College Roommates Stories, Rules, and More vol. I Have an Asian Roommate

Originally Posted by Noelair24

Originally Posted by JJ1223

- Worst of all he was a chronic masturbator . His laptop got a virus and couldn't access the internet, after this he was caught looking at porn on all three of our laptops on separate occasions... I catch him basically in the act and confront him about it, tell him I know what he was using my laptop for, dont even try and deny it, dont ever let me catch you touching my laptop or any other personal property again and all he does is deny it when he's the only one in the room and my laptop has a bunch of porn popups on it
I spent a good 30 mins disinfecting every surface... my %%*$ has been password protected ever since and that was 3 years ago.  He even went so far as to try and whack it with all of us in the same room... I kid you not... he was watching a movie on the TV while the rest of us are watching The Bourne Ultimatum on a laptop facing the other way... all of the sudden I turn around and this kid is watching Salma Hayek getting banged out by Antonio Banderas in Desperado in super slow motion with a blanket over him and both hands under it... I'm like "yo, what the !%+$ are you doing?" he goes "oh dude! I was just looking for a scene and it got stuck here!" and then hits the next chapter button a couple times and says "oh yeah here it is" the rest of us just look at each other for a second and were like GTHO

Dude needs help
My roommate is a passive aggressive control freak. We haven't spoken to each other in over a month now. I don't really mind, though. I still go out and do my thing, he does his.
My roommate is a passive aggressive control freak. We haven't spoken to each other in over a month now. I don't really mind, though. I still go out and do my thing, he does his.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

took a minute of searching, but I found my post from the "I Hate My Roommate" post from a few months back:

Since you guys think your roommates are bad, let me drop a few little stories about my roommate from freshman year, and believe me this isnt even half of it
There were 4 of us in 2 bedrooms and 1 common room + bathroom, me and 2 of the other guys are good friends and went to high school together, they were in one bedroom together and I got stuck in the smaller room with the new kid

- complete pathological liar, this kid would make up the most ridiculous stories and expect us to believe them (a couple examples: "one time I worked at a restaurant and some guy came behind the counter and asked for free pizza so I grabbed him and slammed him onto the grill and he got up and ran out of the store!" or "One time I was at a Phish and Jack Johnson concert and they invited me backstage after the show and I smoked opium with them at like 4 in the morning it was so cool!")... he even went so far as to take a rubber from my stash so we would think that he $#%#@% a girl he was hanging out with... after talking to her one time it was obvious that he never did anything with her, etc. I could go on for hours with pointless lies he told

- worst personal hygiene I've ever seen on another human being, wearing the same clothes 5-7x without washing, showered every 2-3 days and smelled literally like a foot, whatever room he was in in the dorm would instantly smell unbearable.  With this in mind, I had to share a small %@$ room with him and sleep a couple feet away... the smell was so bad sometimes I couldn't even sleep at night... I eventually ended up sleeping at my girlfriends dorm most nights... when he would wake up in the morning for class he would literally shower himself in Polo Black standing like 2 feet away from where I was sleeping.. I woke up coughing like Biggie on Gimme The Loot a couple times

- When he actually would shower, he would get out of the shower dripping wet and get the whole bathroom floor wet.  We told him to stop doing that, dry yourself off in the shower then get out, he kept doing it and when we asked him about it "I did dry myself off in the shower, all that water isn't even from me" when the bathroom floor was completely dry before he went in there

- Worst of all he was a chronic masturbator . His laptop got a virus and couldn't access the internet, after this he was caught looking at porn on all three of our laptops on separate occasions... I catch him basically in the act and confront him about it, tell him I know what he was using my laptop for, dont even try and deny it, dont ever let me catch you touching my laptop or any other personal property again and all he does is deny it when he's the only one in the room and my laptop has a bunch of porn popups on it
I spent a good 30 mins disinfecting every surface... my %%*$ has been password protected ever since and that was 3 years ago.  He even went so far as to try and whack it with all of us in the same room... I kid you not... he was watching a movie on the TV while the rest of us are watching The Bourne Ultimatum on a laptop facing the other way... all of the sudden I turn around and this kid is watching Salma Hayek getting banged out by Antonio Banderas in Desperado in super slow motion with a blanket over him and both hands under it... I'm like "yo, what the !%+$ are you doing?" he goes "oh dude! I was just looking for a scene and it got stuck here!" and then hits the next chapter button a couple times and says "oh yeah here it is" the rest of us just look at each other for a second and were like GTHO
that mustve been a living NIGHTMARE
Originally Posted by JJ1223

took a minute of searching, but I found my post from the "I Hate My Roommate" post from a few months back:

