CASH !!!! vol. how much have you ever seen ?

i work at a casino and ive been in the main bank / cash room. i've seen millions, literally. don't know exact amounts but the big table had cashwrapped stacks of bills ( 10,000 a wrap i was told ) about five feet high . i was sweating like a pig, i almost fainted .........
I've held 15G's in my hand at once. I wasnt as cool as I thought it would be cause it was all 100's.

I dont know the most I ever saw, but seeing it isnt all its cracked up to be
2 stacks from my refund check..threw it in the bank though...Most ive had in my pocket was prolly like 540,blew it on some Louie's though
I had a lady give me 40,000 in cash once. She brought it out in a big brown paper grocery bag and put it on the kitchen table. We took it to the bank to becounted and then she gave it to me. It was bizarre.
most cash i've had in my hands at one time was i think like $3,000. felt good carrying around my own stack of hundreds.
i worked at a bank too...$250,000 some lady came in trying to cash a check for that amount so we had to order all of that money just to find out that it wasfony.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 204, 0)]Aye... But I've seen a few keys in my lifetime too, So I don't know exactly how much that is...[/color]

This guy..

Anyway i recently held about 16 stacks BEEfore my pops bought his bike.
$1900 student refund check, i never had a job so i aint never seen the amount yall dudes have seen
$21k Been saving since I was in 5th grade, plus with the job I got.. Excellent
As far as checks I've cashed checks for my mom's business up to 500K. As far as cash I've seen one of my cousin's make 10K in 20 minutes.
40k cash, double checking for my moms.

my own money, maybe 20k.

took pictures but they looked wack.
I used to work for Bank of America in their Souther California "Vault". Basically it was an unmarked building where all the armored trucks took thecash to from almost every business and bank in Southern California. We had to count it up and secure it away. As much as $8+ million in cash would passthrough my hands every day. At any given moment our vault held around $100+ million in cash. So I guess the most ive seen is around there. It would literallybe stacks and stacks of money piled up in cages and rolled into the vault and then the vault would be filled of dozens of these cages. I remember this 18 yearold kid that used to work there got caught. He stole about $80,000 in cash over a period of a month. He drove a broke pinto and then one day shows up in abrand new Toyota FJ cruiser. I guess security was monitoring him for a couple weeks. Needless to say he was caught and they found $34,000 in cash under thefront passenger seat.
He was convicted of grand larsony and is now serving 10 years in prison.
about $5k of my own money when flippin kicks used to be very profittable...

$10k of my mom's though...
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