CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

They both weren't all THAT great in the role fallaz. Besides Ruffalo didn't have much to work with anyways. Wait for a solo film to judge.
Well it's not like people look at ruffalo and say damn he looks like more of a scientist than norton. If Norton was in a lab he could fit right in.

Lol, no people don't do that, when they accept the portrayal of a character, they accept characters holistically. That'd be like looking at Andrew Garfield's character in Spider Man and saying, 'damn that's a damn good high school student' :lol:
The hate for Ruffalo is real in here.
I like Ruffalo, a lot actually. I just feel he didn't bring much to the Banner role in Avengers or that he really fits as Banner, it was passable at best. If we're talking his other movies I'd praise dude.

If ppl seriously want to start comparing him to Ed Norton well that's a losing battle.
What does resumes have to do with anything. I don't care if he won best actor at the Oscars twenty yrs running, I just care about who played the better Banner. If you guys disagree with me on that then that's cool, but the resume thing is stupid.
You said Ruffalo > Norton with no real context to it like if you meant only as Banner. It almost seemed like you escalated to say he's a better actor than Norton but apologies if you didn't mean it that way. I just said that's only true if we're talking who's worse at acting. I never said anything about awards. You brought that up.

I'm straight up saying Norton was the better Banner. We had a whole movie to see him as Banner acting, emoting, and the critical things to get a great feel for his Banner. We got maybe a dozen scenes in Avengers where Ruffalo as Banner mostly shared scenes with better actors in Avengers which is a team movie anyway. He was a complimentary piece. Didn't hurt the movie at all but imo he didn't impress. We pretty much went over this in the Avengers thread before and after the movie. It's really not even fair to compare Ruffalo in a team movie to Norton's solo effort.

If y'all want to fine though. It's no surprise that like 7 years later or however long it is ppl still remember Norton's Hulk and prefer it and it's really at the least an even argument compared to Ruffalo's Banner. It's gonna stay that way until Ruffalo gets a solo Hulk movie which seems more and more unlikely with confirmations and rumors for other teams and characters getting movies.

Marvel may still surprise us though, maybe they dedicate an Avengers flick to Hulk, WWH style. Plenty ideas for Hulk solo movies though and they don't seem that interested in doing it. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't want to and basically just want Hulk as the muscle on the team and have a good enough actor play Banner who they don't have to pay much.

Some resume anyway. Just looked up his filmography. Of every movie he's done since 98, I've only liked two. The Hulk and Rounders lol. And I hated his character in Rounders. He was annoying.
Different tastes. I could say at the very least you'd be educated and could at least better express your views on him if you wanted to discuss this in the movie thread. Son has been a beast since Primal Fear. Keep in mind you should be trying to separate if you liked the movie from how good his performance in it was.

I can't even get in to you not liking American History X, 25th Hour, or Fight Club but if you just want to say you don't like Norton and are hating say so now.
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I don't have anything against Norton. I just don't happen to like the movies in his resume. Yea if I came off like I hated him it's because I was just big into defending Ruffalo. He's getting a lot of hate.
I don't have anything against Norton. I just don't happen to like the movies in his resume. Yea if I came off like I hated him it's because I was just big into defending Ruffalo. He's getting a lot of hate.


Primal Fear
The People vs Larry Flynt
American History X
Fight Club
The Score
Red Dragon
25th Hour
The Italian Job
The Illusionist
Pride and Glory
Bourne Legacy

Is a resume you don't enjoy?

**** man. :lol: :lol:
He doesn't have a solo film, thus we're judging off of what we've got. I like how y'all throw the word hate around like that too. It's like the go to "if you don't agree with me then..." Statement .
Yall letting your love for Norton blind you. First of all, Bruce Banner is a scientist. You really buy Norton as a scientist?


..... Really?!

He's better off as that fast talking, low life character he was in Rounders ANYDAY than he is as any credible scientist.

I'm sorry but this is a horrible rebuttal lol
Such a poor argument. I can't even…..
I don't have anything against Norton. I just don't happen to like the movies in his resume. Yea if I came off like I hated him it's because I was just big into defending Ruffalo. He's getting a lot of hate.


Primal Fear
The People vs Larry Flynt
American History X
Fight Club
The Score
Red Dragon
25th Hour
The Italian Job
The Illusionist
Pride and Glory
Bourne Legacy

Is a resume you don't enjoy?

**** man. :lol: :lol:
Hey man that's why I said bring it to the movie thread cuz that's wild :lol:
What would be the point of bringing it into the movie thread? I don't care to discuss any of those movies that's why I'm in here.

That's like asking me to come into a knicks thread and talking about why I don't like the knicks. Does that make sense to you?
Remember Zik, it was you that wanted to make the scope of the argument bigger by bringing up his resume. We could've just kept it to the actors and how they portrayed Banner.
What would be the point of bringing it into the movie thread? I don't care to discuss any of those movies that's why I'm in here.