Since you guys think your roommates are bad, let me drop a few little stories about my roommate from freshman year, and believe me this isnt even half of it
There were 4 of us in 2 bedrooms and 1 common room + bathroom, me and 2 of the other guys are good friends and went to high school together, they were in one bedroom together and I got stuck in the smaller room with the new kid

- complete pathological liar, this kid would make up the most ridiculous stories and expect us to believe them (a couple examples: "one time I worked at a restaurant and some guy came behind the counter and asked for free pizza so I grabbed him and slammed him onto the grill and he got up and ran out of the store!" or "One time I was at a Phish and Jack Johnson concert and they invited me backstage after the show and I smoked opium with them at like 4 in the morning it was so cool!")... he even went so far as to take a rubber from my stash so we would think that he $#%#@% a girl he was hanging out with... after talking to her one time it was obvious that he never did anything with her, etc. I could go on for hours with pointless lies he told

- worst personal hygiene I've ever seen on another human being, wearing the same clothes 5-7x without washing, showered every 2-3 days and smelled literally like a foot, whatever room he was in in the dorm would instantly smell unbearable.  With this in mind, I had to share a small %@$ room with him and sleep a couple feet away... the smell was so bad sometimes I couldn't even sleep at night... I eventually ended up sleeping at my girlfriends dorm most nights... when he would wake up in the morning for class he would literally shower himself in Polo Black standing like 2 feet away from where I was sleeping.. I woke up coughing like Biggie on Gimme The Loot a couple times

- When he actually would shower, he would get out of the shower dripping wet and get the whole bathroom floor wet.  We told him to stop doing that, dry yourself off in the shower then get out, he kept doing it and when we asked him about it "I did dry myself off in the shower, all that water isn't even from me" when the bathroom floor was completely dry before he went in there

- Worst of all he was a chronic masturbator . His laptop got a virus and couldn't access the internet, after this he was caught looking at porn on all three of our laptops on separate occasions... I catch him basically in the act and confront him about it, tell him I know what he was using my laptop for, dont even try and deny it, dont ever let me catch you touching my laptop or any other personal property again and all he does is deny it when he's the only one in the room and my laptop has a bunch of porn popups on it
I spent a good 30 mins disinfecting every surface... my %%*$ has been password protected ever since and that was 3 years ago.  He even went so far as to try and whack it with all of us in the same room... I kid you not... he was watching a movie on the TV while the rest of us are watching The Bourne Ultimatum on a laptop facing the other way... all of the sudden I turn around and this kid is watching Salma Hayek getting banged out by Antonio Banderas in Desperado in super slow motion with a blanket over him and both hands under it... I'm like "yo, what the !%+$ are you doing?" he goes "oh dude! I was just looking for a scene and it got stuck here!" and then hits the next chapter button a couple times and says "oh yeah here it is" the rest of us just look at each other for a second and were like GTHO
that mustve been a living NIGHTMARE

I just graduated in may but the one story I will always remember is from freshman year..

My roommate and I were very cool.. But I knew things took a turn for the worst on this night.. So it was like 1 in the morn and I was. Just getting back to my dorm and I was bring a girl back (who lived in my dorm) knowing he was not there.. Well she was twisted and she tripped over my dmp box, and hit his desk which had a cup of water in it.. He always left his comp on and the cup dropped completely on the comp and the !+@ went crazy.. She started crying and took towels to get the water.. She ended leaving him a note.. Dude came back was mad chill about it.. So she came over and ended copping him a laptop.

Till this day we all laugh about this incident..

I just graduated in may but the one story I will always remember is from freshman year..

