COBRA KAI - Karate Kid Sequel - Learn the Way of the Fist - S5 09/09/22

how young can I get my kid in to it. I was thinking as soon as she turned 5 but is that too early.
I already have her climbing stuff and rough housing a little. im trying to create a Natasha romonoff.

My son was only 3 when he started and he has horrible attention but the class only had like 6-7 kids and he actually did fairly well. The instructors were good and they all got a lot of attention which helped. And while he hates having to go, for the 30 min he’s there, he does good.
Since we on the subject what y’all putting your kids in?
watched ‘I, Tonya’last night and that seemed dop:lol: except my girl 4 and chunky.
she look like she gonna be tall. Maybe basketball or softball.
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Not sports but I do want my kid to be trilingual lmao. I don’t have kids yet though lol
My bad for the humble brag and going off topic , lol... so my kids did become tri-lingual by birth. I’m bilingual speaking English and Bisaya (Philippine dialect) and my wife is tri-lingual being shes half German and half Filipina. So she speaks to the kids in English/German, and I do English/bisaya. Sometimes in school they’ll bust out German terminologies forgetting their classmates wont understand :lol:
Combat sports should be taught in schools.

It should be mandatory.

Give kids an option. Wrestling, Boxing, Eastern Martial Arts.
i agree and disagree with this. i do think kids need that type of a structure a combat sport teaches....but I was also a teacher for 10 years and I can guarantee youd literally have the cobra kai situation in every little elementary and middle school lol. lil pack of tiny tots terrorizing thinking they big stuff.
It being outside of school is better because one of the first things they tell you is, "dont do this outside of the dojo unless defending yourself".

Not sports but I do want my kid to be trilingual lmao. I don’t have kids yet though lol
My bad for the humble brag and going off topic , lol... so my kids did become tri-lingual by birth. I’m bilingual speaking English and Bisaya (Philippine dialect) and my wife is tri-lingual being shes half German and half Filipina. So she speaks to the kids in English/German, and I do English/bisaya. Sometimes in school they’ll bust out German terminologies forgetting their classmates wont understand :lol:
my daughter is 2. I throw in Korean words and American sign language to her. im not fluent in either but know enough to get by and she understands a bunch of the basics. " sit down. hungry. dont do that. lets go.
shes at the stage now where she's a parrot. My wife is a musician. so we def want my daughter to get in to music.
So many things we want for one child. we dont know what will stick. we'll throw a bunch at the wall and see what sticks
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I'm impressed by how many of the cast members from the OG movies they got to commit 35-40 years later. Setting it up for Terry Silver. Could probably even wrangle Robyn Lively and Mike Barnes if they needed to since they're still somewhat active according to IMDB.
I’d have to check their IMDBs but I doubt any of these actors are getting “work” like that to be turning down these cameos

Terry Silver Pardon me, Dutch owns some racing company which is they haven’t been able to get him on board yet
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Has anyone ever done karate on here or know anyone who does it?
In real time can they kickaaa?
Sorry for the ignorance.

My 6 year old nephew does it and all he wants to do is fight me when we hang out. Kicking my legs and sh*t while I'm making lunch. Had to give him a little chest kick and knock him back on the ground to let him know s*t ain't always sweet :lol:
I'm impressed by how many of the cast members from the OG movies they got to commit 35-40 years later. Setting it up for Terry Silver. Could probably even wrangle Robyn Lively and Mike Barnes if they needed to since they're still somewhat active according to IMDB.

Was talking to the actor when season 1 originally came out and he said he'd love to be asked to come back. I took that as a sure thing he'd be back eventually:lol:

But yeah, with Elizabeth Shue coming back as Ali, I doubt anybody's off the table, since Swank and Jaiden don't exist to me:lol:
Was talking to the actor when season 1 originally came out and he said he'd love to be asked to come back. I took that as a sure thing he'd be back eventually:lol:

But yeah, with Elizabeth Shue coming back as Ali, I doubt anybody's off the table, since Swank and Jaiden don't exist to me:lol:

Yeah Next Karate Kid only gets partial credit since Miyagi was still around. The monks in that were awesome too.
I don't really watch shows... They're just in the background usually, but this show had me engaged! Can't wait for s4!

The scene with initially Kreese, Robby and Johnny at the Cobra Kai Dojo reminded me of similar scenes seen in Star Wars and a similar dynamic! In these Star Wars-eque scenes, you have Kreese as Darth Sidious, Robby as Anakin, and Johnny as Master Windu. OR You have Kreese as Sidious again :lol: , Johnny as Luke, and Robby as Darth Vader lol. Each scene's pivitol character was Robby, as he was conflicted and had to choose one side...

My favorite character was probably Hawk... I tend to become a fan of characters who were once antagonist and turned good lol (I.E. Kylo Ren, Vegeta, etc.)
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Just finished season 3. Season 4 can’t come soon enough but it’s probably going to be delayed even further with covid.
At the end of Season 2.
It said Season 4 was already in production.

Bro the way they have LaRusso infatuated with Miyagi is real creepy at times. Every episode he has to mention him. Kind of
It's true but without it, it comes off as appropriation just like that episode where they where making commercial. This man Daniel-san tryna take scrolls he don't even know how to read

The pacing of this season was off for me but it's better than I initially thought. Show just started getting uncut, the language, the drinking, and these dudes really trying to kill ppl.

"It's time for you and Miyagi to reunite"


So when Jaden comes to season 4 do you think he will be apart of the highschool crew or you think they'll make him a college kid?
With Will Smith as exec producer, prolly have him as somebody else who knew Miyagi and starts a dojo
Bro the way they have LaRusso infatuated with Miyagi is real creepy at times. Every episode he has to mention him. Kind of how on the ‘All the Smoke’ podcast Matt Barnes mentions the 07 squad on every episode they can :lol:

Miyagi groomed Daniel-san
The show is entertaining to me just cause of Johnny,the cameos, and the nostalgia when scenes from the old movies get thrown in. I cannot take these kids’ karate gangs seriously. Damn near every single one of them look and move like they’d get their @&$ kicked easily :lol:
I know the show is not perfect, but it's entertaining at least and I do enjoy it.

Kreese not playing he went out recruiting and about to have the monster squad up in his dojo.
how young can I get my kid in to it. I was thinking as soon as she turned 5 but is that too early.
I already have her climbing stuff and rough housing a little. im trying to create a Natasha romonoff.

my son started Taekwondo at the age of 5. He was in class until Covid hit and now is doing zoom Taekwondo classes. He’s 6 now and turning 7 in July.
Luckily for us, the instructor and his staff is really good and my son has been flourishing and staying attentive during these hard times. It helps him exert energy for the days we aren’t able to go out. So far, it’s been a great benefit to him.
I think they went to Golf and Stuff a little too much during the 3 Seasons.

It was cool the first time because of the call-back but I would be good with never seeing them go back to that place. :lol:
I'm with you here...and for me it's a sore subject because it's not even the real Golf N Stuff location (they shoot Cobra Kai in Atlanta and make it look like LA). Also, The old All Valley tournament "gym" Daniel brings his daughter back to was lame as hell too :lol:

I'm in agreement they need to bring Dutch back for that final shock moment. Chad McQueen in real life immediately distanced himself from Karate Kid after it was filmed and had to be forced back to film the opening scene of KK2 in the parking lot (he hid himself the whole time). But... Zabka and McQueen are good friends in real life and still occasionally hang so there is hope!
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