Cavs V Miami 12/2 Game Thread: LeBrons Homecoming

Some tweets from Boobie...

BobCavsinsider Bob Finnan
Everyone thought they were goofing around. That wasn't the case, Boobie said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
Daniel Gibson said what looks like smiles & laughs with #LeBron weren't. Some things were said last night that hurt friendship, he said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
When asked point-blank if Daniel Gibson is still friends with #LeBron, he simply smiled. Came right after he said he smiles when he's angry.

WFNYScott Scott @ WFNY
#Cavs RT @CavsFredMcLeod Boobie says conversations on bench with LeBron James were not friendly as they appeared

Originally Posted by DubA169

so the lakers having the least back to backs in the league doesn't help?
The Lakers had a WHOLE BUNCH of back to backs last year......did it hurt us?  

So yeah, your whole back to back argument pretty much goes out the window now don't it? 

Vet still followin me around.  No man, I won't sign an autograph for your little brother, I got things to do. 
As for you tryna come back at me, I don't care.  Call Kobe a quitter then, that's fine by me.  Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.  Maybe his team was garbage and won 45 games going uphill in the West as a 7 seed.  Maybe Bron winning 60 games back to back and havin home court and quitting is worse, imo.  In case you wanted to be factual, Kobe balled like a mad man in the first half, had like 24 of the teams 45 points, and they TRAILED by 15 at the half.  Not sure what else you wanted him to do.  Try to score 100 maybe.  Did he quit?  Probably.  Do I care?  no, not really.  I think he's doin ok in terms of his career, no? 
  But yeah, you gonna want to take more shots at me, by all means, go on ahead, I still ain't signin your brothers starter hat.  

Originally Posted by DubA169

so the lakers having the least back to backs in the league doesn't help?
The Lakers had a WHOLE BUNCH of back to backs last year......did it hurt us?  

So yeah, your whole back to back argument pretty much goes out the window now don't it? 

Vet still followin me around.  No man, I won't sign an autograph for your little brother, I got things to do. 
As for you tryna come back at me, I don't care.  Call Kobe a quitter then, that's fine by me.  Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.  Maybe his team was garbage and won 45 games going uphill in the West as a 7 seed.  Maybe Bron winning 60 games back to back and havin home court and quitting is worse, imo.  In case you wanted to be factual, Kobe balled like a mad man in the first half, had like 24 of the teams 45 points, and they TRAILED by 15 at the half.  Not sure what else you wanted him to do.  Try to score 100 maybe.  Did he quit?  Probably.  Do I care?  no, not really.  I think he's doin ok in terms of his career, no? 
  But yeah, you gonna want to take more shots at me, by all means, go on ahead, I still ain't signin your brothers starter hat.  

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Some tweets from Boobie...

BobCavsinsider Bob Finnan
Everyone thought they were goofing around. That wasn't the case, Boobie said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
Daniel Gibson said what looks like smiles & laughs with #LeBron weren't. Some things were said last night that hurt friendship, he said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
When asked point-blank if Daniel Gibson is still friends with #LeBron, he simply smiled. Came right after he said he smiles when he's angry.

WFNYScott Scott @ WFNY
#Cavs RT @CavsFredMcLeod Boobie says conversations on bench with LeBron James were not friendly as they appeared

If that was the case the players should have jawed back at him. It seemed like they were apathetic.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Some tweets from Boobie...

BobCavsinsider Bob Finnan
Everyone thought they were goofing around. That wasn't the case, Boobie said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
Daniel Gibson said what looks like smiles & laughs with #LeBron weren't. Some things were said last night that hurt friendship, he said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
When asked point-blank if Daniel Gibson is still friends with #LeBron, he simply smiled. Came right after he said he smiles when he's angry.

WFNYScott Scott @ WFNY
#Cavs RT @CavsFredMcLeod Boobie says conversations on bench with LeBron James were not friendly as they appeared

If that was the case the players should have jawed back at him. It seemed like they were apathetic.
Well they did say that he's the only dude who keeps in consistent contact with Bron.

I don't care what anyone says, I don't believe it and doesn't excuse that spinelessness that's now associated with everyone on that bench and in those stands.
Well they did say that he's the only dude who keeps in consistent contact with Bron.

I don't care what anyone says, I don't believe it and doesn't excuse that spinelessness that's now associated with everyone on that bench and in those stands.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

He came back. He played well. The Cavs got embarrassed. So? The Cavs do not equal Cleveland. Sports teams do not equal their cities.

I hope that isn't as much of a shocking revelation to a lot of you as I think it probably is.

Not sure I really agree with that. I think for most cities, that's how they project nationally. I mean every city is lived in, but most are just forgotten from one coast to another, north to the south. Sports teams and events are your city.
I'm an East coast guy, and if it wasn't for the Vikings, Twins and Timberwolves, I would've forgotten Minnesota existed when my geography started slippin. Sports teams are social currency. They're landmarks. They're a type of pride that simple states can't translate. And when you can't identify with your major league team, you identify with the college team or even the high school team.