My roommate and I were very cool.. But I knew things took a turn for the worst on this night.. So it was like 1 in the morn and I was. Just getting back to my dorm and I was bring a girl back (who lived in my dorm) knowing he was not there.. Well she was twisted and she tripped over my dmp box, and hit his desk which had a cup of water in it.. He always left his comp on and the cup dropped completely on the comp and the !+@ went crazy.. She started crying and took towels to get the water.. She ended leaving him a note.. Dude came back was mad chill about it.. So she came over and ended copping him a laptop.

Till this day we all laugh about this incident..
freshmen yr i had a 6ft 10in nigerian exchange student.  he had only been in the country for 2 1/2 years and was here playing basketball.  dude was the coolest, most respectful guy in the world.  we both looked out for each other.  he was a straight foot taller than me 
 so i looked at him like an older brother but also because i knew he wasn't coming for money or anything like that so i felt like i looked out for him too in that i would cop food/drinks/whatever for the room.  i know a lot of people say that they "love their roommate, BUT ...." well when it came to this guy, i never had a "but" to say.  love him to death (no mo).  i was gonna live with him again the next year but i thought he wanted to room with someone on the team and he thought i wanted to room with one of my boys at the time.  damn miscommunication 
  we still chill when we can but he's busy with basketball and stuff.  its whatever though, i still consider him my big nigerian brother 
freshmen yr i had a 6ft 10in nigerian exchange student.  he had only been in the country for 2 1/2 years and was here playing basketball.  dude was the coolest, most respectful guy in the world.  we both looked out for each other.  he was a straight foot taller than me 
 so i looked at him like an older brother but also because i knew he wasn't coming for money or anything like that so i felt like i looked out for him too in that i would cop food/drinks/whatever for the room.  i know a lot of people say that they "love their roommate, BUT ...." well when it came to this guy, i never had a "but" to say.  love him to death (no mo).  i was gonna live with him again the next year but i thought he wanted to room with someone on the team and he thought i wanted to room with one of my boys at the time.  damn miscommunication 
  we still chill when we can but he's busy with basketball and stuff.  its whatever though, i still consider him my big nigerian brother 
CliffNotes by semester....

Freshman Year:

-Madden o7 Tournaments to 4am
- Learning about Fraternity Life

Sophmore Year:
-Ran a train on a !%*% with 2 her drunk and she f***ed us after eating Oodles Noodles. LOL
-Drank and smoke everyday.
-Got hooked to Soul Caliber and we played for McDonalds double cheeseburgers
-Use to get caught "slipping" sneaking outta the girls dorm in the A.M by my nigs.
- Whored a girl out to my ninjas. Even get my Super Ninja Karate Supreme Anime Watching Ghangus Khan roomate to get the cheeks from her.
CliffNotes by semester....

Freshman Year:

-Madden o7 Tournaments to 4am
- Learning about Fraternity Life

Sophmore Year:
-Ran a train on a !%*% with 2 her drunk and she f***ed us after eating Oodles Noodles. LOL
-Drank and smoke everyday.
-Got hooked to Soul Caliber and we played for McDonalds double cheeseburgers
-Use to get caught "slipping" sneaking outta the girls dorm in the A.M by my nigs.
- Whored a girl out to my ninjas. Even get my Super Ninja Karate Supreme Anime Watching Ghangus Khan roomate to get the cheeks from her.
Originally Posted by Bigboi415

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by kidqotsolez

I'll be going to St. John's the upcoming fall semester. Any NT'ers going there or go there currently?

alumni here, graduated in May
currently a sophomore

Queens campus ? If so what is the nightlife like there ?
Originally Posted by Bigboi415

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by kidqotsolez

I'll be going to St. John's the upcoming fall semester. Any NT'ers going there or go there currently?

alumni here, graduated in May
currently a sophomore

Queens campus ? If so what is the nightlife like there ?

