Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..


what the hell is going on

i always wonder how these kids gonna feel in high school or college when someone posts these pics of them in a dress on their IG Timeline

parents tryna be OD pc and gonna end up confusing them and hurting their self esteem in the long run

you shouldnt do everything a kid asks...​
Schreiber’s 9-year-old son Alexander Pete went dressed as a Jedi, while 8-year-old Samuel Kai went as female “Suicide Squad” character Harley Quinn.

I wonder how many people came up to Liev and said "I didn't know you had a daughter. She's got a great costume."


princess boy Hollywood liberal ideology...

or just trolling.
I feel like...if I'm parenting my son right from jump street...there won't be a point that he asks me to be a girl for the day. He'll be too busy enjoying how dope it is to be a boy, he'll have no interest in wanting to be female. Children are so impressionable. Too much freedom can be detrimental. Without guidance, they can end up having multiple identities, and then the confusion rares its head in adulthood. You can give them the freedom to make choices, while still, subtley, keeping them on track.
I feel like...if I'm parenting my son right from jump street...there won't be a point that he asks me to be a girl for the day. He'll be too busy enjoying how dope it is to be a boy, he'll have no interest in wanting to be female. Children are so impressionable. Too much freedom can be detrimental. Without guidance, they can end up having multiple identities, and then the confusion rares its head in adulthood. You can give them the freedom to make choices, while still, subtley, keeping them on track.

children indoctrination of this is startling.

For example, pumpin indolencent kids with hormones on a whim (which long term effects includes sterilization) because they wanted to prance around in a skirt one week is crazy to me.
TBH bro, I wouldn't allow my daughter of that age to dress like that, so I'm pretty sure that's going to be a no for my son. I'm a caveman dude, don't believe in all this "gender neutrality" nonsense. But different strokes for different folks.

So damn true fam. My lil girl wouldn't be going out dressed like that I don't give a damn if it's comic con or halloween. So my son sure as hell wouldn't be doing it either, smh.


what the hell is going on

i always wonder how these kids gonna feel in high school or college when someone posts these pics of them in a dress on their IG Timeline

parents tryna be OD pc and gonna end up confusing them and hurting their self esteem in the long run

you shouldnt do everything a kid asks...​

By that time this kind of stuff will be normal so nobody would give a **** anyway. The parents need to nip that **** in the bud out the gate though. This gender neutral **** is crazy. Boys are boys and girls are girls. They need to be parents and stop causing all of this confusion. Kids don't know any better and we are responsible for showing them the right way. Just because your son ask about dressing like a girl or playing with girl items doesn't mean he identifies with that. It means he's a child and doesn't understand the difference. Which is when you come in and explain it. I'm not denying that some of these kids truly are trans and feel different at an early age, but they aren't all like that. These parents in some cases are pushing that **** on them too and it isn't cool.

I feel like...if I'm parenting my son right from jump street...there won't be a point that he asks me to be a girl for the day. He'll be too busy enjoying how dope it is to be a boy, he'll have no interest in wanting to be female. Children are so impressionable. Too much freedom can be detrimental. Without guidance, they can end up having multiple identities, and then the confusion rares its head in adulthood. You can give them the freedom to make choices, while still, subtley, keeping them on track.

By that time this kind of stuff will be normal so nobody would give a **** anyway. The parents need to nip that **** in the bud out the gate though. This gender neutral **** is crazy. Boys are boys and girls are girls. They need to be parents and stop causing all of this confusion.

Word. Problem is the parents are confused themselves and passing it on to the kids :smh:
This a whole new time where people think kids should raise themselves. But the problem is that's not giving freedom. If your son wants to wear girls clothes that's coming from somewhere, something else is influencing that and like freeze said if you're raising your son right he wouldn't want to be in girls clothes.

C'mon Ray Donavan

lol smh
how do yall feel about little girls dressing up as male superheroes...?

fine because thats not something that could come back on her in ten years

putting makeup and ripped pantyhose on your son could ruin his life for a few months in hs/college if not send him into a complete depression if kids really go in on him lol
What if your son asked?

Yeaaaaa, that'll be a "No"

I feel like...if I'm parenting my son right from jump street...there won't be a point that he asks me to be a girl for the day. He'll be too busy enjoying how dope it is to be a boy, he'll have no interest in wanting to be female. Children are so impressionable. Too much freedom can be detrimental. Without guidance, they can end up having multiple identities, and then the confusion rares its head in adulthood. You can give them the freedom to make choices, while still, subtley, keeping them on track.

Here's the thing with that tho, these days we are getting more and more blurred lines on what boys/girls "can" do. Girls are getting a push to pursue toys, games, and activities that were "limited" to boys only.

As understanding as I am that kids want to be able to express themselves, which they should, I can't help but keep in mind the amount of potential trauma can be experienced. Kid may be happy that he can dress up as HQ but how is he going to react to being repeatedly mistaken for a girl, being called mean/nasty words, laughed at, getting dirty looks or being stared at? Some kids cannot handle that kind of attention and reactions. So while yea they expressed themselves but at the expense of their emotional stability and may even end at suicide or self harm.

Its called parenting.

My daughter ask for candy 24/7 yet some how she doesnt eat candy 24/7

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