That's like asking me to come into a knicks thread and talking about why I don't like the knicks. Does that make sense to you?
I just meant if you actually wanted to discuss Ed Norton, we could do it there instead of here but I get it your stance is pretty clear on him so no need to pursue it any further.
Remember Zik, it was you that wanted to make the scope of the argument bigger by bringing up his resume. We could've just kept it to the actors and how they portrayed Banner.
I know. I explained that I broadened the scope cuz of your ____>___ post that didn't have any context. Wasn't clear to me you were saying Ruffalo's Hulk was > Norton's Hulk. That came off more like you were saying Ruffalo is the better actor. Furthermore, your posts really come off as anti-Norton as if he isn't a good actor but you said that's due to you liking Ruffalo's Banner portrayal and all of the Ruffalo hate. I'd still say it seems like more than that but like I just said might as well not pursue it any further if you don't want to.

As for keeping it to how they portrayed Banner I already said that'd be unfair to Ruffalo given Norton got the solo movie. Besides arguments like Norton doesn't come off like a scientist to you and that you only see him as his character in Rounders is a really poor argument anyway.
If the only thing poor about my argument is that you believe that he can buy him as a scientist tthen that's down to a difference in opinion. Just because you disagree doesn't make my argument flawed or poor.
If the only thing poor about my argument is that you believe that he can buy him as a scientist tthen that's down to a difference in opinion. Just because you disagree doesn't make my argument flawed or poor.
That's just a plain terrible argument. It's like you didn't see the movie or ever seen the man act in more than 2 movies. It wreaks more of bias than a legit opinion. Bringing up his role in Rounders doesn't help that it isn't bias either.

I mean seriously you're saying Norton doesn't look like or act like a scientist to you but Ruffalo does. I could easily bring up some bull like Ruffalo only seems like a simp from some romantic comedy I saw him in. The opinion doesn't really come off as sound in the least.
I don't have a bias against Norton. My initial comments were made after some very anti Ruffalo posts. It was a knee jerk reaction on my part.
I'm still hearing 'I disagree with you so that's a terrible argument'
Given the criticism is he doesn't "look like a scientist" followed by a few of these "really?" I'm not surprised that's all you see. It's a really bad criticism you think holds up as an argument. I expected something a bit deeper than that.

You can damn well say that about any actor in any role and dismiss all responses with agree to disagree. It's clear you don't want to actually talk about Norton's role as Banner in any constructive manner so it's cool.
I don't have a bias against Norton. My initial comments were made after some very anti Ruffalo posts. It was a knee jerk reaction on my part.
Like I said you say that but it doesn't come off that way with your criticisms of him.
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Norton made for a better lead in a Hulk movie than I think Ruffalo would. But Norton wouldn't have fit into The Avengers. That's a find the camera, gimme more lines type of dude. His Banner is wrong for what Avengers needed from him, whereas Ruffalo fit right in. It's the approachability and meekness. Norton doesn't have that. Norton has cynical ******* and "I'm smarter than you."

Ruffalo's Banner worked in a yin and yang way with Stark. Norton's would've just been another Stark, but with a green side.
I still don't buy him as a scientist. Maybe if he had been in the Avengers and had been allowed to play off of Stark who is the only other genius on the team then maybe I can change my mind.

In his hulk movie he was mainly on the run and trying not to get captured so it was easy to put the whole Scientist thing by the wayside. In the Avengers they highlighted it a little more. He was brought in not because of the hulk but because he can locate an instrument.

*Questions if you saw Incredible Hulk*
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MrOnegative you are the closest person in this thread to understanding how I feel about the difference between Norton ' s and Ruffalo' s Banner
MrOnegative you are the closest person in this thread to understanding how I feel about the difference between Norton ' s and Ruffalo' s Banner I don't understand what the hell "don't buy him as a scientist" means. Ed Norton almost doesn't know how to hide how much of an intellectual he is in his roles. I think I bought him as a scientist more than I did Ruffalo, who always looks a little baked and homeless.
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Maybe not that part. But the part of where banner isthe yyang and yang of Stark and how Norton's version would be too dominant a personality to be a yang.

There's a difference between an intellectual and being a Scientist. There are many intelligent people portrayed in movies that are not scientists.

You can give Norton all the smart lines you want and he'll just come off as someone who happens to be a genius, but not a scientist.

Perfect example is Matt damon's portrayal of that super genius kid in Good Will Hunting. Intelligence off the charts but he wasn't a scientist. Just someone who happened to be blessed with high iq. He had no scientist traits, but I was able to buy his portrayal of someonewith scientist level iq.
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MrOnegative you are the closest person in this thread to understanding how I feel about the difference between Norton ' s and Ruffalo' s Banner I don't understand what the hell "don't buy him as a scientist" means. Ed Norton almost doesn't know how to hide how much of an intellectual he is in his roles. I think I bought him as a scientist more than I did Ruffalo, who always looks a little baked and homeless.

That twist at the end of Now You See Me :lol:
Maybe not that part. But the part of where banner isthe yyang and yang of Stark and how Norton's version would be too dominant a personality to be a yang.

There's a difference between an intellectual and being a Scientist. There are many intelligent people portrayed in movies that are not scientists.

You can give Norton all the smart lines you want and he'll just come off as someone who happens to be a genius, but not a scientist.
This is getting worse :smh:
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