My college roomate is one of my boys. We both have girlfriends, and they're pretty cool. So one right we all stayed in to watch movies on Netflix and just chill and after movie night I noticed some strange movements on his side of the room. So my gf was like "are they doing what I think they're doing?" and I was like yeah. So, to one-up my homie I started going to work too
. We all laughed about it over breakfast the next morning

My college roomate is one of my boys. We both have girlfriends, and they're pretty cool. So one right we all stayed in to watch movies on Netflix and just chill and after movie night I noticed some strange movements on his side of the room. So my gf was like "are they doing what I think they're doing?" and I was like yeah. So, to one-up my homie I started going to work too
. We all laughed about it over breakfast the next morning
Originally Posted by Pinoy732

freshmen yr i had a 6ft 10in nigerian exchange student.  he had only been in the country for 2 1/2 years and was here playing basketball.  dude was the coolest, most respectful guy in the world.  we both looked out for each other.  he was a straight foot taller than me 
 so i looked at him like an older brother but also because i knew he wasn't coming for money or anything like that so i felt like i looked out for him too in that i would cop food/drinks/whatever for the room.  i know a lot of people say that they "love their roommate, BUT ...." well when it came to this guy, i never had a "but" to say.  love him to death (no mo).  i was gonna live with him again the next year but i thought he wanted to room with someone on the team and he thought i wanted to room with one of my boys at the time.  damn miscommunication 
  we still chill when we can but he's busy with basketball and stuff.  its whatever though, i still consider him my big nigerian brother 

sounds like a cool experience, I'm 6'9 so I wonder how my roommate feels
Originally Posted by Pinoy732

freshmen yr i had a 6ft 10in nigerian exchange student.  he had only been in the country for 2 1/2 years and was here playing basketball.  dude was the coolest, most respectful guy in the world.  we both looked out for each other.  he was a straight foot taller than me 
 so i looked at him like an older brother but also because i knew he wasn't coming for money or anything like that so i felt like i looked out for him too in that i would cop food/drinks/whatever for the room.  i know a lot of people say that they "love their roommate, BUT ...." well when it came to this guy, i never had a "but" to say.  love him to death (no mo).  i was gonna live with him again the next year but i thought he wanted to room with someone on the team and he thought i wanted to room with one of my boys at the time.  damn miscommunication 
  we still chill when we can but he's busy with basketball and stuff.  its whatever though, i still consider him my big nigerian brother 

sounds like a cool experience, I'm 6'9 so I wonder how my roommate feels
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by JJ1223

took a minute of searching, but I found my post from the "I Hate My Roommate" post from a few months back:

Since you guys think your roommates are bad, let me drop a few little stories about my roommate from freshman year, and believe me this isnt even half of it
There were 4 of us in 2 bedrooms and 1 common room + bathroom, me and 2 of the other guys are good friends and went to high school together, they were in one bedroom together and I got stuck in the smaller room with the new kid

- complete pathological liar, this kid would make up the most ridiculous stories and expect us to believe them (a couple examples: "one time I worked at a restaurant and some guy came behind the counter and asked for free pizza so I grabbed him and slammed him onto the grill and he got up and ran out of the store!" or "One time I was at a Phish and Jack Johnson concert and they invited me backstage after the show and I smoked opium with them at like 4 in the morning it was so cool!")... he even went so far as to take a rubber from my stash so we would think that he $#%#@% a girl he was hanging out with... after talking to her one time it was obvious that he never did anything with her, etc. I could go on for hours with pointless lies he told

- worst personal hygiene I've ever seen on another human being, wearing the same clothes 5-7x without washing, showered every 2-3 days and smelled literally like a foot, whatever room he was in in the dorm would instantly smell unbearable.  With this in mind, I had to share a small %@$ room with him and sleep a couple feet away... the smell was so bad sometimes I couldn't even sleep at night... I eventually ended up sleeping at my girlfriends dorm most nights... when he would wake up in the morning for class he would literally shower himself in Polo Black standing like 2 feet away from where I was sleeping.. I woke up coughing like Biggie on Gimme The Loot a couple times

- When he actually would shower, he would get out of the shower dripping wet and get the whole bathroom floor wet.  We told him to stop doing that, dry yourself off in the shower then get out, he kept doing it and when we asked him about it "I did dry myself off in the shower, all that water isn't even from me" when the bathroom floor was completely dry before he went in there