Yes, people care too much about them. And when something big happens in sports, it might feel like the end of the world to some people. But at the same time, what do you expect, when you get your daily news from ESPN?

If it's not about foreclosures, corruption or a tragic incident, when is Cleveland brought up? 

Sports are like kids. When they do really good, you look good whether you are or not. That game was like, your son stabbed his kid brother. You go to court to watch the little bastard get his bid, but then your other son let's him off the hook. Kid moves in with his girlfriend across town, jacks his brother's 360 and flips you the bird on the way out, because the $%#! you gonna do about it. He 18, contract's up.

Why? Cuz $%#! you, that's why. Sports matter, and Cleveland got all dressed up with nothing to show last night.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

He came back. He played well. The Cavs got embarrassed. So? The Cavs do not equal Cleveland. Sports teams do not equal their cities.

I hope that isn't as much of a shocking revelation to a lot of you as I think it probably is.

Not sure I really agree with that. I think for most cities, that's how they project nationally. I mean every city is lived in, but most are just forgotten from one coast to another, north to the south. Sports teams and events are your city.
I'm an East coast guy, and if it wasn't for the Vikings, Twins and Timberwolves, I would've forgotten Minnesota existed when my geography started slippin. Sports teams are social currency. They're landmarks. They're a type of pride that simple states can't translate. And when you can't identify with your major league team, you identify with the college team or even the high school team.

Yes, people care too much about them. And when something big happens in sports, it might feel like the end of the world to some people. But at the same time, what do you expect, when you get your daily news from ESPN?

If it's not about foreclosures, corruption or a tragic incident, when is Cleveland brought up? 

Sports are like kids. When they do really good, you look good whether you are or not. That game was like, your son stabbed his kid brother. You go to court to watch the little bastard get his bid, but then your other son let's him off the hook. Kid moves in with his girlfriend across town, jacks his brother's 360 and flips you the bird on the way out, because the $%#! you gonna do about it. He 18, contract's up.

Why? Cuz $%#! you, that's why. Sports matter, and Cleveland got all dressed up with nothing to show last night.
wait, are y'all asking about the same dude who was wearing bronbron's shoes? "naw, we ain't tight, i just rock his kicks."
wait, are y'all asking about the same dude who was wearing bronbron's shoes? "naw, we ain't tight, i just rock his kicks."
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

CP1708 wrote:
Last memory I have of him in the playoffs was when he quit because of what his teammate was doin to his mom.����

- you mean kinda like:

I NEVER want to hear another LA or Kobe fan bring up Bron quitting. This is JOKES. Dude wasnt even trying
To the dude saying he stayed with LA, wasn't Kobe BEGGING AND PLEADING for a trade?
. How is it Bron's fault he couldnt get any help? Kobe was gonna be on the first plane out of LA if they didnt get Gasol

- oh but they will. 
- i will never forget how he flat out embarrassed his teammates. i vividly remember Kobe stopping at the top of the key, handing the ball over to Jordan Farmar and waving his hands toward the basket saying "GO!........GO!". Jordan kinda shrugged and attempted to drive to the basket only to lose the ball. Kobe did this at least two times (you can see one @ the 4:38 mark of the video).
^ but all that? they dont remember that. but then wanna keep bringing up LeBron quitting at times when it has nothing to do with the issue at hand. im all for hearing someone out when they have valid points. but it takes away from your point when you're steady bringing stuff up that has nothing to do with the issue. its then that you sound just flat out salty like CP. if dude could just focus for one second instead of acting like a scorned lover he'd see that there are many legitimate things one can get on LeBron about. and there are plenty people within this thread on both sides doing so. but i swear Cp is the only cat i see in here that comes off as a straight salty ex-girlfriend.

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

CP1708 wrote:
Last memory I have of him in the playoffs was when he quit because of what his teammate was doin to his mom.����

- you mean kinda like:

I NEVER want to hear another LA or Kobe fan bring up Bron quitting. This is JOKES. Dude wasnt even trying
To the dude saying he stayed with LA, wasn't Kobe BEGGING AND PLEADING for a trade?
. How is it Bron's fault he couldnt get any help? Kobe was gonna be on the first plane out of LA if they didnt get Gasol

- oh but they will. 
- i will never forget how he flat out embarrassed his teammates. i vividly remember Kobe stopping at the top of the key, handing the ball over to Jordan Farmar and waving his hands toward the basket saying "GO!........GO!". Jordan kinda shrugged and attempted to drive to the basket only to lose the ball. Kobe did this at least two times (you can see one @ the 4:38 mark of the video).
^ but all that? they dont remember that. but then wanna keep bringing up LeBron quitting at times when it has nothing to do with the issue at hand. im all for hearing someone out when they have valid points. but it takes away from your point when you're steady bringing stuff up that has nothing to do with the issue. its then that you sound just flat out salty like CP. if dude could just focus for one second instead of acting like a scorned lover he'd see that there are many legitimate things one can get on LeBron about. and there are plenty people within this thread on both sides doing so. but i swear Cp is the only cat i see in here that comes off as a straight salty ex-girlfriend.

