely when he put a shirt over it in his closet)
- knocked over a can of amp (mine btw, I had gotten 150 of em at some promotional thing) that he left half empty in the fridge, didnt even clean it up. the %@*% solidified into some gunk that took me 45 minutes to clean off
- stole 3 packs of djarum blacks out of backpack
- stole my

-plenty more, but thats all off the top and I dont feel like thinking more about it

Ways I got back at him:
- spit on his bed
- spit in his gatorade powder
- flipped a used condom inside out on top of his towel and let the %@*% soak in and dry on it
- put eyedrops in his orange juice
- took the fridge with me when I moved to anotehr room, with his food in it, and ate it in front of him walking down the hallway
- had a "giveaway" on my floor where I just gave away his food, cigs, gum etc. to the first people I saw on the floor
- I never hurt him physically cuz of him bein such a snitch but he better not step into my new room at all, my new roommates already cussed him out too, so we're on the same page

the kids a #%!*%## douche and the whole floor apart from like 5 people hate him now, theres 44 people on our floor so its obv not just me thats got issues with him. I pray he gets a demon of a roommate next semester. hes extra spoiled and expects everyone to bow down to whatever needs hes got. He even told me "just go buy a new one" after he broke my 360

wow.. i honestly can't fathom living under these circumstances because me and this dude would have issues for real.. how did you never end up in fisticuffs with this dude.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7

Just wondering how do most of you guys feel about having a roommate who
I might be going to a Univ. in the summer if I get accepted and don't want to make things awkward.

i think it i depends on if your mate smokes and you as a person.
is great , i dont want the room to smell like
  . And with my Ra so happy to write people up im not cool with smoking it in the room.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7

Just wondering how do most of you guys feel about having a roommate who
I might be going to a Univ. in the summer if I get accepted and don't want to make things awkward.

i think it i depends on if your mate smokes and you as a person.
is great , i dont want the room to smell like
  . And with my Ra so happy to write people up im not cool with smoking it in the room.
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