- Worst of all he was a chronic masturbator . His laptop got a virus and couldn't access the internet, after this he was caught looking at porn on all three of our laptops on separate occasions... I catch him basically in the act and confront him about it, tell him I know what he was using my laptop for, dont even try and deny it, dont ever let me catch you touching my laptop or any other personal property again and all he does is deny it when he's the only one in the room and my laptop has a bunch of porn popups on it
I spent a good 30 mins disinfecting every surface... my %%*$ has been password protected ever since and that was 3 years ago.  He even went so far as to try and whack it with all of us in the same room... I kid you not... he was watching a movie on the TV while the rest of us are watching The Bourne Ultimatum on a laptop facing the other way... all of the sudden I turn around and this kid is watching Salma Hayek getting banged out by Antonio Banderas in Desperado in super slow motion with a blanket over him and both hands under it... I'm like "yo, what the !%+$ are you doing?" he goes "oh dude! I was just looking for a scene and it got stuck here!" and then hits the next chapter button a couple times and says "oh yeah here it is" the rest of us just look at each other for a second and were like GTHO
that mustve been a living NIGHTMARE


yes, that's him
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by JJ1223

took a minute of searching, but I found my post from the "I Hate My Roommate" post from a few months back:

Since you guys think your roommates are bad, let me drop a few little stories about my roommate from freshman year, and believe me this isnt even half of it
There were 4 of us in 2 bedrooms and 1 common room + bathroom, me and 2 of the other guys are good friends and went to high school together, they were in one bedroom together and I got stuck in the smaller room with the new kid

- complete pathological liar, this kid would make up the most ridiculous stories and expect us to believe them (a couple examples: "one time I worked at a restaurant and some guy came behind the counter and asked for free pizza so I grabbed him and slammed him onto the grill and he got up and ran out of the store!" or "One time I was at a Phish and Jack Johnson concert and they invited me backstage after the show and I smoked opium with them at like 4 in the morning it was so cool!")... he even went so far as to take a rubber from my stash so we would think that he $#%#@% a girl he was hanging out with... after talking to her one time it was obvious that he never did anything with her, etc. I could go on for hours with pointless lies he told

- worst personal hygiene I've ever seen on another human being, wearing the same clothes 5-7x without washing, showered every 2-3 days and smelled literally like a foot, whatever room he was in in the dorm would instantly smell unbearable.  With this in mind, I had to share a small %@$ room with him and sleep a couple feet away... the smell was so bad sometimes I couldn't even sleep at night... I eventually ended up sleeping at my girlfriends dorm most nights... when he would wake up in the morning for class he would literally shower himself in Polo Black standing like 2 feet away from where I was sleeping.. I woke up coughing like Biggie on Gimme The Loot a couple times

- When he actually would shower, he would get out of the shower dripping wet and get the whole bathroom floor wet.  We told him to stop doing that, dry yourself off in the shower then get out, he kept doing it and when we asked him about it "I did dry myself off in the shower, all that water isn't even from me" when the bathroom floor was completely dry before he went in there

- Worst of all he was a chronic masturbator . His laptop got a virus and couldn't access the internet, after this he was caught looking at porn on all three of our laptops on separate occasions... I catch him basically in the act and confront him about it, tell him I know what he was using my laptop for, dont even try and deny it, dont ever let me catch you touching my laptop or any other personal property again and all he does is deny it when he's the only one in the room and my laptop has a bunch of porn popups on it
I spent a good 30 mins disinfecting every surface... my %%*$ has been password protected ever since and that was 3 years ago.  He even went so far as to try and whack it with all of us in the same room... I kid you not... he was watching a movie on the TV while the rest of us are watching The Bourne Ultimatum on a laptop facing the other way... all of the sudden I turn around and this kid is watching Salma Hayek getting banged out by Antonio Banderas in Desperado in super slow motion with a blanket over him and both hands under it... I'm like "yo, what the !%+$ are you doing?" he goes "oh dude! I was just looking for a scene and it got stuck here!" and then hits the next chapter button a couple times and says "oh yeah here it is" the rest of us just look at each other for a second and were like GTHO
that mustve been a living NIGHTMARE


yes, that's him
i advise everyone that has the opportunity to go to college it is the best time of your life and u will have endless memories and laughs
i advise everyone that has the opportunity to go to college it is the best time of your life and u will have endless memories and laughs
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