Originally Posted by CP1708

I didn't think Bron would have it in him to ball against all that hate.  But he did it.  Props for that. 

Part of me is glad that Clev fans held it together for the most part, but the entertainment part of me wanted to see Artest melee II. 

Cleveland players are soft though.  They shoulda all jumped up off that bench and rushed dude for standin in their corner talkin. 
I'm glad he showed a little bit of a killer instinct there.
But onto your 3rd point.. That was never going to be the case.. LeBron didn't leave on bad terms w' the players.. Maybe just w' the org and city..
Originally Posted by CP1708

I didn't think Bron would have it in him to ball against all that hate.  But he did it.  Props for that. 

Part of me is glad that Clev fans held it together for the most part, but the entertainment part of me wanted to see Artest melee II. 

Cleveland players are soft though.  They shoulda all jumped up off that bench and rushed dude for standin in their corner talkin. 
I'm glad he showed a little bit of a killer instinct there.
But onto your 3rd point.. That was never going to be the case.. LeBron didn't leave on bad terms w' the players.. Maybe just w' the org and city..
CP1708 wrote:
DubA169 wrote:
so the lakers having the least back to backs in the league doesn't help?
The Lakers had a WHOLE BUNCH of back to backs last year......did it hurt us?  

So yeah, your whole back to back argument pretty much goes out the window now don't it? 

Vet still followin me around.  No man, I won't sign an autograph for your little brother, I got things to do. 
As for you tryna come back at me, I don't care.  Call Kobe a quitter then, that's fine by me.  Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.  Maybe his team was garbage and won 45 games going uphill in the West as a 7 seed.  Maybe Bron winning 60 games back to back and havin home court and quitting is worse, imo.  In case you wanted to be factual, Kobe balled like a mad man in the first half, had like 24 of the teams 45 points, and they TRAILED by 15 at the half.  Not sure what else you wanted him to do.  Try to score 100 maybe.  Did he quit?  Probably.  Do I care?  no, not really.  I think he's doin ok in terms of his career, no? 
  But yeah, you gonna want to take more shots at me, by all means, go on ahead, I still ain't signin your brothers starter hat.  


- case and point.
- dude is a certified clown.
  reminds me of this security guard at my job. dude is a die hard Laker fan constantly talking about Bron quitting. bring up this game and he says he doesnt remember it
- dont throw stones is the moral of the least not about quitting.
 @ trying to justify Kobe's behavior in that game. that team was mediocre because Kobe handicapped them by hogging the ball since Shaq left trying to do it all on his own. you cant get mad at them for that. they havent had the ball in YEARS and you expect them to just step up now?? so lemme get this straight, so Kobe put up 24 of the teams first half 45 points, and that gives him the right to treat Farmar like his child in front of National Television? got ya chief.
CP1708 wrote:
DubA169 wrote:
so the lakers having the least back to backs in the league doesn't help?
The Lakers had a WHOLE BUNCH of back to backs last year......did it hurt us?  

So yeah, your whole back to back argument pretty much goes out the window now don't it? 

Vet still followin me around.  No man, I won't sign an autograph for your little brother, I got things to do. 
As for you tryna come back at me, I don't care.  Call Kobe a quitter then, that's fine by me.  Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.  Maybe his team was garbage and won 45 games going uphill in the West as a 7 seed.  Maybe Bron winning 60 games back to back and havin home court and quitting is worse, imo.  In case you wanted to be factual, Kobe balled like a mad man in the first half, had like 24 of the teams 45 points, and they TRAILED by 15 at the half.  Not sure what else you wanted him to do.  Try to score 100 maybe.  Did he quit?  Probably.  Do I care?  no, not really.  I think he's doin ok in terms of his career, no? 
  But yeah, you gonna want to take more shots at me, by all means, go on ahead, I still ain't signin your brothers starter hat.  


- case and point.
- dude is a certified clown.
  reminds me of this security guard at my job. dude is a die hard Laker fan constantly talking about Bron quitting. bring up this game and he says he doesnt remember it
- dont throw stones is the moral of the least not about quitting.
 @ trying to justify Kobe's behavior in that game. that team was mediocre because Kobe handicapped them by hogging the ball since Shaq left trying to do it all on his own. you cant get mad at them for that. they havent had the ball in YEARS and you expect them to just step up now?? so lemme get this straight, so Kobe put up 24 of the teams first half 45 points, and that gives him the right to treat Farmar like his child in front of National Television? got ya chief.
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