Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

It is interestinf how right now Catblood is seen is this big time progressive social justice warrior.
However, for a long time Anton Lavey was seen as Uncle Tom-in all through NT.
White man apologist that praised the ground white woman walked in and bashed black women with curves.

Drastic change in perception when the only thing that changed is his screen name.
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I'm just chiming in, but nothing from this thread. As far as various threads as since I've been on NT? Pick a thread, it's there

Yea ok, basically the only thing NT has against me with race is that I sleep with white women from time to time....but stop it 5 :lol:

Actually your problem is ******** on black women while elevating white women, yet falling back on "m m m my mother is black and b b but lo lo lo look at this black woman I'm attracted to".

*in b4 walrus/water buffalo*
I've clowned racists like ninjahood on this site as much as homophobes, don't get it twisted. It's the same type of ignorance, and I'm not having it. 


All my arguments in the Donald Trump thread and the political threads are with people who deny racism like they deny straight male privilege. But in this thread someone who has blatantly been a racist like ninjahood is all of a sudden Tom Diginson's boy because he hates gay people to.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
It is interesting what it takes for them to find common ground.

All this proves though is you humans are all walking contradictions man.
Lack of empathy is not specific to's a human trait.
[quote name="TomDiginson" url="/t/652769/charlize-theron-dressing-her-black-adopted-son-in-a-blonde-wig-and-dress-vol-fam/800_100#post_]

*Ques usual backup dancers*[/quote]
Exactly what I thought.

Can't look in that mirror.

Bunch of hypocrites.
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I've clowned racists like ninjahood on this site as much as homophobes,

except certain poltroons don't understand da race card is useless to people of color.

Originally Posted by LIONBLOOD View Post

Damn I tried to bait negrohood in here but it failed.

:lol: :smh: some awkward ducklings u just know have zero friends in real life social settings and have to troll sneaker sites for actual human interaction. tsskk tssk.
except certain poltroons don't understand da race card is useless to people of color.
:lol: :smh: some awkward ducklings u just know have zero friends in real life social settings and have to troll sneaker sites for actual human interaction. tsskk tssk.
Bruh, you're on here as much as I am, get off your high horse. :lol:  You're like 40 and are considered an internet "celeb" and you have the nerve to talk about having a life outside NT. :\  

im here for sneakers, jerseys, and jewelry FIRST you're here for advocacy for da dress wearing lifestyle you are even admittedly too poltroonish to pursue on your own time :lol: :smh:

u are da poster boy for someone who is on Social exile in da real world that comes to a sneaker site u have NOTHING in common with to be a provocateur in a attempt to exercise escapism in da guise of a message board SJW ...da epitome of being a utter waste of time and reminding everyone your life is abysmally tragically sad and have no real world connections to average humans that would shun you da second u opened ur mouth. :lol: :smh:
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 People still use the, "You sit in the house on NT all day" card? Even in this era of mobile internetting?
Actually your problem is ******** on black women while elevating white women, 

I've actually openly said my ideal woman is slim, tall and dark skinned. It's not my fault yall think black is synonymous with fat. 

And I talk about how much I like white women cause it pisses both black people and white people off, I'm just playing on insecurities and prejudices.....NTers are way too stupid to understand it. :rofl:

Same NTers who love light skinned black women with good hair are now pretending to defend black women? , get the hell out with that bs.:lol:

Taylor Swift>>>>>....sue me

It's not, but let's say if that were true, what does that have to do with you putting down black women while elevating white women? That very well is your post history. You're not that different from the black women who have seething hate for all black dudes just cause two dissed them. Nothing is wrong if people have a preference, but if you need to get on a soapbox and announce it to the world while demeaning what you're not into, that's where a problem does lie. You're basically pulling out a bunch of ":lol: :rofl:" at describing yourself.

:lol: :rofl:
Exactly what I thought.

Can't look in that mirror.

Bunch of hypocrites.
View media item 2146463
Okay NT's resident goon. Flash your gun over the internet.
Wait you're over here calling ppl house *******, something you would never do in person, and I'm the internet tough guy?

Talking about flashing guns?

What the **** is wrong with you? :lol:

Grow the **** up b.

:lol:  People still use the, "You sit in the house on NT all day" card? Even in this era of mobile internetting?
What got me is the "I never seen you post in a sneaker thread".

:lol: Man **** them sneakers.
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I think he won't answer because his answer would be no, thus proving everything he has said was out of being a fake advocate
Not my fault you think curvy women is synonymous with fat.

We could play this game all day, papi.

You acting like I like fat white chicks too, what the hell does race have to do with it. :lol:  I don't like chubby Mexican women either Dora. 

Not sure if you used Mexican cause you wanted to find a nationality to generalize all of us Euro Hispanics.
Very anti progressive of you.
It is interestinf how right now Catblood is seen is this big time progressive social justice warrior.
However, for a long time Anton Lavey was seen as Uncle Tom-in all through NT.
White man apologist that praised the ground white woman walked in and bashed black women with curves.

Drastic change in perception when the only thing that changed is his screen name.
Wait you're over here calling ppl house *******, something you would never do in person, and I'm the internet tough guy?

Talking about flashing guns?

What the **** is wrong with you? :lol:

Grow the **** up b.
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